The Israel-Hamas war is an armed conflict between Israel and Hamas militant groups that has been taking place in and around the Gaza strip since October 7 2023. The conflict started when Hamas militant groups fired rockets and attacked communities and military bases in southern Israel. 1,139 people were killed in the attack including 766 civilians and 373 civilian forces. 250 Israelis were taken hostage by Hamas. On October 27th the Israeli Army launched a large-scale ground incursion into the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza strip. On October 24th 2023 the United Nations…
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It is not our business as it is an ideological war that the British public are not qualified to speak on as we have never experienced what it is like to live there. A war debated over religious lines is not one to get involved in, we would never have accepted Israeli interfere in the debate over the troubles in the 1990s
Hamas must be stopped, Israel needs to reconsider how to avoid civilians as they are being reckless now.
Yes, and call for the immeditate release of hostage (dead or alive), provide aid and a two-state solution
@9N7QHC9Animal Welfare9mos9MO
ABSOLUTELY. We have been advocating for this since the start!! Blame Hamas all you want but their attack was a direct reaction to all the hate and violence and control they have suffered from Israel for YEARS. We would do the same here wouldn’t we? I know people are saying Israel are only ‘fighting back’ but their reaction is FAR exceeding ‘acceptable’ (lack of a better word). Have you not seen the images and videos coming out of Gaza? As a mother my heart is broken. I couldn’t imagine holding my two year old who’s stomach has been blown open, or her… Read more
Its terribly sad isn't it. But Israel have the right to kill all Hamas terrorists, retrieve the hostages (if there are any left alive) and ensure 7/10 doesn't happen again. Its not their fault Hamas embed themselves in civilian populations.
Call for an end to Israel's occupation and oppression of Palestine and the implementation of a secular Palestinian government without influence from religious terrorist groups like Hamas
Yes and then work to set up a Palestinian state and condemn Israel publically for their atrocities as well as reducing their land in the region, and kicking out all of the illegal settlers.
Yes, and Israel should be required to relinquish all territory it has illegally occupied including the Golan Heights.
Only if a plan for resolution is accepted and the requirement for Israel to be exterminated is removed
No, should be calling for a peace resolution to the conflict, immediate ceasefire doesn't solve the problem
Only if Israel are rightly seen as a terrorist state. They are to blame for this, they have NO business having so much power in Palestine- they were allowed to relocate there, what they are doing to Palestinians is akin to what Hitler did to them. Period.
@9P3YQS6 9mos9MO
The problem is with past ceasefires, they have always been broken by Hamas. I support a ceasefire but Hamas will just regroup
Yes but Hamas members need to be held accountable and punished - they are as guilty for ALL deaths, injury and hardship
No, the Palestinians have a right to act against an occupying power
Yes, but not until Hamas releases all Israeli hostages first.
Yes, provided Hamas released 200+ Israeli hostages, promises not to launch another October 7 strike on Israel and holds free-and-fair elections
@9KSXJKFPlaid Cymru12mos12MO
Leave Gazza alone. And don’t attack Rafah (Benitez)
Eliminate Hamas and create Israel into a state where people of all backgrounds freely live like in the current Israel.
@9PLSJVRLiberal Democrat9mos9MO
I think the UK government calling for a ceasefire in Gaza is pointless, as the Israeli government and Hamas will continue fighting regardless
Yes, but with the permanent dismantling of Hamas, arrests and sentencing for all Hamas members involved in October 7th, the removal of ALL settlers from the West Bank, and the establishment of the West Bank as a proper, globally recognised, Palestine state
Isreal needs to be able to defend itself/take proportional response for attacks against them. It is not their fault that Hamas use its citizens as human shields. Isreal has actively worked to prevent loss of life by giving citizens in gaza prewarning and encouraging people to flee as they attempt to crackdown and destroy the strongholds that hammas has, however these sites are purposely hidden in civilian places to act as a cowardly, manipulative propaganda machine against Isreal.
Ceasefire with the release of all hostages and the dismantling of Hamas, and recognition of Palestine under those conditions.
Not permanent until mission complete, but need temporary ceasefires in certain areas and no more airel missiles
A permanent ceasefire is the end goal, however this cannot happen until Hamas is defeated
Yes as long as the holy land is reserved for the Jewish people/state
As the west we have no right to call for any sort of change in any county in the world. This is particularly pertinent in this case as the Jewish people are the original inhabitants of the land in question.
@9PYPCHD 8mos8MO
Yes, but the government should work with Israel and Palestine to retrieve the hostages and remove Hamas from power
Honestly, do not really care. The world is a better place without Islamic terrorists, and history has shown that today's enlightened Westernised Muslims can, at the drop of the smallest thing, be tomorrows jihadic murdering hordes.
No the war in Gaza is nothing to do with us and is wasting taxpayer money that is better spent elsewhere
Yes but only in accordance with ensuring Israel has retains the right to have defended itself and thus is equipped to preserve this protection in future.
@B26KLRQWorkers of Britain2mos2MO
Yes and end the zionist occupation and hold Israel as a terrorist organisation and take accountability for our part in the genocide.
As long as Hamas is still in power, there will never be a permanent peace, nor will a cease-fire last. Hamas breaks it everytime.
No. The Britain is not the world police it is not our problem British government needs to focus on governing Britain. Also constant cease fires do not work they only prolong the wars.
It's not our place to interfere with foreign wars which don't concern us. Nobody from the Middle East cared about the Troubles in Ireland, so why should I care about the Middle East
I think it is an external issue and Israel should be able to remove Hamas but Israel should provide humanitarian aid for innocent civilians.
@9XSXYJY 4mos4MO
As long as Hamas is eliminated and the hostages have the been released, and there is no further risk to innocent civilians.
Britain is the country responsible for the Israel-Palestine conflict due to the colonial mismanagement and contentious borders drawn up after the Sykes-Picot Agreement, and should take direct action in mediating the conflict to restore peace to the region.
I believe the war that is going on in the Middle East is not our business or problem, we should not get involved. Of course I want to see the end to bloodshed but that is down to those most affected, not us.
They should just try and stop fighting and discuss it diplomatically without harming the innocent people on both sides of the war
Indifferent as I don’t believe we should have any involvement in foreign disputes that do not directly effect the safety and security of our country
The government should support a UN mediated ceasefire whereby UN troops are placed around human density areas (schools, hospitals, workplaces). However, UN troops should be given the legal right to engage with Hamas fighters.
Yes, along with a returning of Israeli hostages and political leaders should be tried for war crimes.
@93MNLQ3 8mos8MO
A permanent ceasefire would be perfect, but we cannot possibly begin to understand the century-old complexity of the situation in the UK.
Not unless it's a unilateral ceasefire no. Israel can't be expected to lay down while being constantly attacked
I believe we have no right interfere in other countries current issues unless it directly affects or involves us
There shouldn't be ceasefire in Gaza, however Israel should be held accountable for the deaths of civilians
The conflict has progressed past the idea of a ceasefire being a reasonable solution, and Netanyahu has made it clear that he will not agree to one
It is not a choice our government can make and there are more pressing issues in this country that need the government’s attention.
Hamas will always be a threat to Israel and Israel will continually have terrorists at their borders as long as Hamas and Hezbollah exist.
Yes, but further action should be taken on both sides. Hamas should be wiped out and the current Israeli govt should stand trial for war crimes. A 2 state solution is the only lasting action.
I support he return of the hostages and protection of all civilians regardless of whether this is called a “cease fire” or not
Yes, but I also think they must enforce sanctions on Israel, cease all arms shipments and funding, and arrest the entire Israeli government for War Crimes.
Yes but if it is broken like last time then absolutely no more calling for ceasefire, no exceptions there.
I don't believe our government should have anything to do with Israel/Gaza. It's nothing to do with us.
Hamas should be removed by the IDF. Palestine set up as recognised and legitimised country after by a council of countries.
If it's to stop the war, let both Palestine and Israel live as peacefully as possible, and not allow any more lives to be lost in both countries, then yes.
Only if there is a clear plan to prevent Hamas having any government role in the region, and also a plan to take them out
Help Israel pulverize Hamas along with having Israel and Palestine have a peace deal which will allow them to co-exist.
They can call for it but at the end of the day it’s not our problem. Vocal support is fine just no war
No, but we should monitor for human rights abuses and ensure civilians and infrastructure are not targeted.
The government should pressure both Israel and the Palestinians to reach a ceasefire but acknowledge that it is up to the combatants.
Calling for a ceasefire wont do anything, its completely pointless. If you want to do something, send all the supporters that are comfortable sat at home screaming something needs to be done and attacking people of whom hold an opposite view to them. People who "care" should go over and make an effort to end the war in gaza.
@9P3FWM6 9mos9MO
Yes but only if Palestine receives support it needs and is protected from Israeli oppression but also held accountable themselves.
No it would only collpase back into fighting in about a week
No, I think Israel and Palestine should fight it out until there is only one left standing. Peace will only happen when either Israel or Palestine no longer exists and they have merged into one country.
Depends on the terms. I fully support a ceasefire but it needs to ensure a lasting solution and peace.
If there is to be a ceasefire, both parties need to agree and not break it, innocent civilians are suffering.
No, as it'll make HAMAS believe they can attack Israel as much as they like and get backed up for it, which is morally wrong. However, there should be a final agreement for the war to stop in a way that makes both Israel and HAMAS to fight less if possible (I.e, giving Palestine some of Israel's land)
We should stay out of other countries business. Whatever we do its wrong. Those aggressively protesting either side should be deported to the country they are supporting.
I support a permanent ceasefire, an end to the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, and a free, independent Palestinian state
the government has been in the pocket of Israel and is only changing its stance due to the public not supporting it.
@9LDB6XVLiberal Democrat11mos11MO
No, we should encourage Humanitarian pauses and a two-state solution as this is the only way to long term peace
Yes, dependent on the safe return of hostages and increased aid being allowed into Gaza.
@9L6ST7KLiberal Democrat11mos11MO
Yes, but this is meaningless posturing as the ceasefire has previously been broken by Hamas.
No it isn't our business as both nations have built themselves from when we formed Israel
I'd consult bigger powers and seek some form of intervention.
No; instead, there could be peace between the two warring states
This can only happen if Palestine is not governed by Hamas, Hezbollah or other groups funded by Iran.
I do not have a good enough understanding to answer appropriately but Jewish and Palestinian both have a right to live peacefully.
Israel has the right to defend herself and all acts of terrorism are abhorrent. However, Gaza has been an open air prison for many years and the extent of Israel's retaliation is wrong.
I don't really understand what a ceasefire is and what are the disadvantages, I don't understand why they are killing one another
I support a permanent ceasefire, but only to open peace talks that can pave the way for peace for both sides (ideally, there would no longer be an Israel, or a State of Palestine, but instead a new country wherein citizens of both former countries would be able to work for peace)
We have no right to tell other countries' governments what to do. I don't remember MPs lobbying for us to call for a permanent ceasefire in Ukraine, they are only going hard on this as there are votes at stake and all they care about is self-preservation.
Working toward a sustainable ceasefire that will last rather than an immediate short-term solution that will quickly lead to more conflict.
Yes, however it is not as important as people make it out to be as calling forna ceasefire is very unlikely to make any actual change. Also the war needs to be resolved otherwise it will just be a pause in the war.
Yes, but only if Hamas are outed as leaders of Gaza, hostages are released and Gaza are held accountable for starting this period of fighting due to their disgusting attack on innocent people attending a music festival. The whole situation is terrible.
I would like peace between Israel and Palestine so that both sides can live. The UK should support the removal of Hamas and associated terrorist groups from power.
Hostages should have been returned first. And agreements made re how both nations can live side by side.
No, any ceasefire should automatically call for the return of hostages, dead or alive and the removal of Hamas from power.
Yes, but in what world are they going to listen to us? There has been conflict there for years and years and years.
Yes but on the proviso Hamas disband and Israel hold an election to determine the support for Netanyahu.
Yes, although a ceasefire isn’t enough and we should call for the dismantling of the failed Israeli state.
I do not believe that such a measure would have any impact on the outcome of this conflict. therefore it is a fundamentally pointless and impotent measure.
I support a temporary ceasefire to protect Palestinian civilians but not a permanent ceasefire since we cannot forget the atrocities Hamas committed on October 7 against Israel
Ceasefire will only allow Hamas to rearm so it's pointless without the cessation of funding to Hamas.
No, the government should support Israel in retrieving their hostages and eliminating the terror threat hiding in Gaza. Then there should be a ceasefire.
No, Israel has the right to defend itself, but we need to be stronger in condemning Israel's actions against civilians including by stopping arms sales
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