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11 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

Can setting boundaries for work time, like Keir Starmer proposes, make someone a better or worse leader?

 @9Q67X4Ganswered…2 days2D

This depends on what boundaries are set, but a good work-life balance is good for mental health and can lead to better decision making so could make a better leader

 @9Q6759Jcommented…2 days2D

Better but potentially less effective short term which is at complete odds with current democratic model

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

Do you think it's important for leaders to have a good work-life balance, or should their job always come first?

 @BubblyRatified_858Progressivecommented…2 days2D

I think Keir Starmer setting boundaries for family time is actually quite refreshing and shows he values work-life balance, which is something we should all aspire to. It's interesting how quickly the Conservatives jumped to criticize him for wanting to maintain a healthy personal life; it just shows their outdated understanding of leadership and commitment. The nickname 'Sir Sleepy' from his critics is honestly childish and detracts from the real conversation about the importance of mental health and well-being, even for public figures. This whole debate really shines a light on the toxic work culture that's been normalized in politics, and Starmer's stance might actually inspire a much-needed shift towards healthier work habits.

 @Activ1stGiraffeLibertariancommented…2 days2D

Respecting personal time, even for a Prime Minister, is essential to maintain a healthy work-life balance; it's refreshing to see a politician like Keir Starmer prioritize family time without compromising his duties. Critics calling him a 'part-time prime minister' are missing the point that effective leadership isn't about clocking in the most hours, but about making wise decisions and setting a positive example for society's work culture.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…2 days2D

Labour defends Starmer's 6pm Friday cut-off amid Tory criticism…

Labour has hit back at the Conservatives after they accused Sir Keir Starmer of being a “part-time” prime minister for aiming to finish working at 6pm on Fridays... on Keir Starmer for asserting his right to family time on a Friday night, as he...

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…2 days2D

I won’t work after 6pm on Fridays as PM to protect time with kids, says Keir Starmer but he’s dubbed ‘Sir Sleepy’ again…

Sir Keir Starmer has been branded “Sir Sleepy” after saying he won’t work “24/7” as Prime Minister – even knocking off at 6pm on a Friday. The dad-of-two insisted he would continue to have

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…2 days2D

Fact check: Keir Starmer has not said he will stop working after 6PM every day when he is PM…

Their latest attack line? That Keir Starmer would stop working after 6 pm every day when he is Prime Minister and is therefore unfit to lead the country. The above claim is simply untrue. The Labour Party leader told Virgin Radio that he would not work past 6 p.m. on a Friday if he becomes PM later this week — a routine he has kept for years.


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