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Yes, but only under exceptional circumstances, only for repeat offenders and it should be a shorter period of time e.g. six-eight weeks


Yes but in any government agency like the NHS, Highways and with a greater focus on education and skill development and mandatory only for young offenders and those who do not pursue further education or employment.


Yes, for both young offenders, and those who do not pursue further education or employment.


Yes, but only for those who do not pursue further education or employment or military service. National service should not involve military involvement.


No because the government drags us into unnecessary issues and don't sufficiently support the population so to expect service is deluded


Yes, only if national service is for a retail position more than a military position


Only for the purposes of training and education, not for active duty over seas. This includes military training and key skills and driving tests. However they should not be placed sent over seas to fight as that is a role that should be chosen not forced


National service should be for retail and not for army, that way there would be less people antagonise minimum wage workers



Yes but exclusively for projects that advance green solutions to climate and biodiversity crises


Yes - But this should be a year of either military or health & social care service i.e in the NHS or social care


Yes, for young offenders & school leavers who do not have a work or higher education placement lined up for the following September.


Yes for young offenders and those with no employment or further education.




Reinstate, but not enforce where suitable opportunities are on offer to individuals. Less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development. Monitored carefully to ensure wellbeing and no bullying.


Yes, but also if your a immigrant you should automatically be put into national service, for every year in national services rewards 6 months safety in the country.

 @9KWJX9T answered…1mo1MO

No, but a form of national service with military, social, cultural, educational options should be offered


I do in principle agree with national service but not to the point someone is bullied into becoming someone they are not. I think it would be a good opportunity for those not working if suitable


Yes, all able citizens should perform national service as a condition of citizenship, but allow those who wish to complete their service in the paramedics/NHS, fire/rescue services and civil defense organizations, provided necessary armed forces active and reserve manpower levels are met.

 @9JBZT7NGreen answered…3mos3MO

I would not be opposed to a national civil service proposition, to allow all young people experience in government, and a reference. It should be paid, and not interrupt education, so only full time if they wish.


A skills and education development based military programme for young people building up a criminal record


Yes for young offenders with a number of offences, this service would focus on education, skill development and discipline


Yes, but it should be an opt out policy. Meaning that those who need it without signing up for 3 years in the military can do so.


Instate it so both men and women have equal. Have it be an alternate option for repeat youth offenders.


Yes, especially for young offenders and those who don't pursue further education, and those who wish to do so who don't pursue further education can have more focus applied to skill development. Those who do more national service via extension or specialised rank, job and position should be rewarded.


Yes, for those who do not have employment or go into further education, but it should include fire service, police, and NHS


Yes, but not in the military. Service should be carried out in support of the NHS.

 @9DT5Y7Vfrom Guam answered…8mos8MO

Yes, but only if geopolitical tensions freeze to a dangerous point, and also start from 4-6 months before increasing the time if necessary.


Yes, but citizens should be able to choose between military service and essential public sector jobs.


Yes, but only for young offenders, and with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development.


Yes but only if there is a shortage of manpower in the military or times of national crisis


The national service should not be military but instead on given customer facing roles - e.g., retail and hospitality.


It should not be mandatory but you should not be able to vote or hold public office without having done national service.
It need not be mandatory military service but you should have to take responsibility for a task of national benefit for a period of time and you should have to risk life and limb at some point. Those who have never held serious responsibility before do not grasp the enormous responsibility of voting. You should have to risk life/limb for it because something that isn't earned is not respected, and the price for such an immense responsibility as voting (exerting force over the rest of society) MUST be high.


Yes, make a 2-year military service mandatory for everyone, to be completed before age 28. Arrest those who refuse for 3-years


'Service' should be paid and voluntary but heavily encouraged, it should involve frequent military training for all able bodied adults who agree to participate, rather than actually serving in theater.


No, not exclusively military. I support national service in a broader sense to include the emergency services, NHS and other 'challenging' careers in nationalised industries.


Not mandatory, but make it a viable option for those who are yet to discover a life path, to enhance and learn new life skills.


Allow Low Level Convicted Criminals the choice to serve in the military instead of a prison sentence


Yes, but only for those not pursuing work with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development

 @9BD4FKLPeople Before Profitanswered…1yr1Y

To take on roles in the service industries, nhs and other low paid highly needed jobs that deserve more respect

 @962KL2Y from GU answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but only for domestic duty, foreign duty should remain voluntary



Yes and the national service should include service to the community.


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