Try the political quiz

10 Replies


How do you think the spread of 300 nuclear missiles across Europe would affect the daily lives and psychological well-being of its citizens?


It may increase certainty that missiles can be intercepted before they reach people, but it underlies a greater sense of dread at the acknowledgement of a potential increased nuclear threat.


it would cause distress for the citizens and especially the younger ones


I don’t believe there should be so many nuclear weapons drifting around. I don’t think it gives people any good peace of mind knowing what could happen at any point due to decisions that are not ours.


Do you believe the concept of a European 'nuclear shield' makes the continent safer or increases the risk of conflict?


I believe it makes the continent safer as, despite what certain world leaders may say, I believe no nuclear power would try to nuke Europe as they would be well aware of the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction.


Considering the potential escalation with Russia, do you think relying on nuclear weapons for defense is a responsible strategy?


How does the idea of Europe creating its own defense independent of America change your view of global security dynamics?


How would you feel living under a 'nuclear umbrella' knowing there are 300 missiles spread across your continent for protection?