Try the political quiz

15 Replies

 @9Q3NHCXanswered…5 days5D

They need to stop the production of EVs and any other newer technology in cars. Just use normal internal combustion vehicles!!!


I don’t understand the wording, however, my opinion is that self driving cars should not ever become the norm due to the fact driving requires humans to acknowledge other humans and self driving carts means the complications between robots communicating with other robots. The difference between the design, the brand, the technology, the code used, the measurements used will be almost impossible to standardise worldwide nevermind the UK.


Yes, but the bare minimum to ensure safety, with an understanding that the technology could rapidly improve

 @9MSX6RP answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but more research and funding should be made available until they are deemed safe by experts in the industry.



Yes, I believe autonomous vehicles should be completely mandatory in the near future.


Yes, but positively, and also subsidise investment to encourage growth here.


Yes, but only in outlining the standards that each developer would have meet in order to make their vehicles safe for use in public. They should not interfere with innovation, research and development, nor impose burdens.


Some Regulation is needed but the right balance needs to be achieved so as not to stifle innovation.


Yes, only in circumstances where safety and accuracy is guranteed. It would grant freedom to people with disabilities

 @9QNP5FFanswered…1 day1D

it should be tested and regulated every so often with mandatory tested similar to an mot and it should be made mandatory to keep the software up to date to ensure proper safe driving practices

 @9QB92LSanswered…2 days2D

Yes, but in the future as it is not feasible for the average person to adapt in a short period of time.

 @9Q5MMMPanswered…4 days4D

No, We don't need autonomous vehicles, just taking away a job from someone. Imagine all the black cabs in London are now autonomous. No need for drivers.


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