Try the political quiz

18 Replies



I wouldn’t care as it’s their opinion to disagree and everyone has the rights to deny service for any reason.

 @9H89WWMLiberal Democratanswered…5mos5MO

It's happens. But faith is something you should hold yourself not something you share or force on others.


I would not care, I would simply see them as indoctrinated individuals with a lack of common sense and reason.


It is rather pointless to judge one's individual choice of denomination beyond a constructive, productive and reasonable discussion or debate.


It doesn’t matter what anyone’s beliefs are and if I was judged on that I would be deeply concerned about where that discrimination leads too

 @9H7JXCMLiberal Democratanswered…5mos5MO

As an atheist I'd tell them to **** off and pray to their pretend person in the clouds.

 @9HB8P45Women's Equalityanswered…5mos5MO

I would feel lower than an average citizen and feel targeted due to who I am.


It's happens. But faith is something you should hold yourself not something you share or force on others.


I would not mind as someones opinion of my religion is not valid to describe who i am.


Hatrid all the time people should not be just juded for religious reasons


Nope I’m not religious and have never believed in god he’s not allow us to suffer two world wars or HIV or aids!
warmest regards John s Ballantyne x 😙


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