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I believe that it is not the state's responsibility to supply free food to people who are not in immediate need.


Money spent on meals if every child has a free meal is restricted to an amount which significantly reduces the options of nutritional quality meals. Make it free for those who are on lower incomes. Those with higher incomes can fund the meals themselves so that there is a higher budget spend on those that really need it

 @9LS7VYJ agreed…2 days2D

Free school meals is another way of increasing taxes as the government would be losing millions of pounds a year to contract out food services and having to offer free food in school. You can argue with my imperative writing because my information is correct.

 @9LQWXQHConservativedisagreed…3 days3D

I think kids deserve to have free school meals because it creates less stress for parents who cant afford it


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