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63 Replies

 @9LPHX5Qanswered…3 days3D

That and also offer incentives for high-footprint businesses ( eg oil companies ) to transition to become green.

 @9LP4YWZanswered…4 days4D

I dont see why uk shoukd be so strict when round the world Germany China etc and polluting like mad, we are so small in comparison

 @9JX79N7from Virginia answered…2mos2MO

I believe that both more policy enforcement and incentives are due, however, I am unsure of the current extent/effectiveness of current U.K. policies, and this factor's proportion in relation to emissions/dangers to the environment. What I can say is this: I believe incentive is key for getting genuine circumstance correction on the end of large institutions, and reward is necessary.


Dependent on the economy and its viability. It’s not a black and white answer HOWEVER ideally the best way to reduce carbon emissions is to incentivise not force


Concentrate on poverty and financial division in uk and start listening to women. Then stop the wars.


Yes, but businesses also need to create their own regulations and commitments to reduce carbon emissions


I believe it is a natural occurrence, though we do contribute to causing problems around the world through stuff like pollution, which should be regulated. How much we contribute, in terms of carbon emissions, is something I'd have to look more into.


It depends because if you reduce the amount of Carbon dioxide then plants will produce less oxygen and then carbon dioxide would be a limiting factor to plants.


Ban single use plastics and let the markets resolve the issue. Stop allowing carbon offsetting. Add a carbon tax and lower income tax.


Nationalise the energy sector and make energy production greener instead so businesses already use green energy.


No, instead provide incentives. Additionally, set up a limit on carbon emissions in which companies can sell their excess carbon allowance to other companies.


Carbon emissions are important and business actors must know that environmental welfare is important. However, the economy should not be hampered by burdensome regulations.


Potentially that would be damaging, certainly when the bulk of carbon emissions eminate from manufacturing plants, and the large majority of British businesses are not in the manufacturing industry.


No. The government should focus on encouraging other countries such as China to lower there emissions rather than putting more pressure on businesses already struggling to survive especially as global warming is something unpredictable, natural and many scientists and individuals have made wildly incorrect or inaccurate predictions on before anyway


Somewhat, both as i don't agree fully regulations on carbon emission but we should respect the plant and find the best alternative for the plant.


Yes, but this should be done gradually and with the awareness that this cannot be immediately changed


I believe they should stop making wasteful materials which isn’t good for the planet but i don’t believe that the government should control companies


 @98QC4TDLiberal Democratanswered…1yr1Y

they should only do it if they also increase environmental regulations to what they do themselves


I don't really care but I think that if we do go Eco-Friendly then the government will want this. It is bound to happen.


Yes, and give busineses benefits and slightly lowered tax if they are clean and use renewable resources to encourage more environmentally friendly businesses.



We should hire Welwyn out scientists to experts to ensure warming to find out if the science and the data is actually saying the truth



we need to regulate carbon emissions and put the infrastructure in place for green renewable net zero carbon based energy


Yes, but only for larger companies that exceed a certain profit margin


No, instead modify and streamline existing regulations to increase the simplicity and effectiveness of the regulatory system that the businesses must comply with, with a focus on a system that achieves the outcomes of reducing carbon emissions is the least onerous way possible.


Tax incentives on green energy instead on regulation against carbon. But it still being enforced and ruled out with more regulations on carbon to show buissness is heading



I believe global warming is real, but environmentalism has turned to extremism

 @97YNS3FLiberal Democratanswered…1yr1Y

No electric cars are made of lithium batteries and aren’t much better


There should be some environmental regulations but not to the point where it hurts owners income with workers that rely on it


Increase environmental regulations whilst changing the shift for renewable energy source



Sim, mas procurando meios que menos prejudicam a geração de empregos no país.


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