Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

How would you feel if your preferred political party was predicted to lose by a large margin in an upcoming election?

 @9PT62SCcommented…3 days3D

Devastated, as the present PM hasn't been allowed to prove his worth. He is hav8ng to feal with the fall out of his predecessors and that has not been taken into account. It isn't a fair situation.

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

Should personal beliefs and behaviors, such as gambling, affect a politician's career or how they are viewed by the public?

 @9PT73MLanswered…3 days3D

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…3 days3D

Mel Stride’s media prominence reveals a Conservative campaign in dire straits…

Mel Stride has emerged, entirely by accident, as the Conservatives’ canary in the coal mine — chirping hopelessly as the party at large comes to terms with its electoral toxicity.

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

Do you think politicians should openly admit their party's weaknesses, or should they always show confidence in public?