Try the political quiz

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Data should only be collected for research / information that will be valuable to citizens as a whole - but not so that they can be financially exploited.

 @9Q3WL6Ranswered…3 days3D

Data collection and usage regulation is already very strong and generally fit for purpose...but needs to be better enforced


No, let the consumer read the terms of service and judge for themselves if they want to sign away their data.

 @9Q3CF47answered…3 days3D

They should enforce a rule that all websites must have an option for users to "reject all" cookies and "object to all" legitimate interest instead of forcing users to have to choose between accepting consent for potentially 100s of vendors on one single website or individually remove the legitimate interest consent from the potentially 100s of vendors

 @9PY9FCKanswered…6 days6D

Data collection is overall a safe practice but there should be monitoring to make sure companies aren’t tracking a user’s personal spending, physical movements and sensitive identifying information without consent or restrictions.


There should be no business reason to sell data to other companies that lead to unsolicited approach, selling tactics and the like.


Concentrate on enforcing the current regulations and providing clearer and simpler methods for seeing what data is being collected and options for deleting that data.


No because basic PII and PCI is necessary but should be protected as it already is. Some regulation can take place on this. Yes, do restrictwhat kind of data for purpose is held where clear consent is given.

 @9MZFYZY answered…1mo1MO

Collection and use should be easier to understand and readily available for people to make informed choice


Yes, for specific purposes, e.g. regulate selling User data for advertisement etc., but allow companies to monitor their diversity metrics on an anonymised level without further restrictions


Companies who sell data should be required to declare the amount they've collected and pay a special tax.

 @9NJ79RSLiberal Democratanswered…1mo1MO

Stricter regulations won't work but people should be paid a share of incentive that companies make on their data


Yes and the amount of data harvested should be taxed, with the money raised going to the NHS


Don’t trust government to do this properly so don’t think it should be regulated but gov but the individual themself


They should collect some things but nothing relating to health or political views


The government needs to introduce the ICO further into the business climate and clamp down greater on scammers. Regulation on any business handling data would help.


They should keep up to date with the company, to make sure they aren’t doing anything bad with the info.


They should clamp down on cold calling and other uses of personal data that impinges on personal privacy


Gdpr rules and regs are complex and burdensome and they do not stop companies selling and using data inappropriately. Stricter regs are not the answer, but there is potentially more that can be done to penalise companies.


They should also stop websites for collecting cookies, you should opt in to give them and not the other way around.


i believe they should restrict the access to personal data, unless that personal data is in some way harming people around them


Yes, in sorts. Companies should be heavily fined and ordered to compensate victims when it is shown data has been sold illegally onto third parties.


There should be more options and incentives such as monetising opting in for the user. Especially since companies profit from this data.


A more transparent data collection process should be made. Where people are told exactly what data is being taken without having to read the terms of service.

But as long as people are consenting to data collection, we shouldn’t control what companies take. It’s a civil matter, not an issue governments should have to deal with.


Yes - especially US based companies - Federally, they don't have a GDPR equivalent. Also, No UK data should be offshored.


Personal data / intelligence collected should only be lawfully used to improve the experience of consumers and not for any other reason without an explicit opt-in scheme.

 @9J4FPSX answered…1mo1MO

yes and People should have the right to earn money from their own data It's my data.I should get paid for it


Yes, and all current personal information held by those organisations should be collated, distributed to those data subjects, and, if the subject chooses, permanently deleted


Yes but get got of the cookie question on websites, default to necessary only


YES and we should be allowed to sell it ourselves instead of it being sold by the magnificent 7 behind their 'terms and conditions' page!!!


Yes. Data collection is overall a safe practice but there should be monitoring to make sure companies aren’t tracking a user’s personal spending, physical movements and sensitive identifying information without consent or restrictions.

 @9Q684MXanswered…2 days2D

They should impose stricter controls on highlighting what data people are divulging and how it will be used


Again people and companies should be assumed innocent until proven guilty so instead of monitoring everybody do the work and the guilty but make sure it comes with a cost. If they're guilty of anything punish the accordingly.


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