National military service in the UK was abolished in 1960. Recently, parliament has proposed the idea of a new modern form of national service that would make it mandatory for 18-26 year olds to participate in military or charitable service for a period of one year.
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If you force someone to do service that could be more of a liability instead they should focus on incentivise people to do national service rather enforcing it will be better for everyone
@B2WS4VNWomen's Equality 4wks4W
Incentives should only be given to young people that want to better themselves in education. Those that are a constant drain on resources in schools etc, and are constant trouble makers, should have an immediate National Service enforcement upon them.
Yes, For strong, young refugees.
Yes, but only under exceptional circumstances, only for repeat offenders and it should be a shorter period of time e.g. six-eight weeks
Yes everyone should, it's a great skill-building opportunity to work on strength, loyalty, intelligence, strategy, resilience, discipline and community. Young offenders and people who do not intend to pursue further education or employment should have to spend longer there (how long the young offenders stay there depends on their offences).
Yes, but a model similar to swiden where ages between sixteen and sixteen to complete either military or civilian service in the armed forces or emergency services
@B2WS4VNWomen's Equality 4wks4W
I strongly believe that National Service should be enforced upon regular trouble makers. The youth of today have no discipline enforcement what so ever. And to think the homeless man, struggling to keep warm in your town centre was a soldier that
Fought for this country. If a child shows willingness to escalate in education then give them and there families the monetary funds needed to help them thrive. If a child shows no signs of wanting to better themselves in education and is a constant drain on resources and man power in schools, then National Service should be an immediate lawful enforcement.
I believe a lot of people could benefit from the structure and discipline learnt from military service, and I believe military service should be discussed more frequently as an option in schools and employment centres
Yes, but not for those who are embarking on reputable higher education courses that go into a valued profession e.g. doctor, nurse, teacher, dentist, vet etc. additionally I think this service should be more skills based and less military focused.
only for those who do not pursue further education or employment and instead focus more on the terms of education and skills development and less on mandatory service
This will take away lots of freedom. We live in a democracy. We have nato. Why would we need to go to war. Trust me whoever’s taking in this form. Even a twelve year old believes that we don’t need to go to war.
It depends on the nature of the service. Environmental safeguarding woukd be an example of an acceptable type of service.
Yes, for everyone, and for all offenders under the age of 40 with no disabilities. However, if the service involves any military training, then all of the previous rules should apply but only for men
It might be a good idea, accepting that the world is now very volatile and I worry for everyone’s future safety all around the world and their chance to live a peaceful and fulfilling life. It might make more people think about life outside their ‘bubble’.
I agree with chairitable service and of military training for the purpose of teaching important skills and teaching discipline, resilience, self-sufficiency, teamwork and self-respect etc but not mandatory active service that potentially puts their lives at risk, such as participating in fighting in a war - that should be a choice, not mandatory.
I think community service, such as spending time with older people and communities that are not like their own.
Yes, only for young offenders, and with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development
Yes regardless of religion and only for those that don’t pursue further education or apprenticeships
No, but it should be an option, with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development
Yes, but not limited to military service, it should also include options for public sector and civil service roles.
Maybe, in the right context this could be powerful and return a bit of respect, order and thought into future prospects and contributions
A strongly encouraged non-military paid work experience in a field of interest to help with future employment would be a good start.
I support Rory Stewart's stance that it should be about skill development and creating a reserve force, but it should not come at the expense of underfunding the armed forces further
Yes, but there should be an option for the service to be related to medical service support, fire service support, social care support, public property maintenance support etc and that choice should belong exclusively to the individual. (Similar to the Austria system).
Yes, subject to a guarantee that voluntary participation will always be considered favourably in relation to future career development
Yes, including Military, Emergency Services, Waste Processing and Farming. It should also be used as an alternative to further or Higher education.
Yes, but open this up to other avenues like the police, NHS, fire service, social care, as well as the military
@9N96GPQLiberal Democrat9mos9MO
Yes but only for young offenders and those that do not pursue further education or employment, and the focus should not be military
Yes but more focus on community and volunteering as well as education and skill development although I believe we should be teaching discipline. Think along the lines of the existing Cadet forces.
@9N3Z7RH 9mos9MO
No necessarily mandatory but for young offenders, those who aren't doing anything and with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skills development
Yes, but citizens should be able to choose between military service and essential public sector jobs.
Yes, but only for young offenders, and with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development.
To take on roles in the service industries, nhs and other low paid highly needed jobs that deserve more respect
No but repeat young offenders should go to strict military discipline schools that will teach teamwork and skills
It should be voluntary to perform national service however schools should be incentivised to provide summer classes after exam years (Year 11 and 13) which are OPTIONAL that develop education and skills of people.
Yes, but not exclusively military service. It should be required to either perform military training/service or work in a public sector job for at least one year
All sorts of public services should be included so people should have a choice but obligatory for those not in employment or further education
Yes. I’d also open it up to all citizens and allow them to keep their job and get paid while they’re off so they can give back and learn new skills. Like jury service.
Yes, but with automatic opt out for military deployment and primarily focussed on civil training and goals where the market falls short (NHS personnel, government construction and local service provision)
No, but offer more avenues for people of all ages to get involved in voluntary work for charities within their community
Yes but with exceptions (e.g. people in education, employed in public sector industries like education, healthcare...) and covering more than military service.
This would be a good way to instil culture, discipline and reduce tax burden due to this cheaper labour. This should be optional but tied to the right to vote. Service guarantees citizenship.
It should be option with less of a focus on military based activity. And, should not be required for those in further education or employment, without worthy incentive e.g. discounted tuition fees, bonuses.
Yes, but there it must be a paid option instead of obligation. No military service, all community related. All progress should be promoted on CVs.
No - but more options should be available for those who want to take a break from school and/or employment and it should be encouraged for the post GCSE summer students (e.g. NCS scheme).
No, but we should require 18 year olds to volunteer in a public service sector (police, fire, ambulance) or charity sector.
i don’t think it should be mandatory, i think those who do not have a direct career path at least 4 years after finishing full time education should be provided with the option to enlist
The National Service should be Concentrating on good citizenship, responsibilities, obligations and appropriate behaviour
I believe it should be mandatory for certain people - young offenders and anyone on the brink of this. Strongly encouraged for anyone else so doesn't pursue further education or employment and more of a focus on education and skill development.
I think for young offenders and for anyone that is out of what through there own choice, those claiming benefits who are fit to work
@9P4LMDJLiberal Democrat9mos9MO
The armed forces would struggle to deal with big influx of unwilling recruits at the moment, nut it should be an option giving rising geopolitical tensions.
No but potentially mandatory service to those convicted of low grade crimes as a way of community service
No, but encourage people of all ages and abilities to volunteer and help in their local communities with incentives for doing so.
Yes, but teach the youth trades to build properties that will be specifically available for them and other young people/first time buyers.
Yes, if the proposed idea comes to fruition and people can choose what they want to do. Otherwise, no they shouldn’t.
@9NRBFWHLiberal Democrat9mos9MO
Should be an option to all with additional encouragement to those who have a criminal background or who are not in employment or further education.
For those who don't carry on with FT education or employment, but it shouldn't be just military service. It could be compulsory community serv
Yes, It could maybe also be expanded to use as a stronger deterrent for bad behaviour/discipline, particularly military service.
Reinstate the home guard & make this an option. Ensure diversity of roles in national service so that engineering and such like can be pursued
Yes, but not mandatory unless; young offender or those who do not pursue further education and with more focus on education and skill development
Yes for those who commit crimes, do not pursue higher education or do not have meaningful employment
Yes, with the increasing belligerence of Russia and other actors, we should prepare for the possibility of conflict.
Yes, but non-military; more useful jobs like in the NHS or customer service would teach young people responsibility and life skills
Yes, for this refusing to seek gainful employment, offenders and focus on self improvement as well as military values
No, a volunteer military is going to possess higher morale and skill than that of a conscripted force, however in times of war where the nation is under the threat of attack - it should be reinstated.
Reinstate, but not enforce where suitable opportunities are on offer to individuals. Less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development. Monitored carefully to ensure wellbeing and no bullying.
Yes, but also if your a immigrant you should automatically be put into national service, for every year in national services rewards 6 months safety in the country.
@9KWJX9T 12mos12MO
No, but a form of national service with military, social, cultural, educational options should be offered
I do in principle agree with national service but not to the point someone is bullied into becoming someone they are not. I think it would be a good opportunity for those not working if suitable
Yes, all able citizens should perform national service as a condition of citizenship, but allow those who wish to complete their service in the paramedics/NHS, fire/rescue services and civil defense organizations, provided necessary armed forces active and reserve manpower levels are met.
I would not be opposed to a national civil service proposition, to allow all young people experience in government, and a reference. It should be paid, and not interrupt education, so only full time if they wish.
A skills and education development based military programme for young people building up a criminal record
Yes for young offenders with a number of offences, this service would focus on education, skill development and discipline
Yes, but it should be an opt out policy. Meaning that those who need it without signing up for 3 years in the military can do so.
Instate it so both men and women have equal. Have it be an alternate option for repeat youth offenders.
Yes, especially for young offenders and those who don't pursue further education, and those who wish to do so who don't pursue further education can have more focus applied to skill development. Those who do more national service via extension or specialised rank, job and position should be rewarded.
Yes, for those who do not have employment or go into further education, but it should include fire service, police, and NHS
Yes, but not in the military. Service should be carried out in support of the NHS.
Yes, but only if geopolitical tensions freeze to a dangerous point, and also start from 4-6 months before increasing the time if necessary.
Not military action at all just basic skills of wish OR choose voluntary work BUT alongside education OR vocational college OR straight into workplace OR if neurodivergent/ ptsd/mental health issues then support to get them into society or educating online where feel calmer
yes, for those that are able to work but choose not too and claim benefits There should be less focus on military training and more focus on education life and skills development
Yes, but should be entirely around supporting your local communities, by working with charities, the NHS, civil service, firefighters or RNLI. Not with the military
Yes, there should be a 3 option approach. Military service, civl/health service or pay a significant amount to get out of it.
There are already voluntary schemes for young people like the Duke of Edinburgh awards, and national citizenship courses for 16 year olds. Other organisations such as scouts and guides also encourage volunteering in the community and overseas
Those who carry knives and commit crimes and young prisoners should do national service. Not youngsters who study hard and have work ethic and are not criminals.
Yes, a short period of military or civil service should be a mandatory requirement to obtain full citizenship.
Yes, but not for the armed forces, instead national service should focus on overseas aid to less developed nations.
@9NV87FD 9mos9MO
No, not at the moment, and not until built up the 'normal' military back to an appropriate level for the time we're living in, and not until we've had a serious national conversation about how defend our country in the current climate.
Depends how long for. Maybe 1 year but the choice of military training, education or skills development (or a mix)
@9LVFJH4 10mos10MO
People who are on a government pay scheme etc universal should he given the option to join the military or it will be taken away until unless they find a job but people with an illness are exepmt and cab jeep universal credit
Yes but in any government agency like the NHS, Highways and with a greater focus on education and skill development and mandatory only for young offenders and those who do not pursue further education or employment.
We should bring back the farther in the home.
Yes except for those with disabilities or mental health problems
Yes, but only to join reserve forces.
Service should be an option instead of an obligation and the focus should be on education and skill development, not military training.
Yes, but allow it to be done part-time while pursuing higher education or further employment
Yes but only for those not in full employment or education and the choice of focus can be on charity, military, education or other social beneficial avenues
Yes, but only for training
@8Y7VGPHPlaid Cymru3yrs3Y
No, the military should be dismantled
No, but suggested with less focus on military training and more focus on education and skill development, for criminal backgrounds or don’t go school
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