The inheritance tax is a tax on money and possessions you pass on when you die. A certain amount can be passed on tax-free, which is called the "tax-free allowance" or "nil rate band". The current tax-free allowance is £325,000 which has not changed since 2011 and is fixed at that rate until at least 2017. The inheritance tax is an emotionally charged issue as it comes up during a time of loss and mourning.
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No, and it should be 100%
@8DSMZK2Liberal Democrat5yrs5Y
Only keep it for the very rich
No, but increase the tax-free allowance and reform so the tax rate is based on the wealth of the recipient rather than the deceased
No, but they should reform the tax, to make it easier to inherit in low to middle middle-class families.
Yes, it's double taxation, but only after the tax system is reformed to remove loopholes so you can guarantee tax has been correctly and fairly paid in the first place.
The tax free allowance should be increased, and the tax should be applied to the received inheritance per inheritor, not to the estate as a whole.
@9J3L3H2Conservative 1yr1Y
Yes, but only if it is more than two years after the end of the current cost of living crisis (inflation brought below 2% and the economy growing by 5%)
No it is a tax that is good for the economy. This is because if someone inherits a large sum of money they will be less incentivized to work but if that money is taxed they will be more incentivized to contribute to the economy
Yes, the person you inherit off has payed tax on that money already. They have worked hard, paid their tax and left their wealth to the beneficiaries of their choice. The beneficiary should not have to pay tax again
100% inheritance tax so that money is released back into the economy for every generation instead of hoarded wealth.
Disallow inheritance above a small amount. Inherited wealth is very bad for society.
Increase the rate of inheritance tax so that the individual is wealthy on their own merits not their ancestors.
No, Inheritance, is one of the main causes of inequality. Inheritance should be taxed more than any other form of wealth
It depends on the amount. Poor and middle class people shouldn't have to pay taxes on their inheritance. Rich people should keep paying taxes. If we would abolish the inheritance tax, rich people would get richer and this would increase the social and economical fracture between the poor/middle classes and the rich class.
No, they should have a max cap on inheritance. If the money above the cap isn’t spent, it should go back into the country’s education and healthcare sectors.
No, implement a 100% inheritance tax to eradicate generational wealth and get money into circulation to bolster the economy
No. Maintain the current non-taxable amount and ensure that we are only taxing on any amounts above that. Say the value of the estate is £400k, we only tax on 75k
No, but make less loopholes for generational wealth in trusts etc. and don't punish unmarried people.
It is absolutely outrageous that we are being charged money to access our own family heritage. It's unfair and completely unjustified.
Absolutely, we pay tax all our working career then pay tax on our pension withdrawals as well as taxed when we purchase goods fuel etc therefore any wealth or inheritance should be passed on freely as a bonus to our own
Absolutely not!! Nobody should be become rich without contributing to society. Inheritance tax should be steeply graduated once it goes above a certain level
Establish inheritance tax at 100% and redistribute all assets equally.
Why when you inherit should you pay tax on the money someone already paid tax on so they could leave something of benefit to family and friends for their future.
Yes, all tax should be abolished.
Higher the thresh hold. Make it 2 million
@9PWDD5L 9mos9MO
No but it should be reduced drastically as parents are taxed throughout their lives, the recipient must not lose the benefits of inheritance due to their parent passing away
No. Inherited wealth is a major driver of inequality. Inheritance tax should be increased and loopholes removed.
No. The loop holes around trusts also need to be reformed to stop the generational passing of huge swathes of wealth.
If tax on the money etc. has already been paid by the deceased, then tax should not be paid again by the recipient.
No, and increase it to 100% over a low cap to allow for personal effects. Also crack down on loopholes.
No, but increase the tax-free allowance to £1,000,000 and decrease the tax rate to 20% of any balance over the the allowance
There should be a long-term aim to abolish IHT, with an immediate aim to raise the threshold to £1,500,000 per person over the lifetime of the new parliament.
There should be a 100% inheritance tax, why should the rich be allowed to hoard generational wealth while the rest of us suffer an ever widening wealth gap.
Yes, but replace it with a Lifetime Receipts Tax (LRT)
Yes, and replace it with a Lifetime Receipts Tax (LRT)
Yes, inheritance is completely legitimate as i came from family or close people
Yes, along with "inheritance" as a whole. Rather, inheritance should go into a trust fund, which would subsequently replace their need for any state welfare.
Yes, it is immoral to tax money from people who are in mourning
see my view on what people shluld be able to do with their own money
Yes, but introduce a wealth tax instead.
podatek spadkowy w pierwszej lini pokrewienstwa powinien byc zniesiony w ogole, tak by rodzice w pelni mogli przekazac dorobek swojego zycia dzieciom
What is an inheritance tax
No, but make avoidance more difficult so that the super rich don't get away with paying none with clever accounting
No but significantly increase personal tax free allowance ie £300,000 per person. Do not punish someone for saving and working hard.
Yes but it should also abolish capital gains tax on inheritance. People work all their lives to obtain these assets paying sdlt and income taxes. Why should this be taxed again.
No increase it to make all inheretance equal
No, but Aristocrats should be exempt
No, out should be increased to 100%
No, Increase inheritance tax
Replace with an estate tax
Yes, and spend the money on the poor
There should be a set maximum amount of inheritance, e.g. £500,000, and anything above that goes to the government. This amount should not be taxed.
Yes, and increase the tax-free allowance.
No but raise the threshold to £1 million
Only above sums of 100,000
@8R86BFBLiberal Democrat4yrs4Y
yes for people who aren’t inheariting a lot
Yes get rid of it,the government needs that tax just to pay for lazy bottoms on the welfare benefit system.
No, reform it based on both the amount to be inherited and the wealth of the recipient.
Yes, crack down on tax evasion and tax loopholes instead.
Yes, the money and possessions are ownership, savings and hard earn't to be passed down to next of kin. The government should have no right to try and claim any of that in tax or otherwise.
No. But it needs reform & shouldnt have to be paid upfront
No, and add an inheritance cap.
It depends on the amount you inherit
Yes, I would instead gain income tax from any gains from transfers of property received as inheritance or gifts and I’d cap income tax at 20%.
No, and impose a limit on the amount a single person can inherit but pay towards funerals
Its the most important tax to preserve capitalism from a return of feudalism. It should be enforced zealously
Inheritance is a legitimate form of wealth and should not be affected
Yes for inheritance £250,00 or below.
Yes, and replace it with a Lifetime Receipts Tax (LRT) on assets valued at £2 million or more
Yes, and replace it with a Lifetime Receipts Tax (LFT)
@9CJHNNWLiberal Democrat2yrs2Y
No, raise the threshold to £1 million and then raise the rate to 75% above the threshold
Allowances and exemptions should be massively higher
No - increase the tax free allowance and increase the rate above that threshold
No, but lower it to a reasonable amount
Should be lowered to 30%
No, but the inheritance tax should not be applied to savings or trusts that were taxed upon the depositing of the funds they contain.
Yes, and replace it with a lifetime receipts tax
No but allow money given to national charities to be excluded
No, but it should be decreased.
Free allowance and not income support as well is so the worth of tax Dexter with more decrease no longer enquiries
Yes, treat the money received as taxable income instead.
inheritance tax should be increase who receive over 60 000 for those who receive below 60 000 should shouldn't be taxed
For secon/third homes etc and/or raising cap
No, gradually abolish inheritance.
Abolish the government, currency and market economy
No, the tax-free allowance should be lowered as it is currently far too high.
Lower the inheritance tax rate
Make it progressive again. Instead of a flat 40% what about 30% for the first £1,000,000 and then 50% for above this figure? Do not make it based upon recipient's wealth as this would increase tax avoidance.
Yes, and it should be increased
Yes, except for the highest bracket, which should be increased
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