Try the political quiz

7 Replies


How do you balance the need for advocating peace with statements that might be seen as controversial or harmful?


I don’t. Things that are objectively true (a settler colonial state brutalising a captive population) doesn’t get overridden by a proponent of said settler colonial state being upset by having to embrace reality.


How do you feel about advocating for one group's freedom if it might imply denying another group's right to exist?


Palestine existed long before the state of Israel and will continue to exist no matter how much they try to continue with this genocide they're commiting. Adovcating for the right of a people not to be murdered does not deny Israeli citizens their heritage or existent. If the UK and France hadn't gone back on their agreement in WW2 to accept Jewish refugees after the holocaust, we wouldn't be in this mess. If Israel hadn't been continually occupying Palestinian land for nearly 100 years and causing an ethic cleansing so badly that they created a term for it called "Th…  Read more