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Yes, these donations would happen whether legal or not therefore it is better to have them announced and documented for public awareness. But place a cap on the amount they can donate.


Depends what cause it’s going to like of course if it’s for hospitals and nhs but maybe not like things that aren’t worth it.


The should be limit to what is donated sand procedures to document these donations to avoid bribery in the future


Heavy limitations, though unions I perceive as the most trustworthy as they are directedly related to the general public.


no, but allow donations from unions and non-profits but have a cap and a limit of donations for a specific time period


Yes with reason and set limits for each reason and someone reviewing it before it goes to the party so it cannot be used for bribery

 @9QRXPSKWomen's Equalityanswered…5mos5MO

No but allow donations from universal good systems like unions. No. Profits should not need to donate

 @9QQZRZFLiberal Democratanswered…5mos5MO

Yes but there should be a public register of all donations and a maximum cap on how much can be donated.


Unions and non profits should be allowed to as long as they are internally democratic - corporations should not be able to.


All donations over the value of £50 should have the name of an individual who authorised it made available for scrutiny


No, bit allow limited donations from unions and non-profits, as otherwise these types of donations just turn into bribes


Yes, but only to be used towards supporting the charity for example emergency aid and medical attention in war zones - this should be reported transparently and publicly


They should be the only form of income for political parties. Why are the taxpayers financing parties they do not like?


под великим коммунистическим идеалом. должна быть только одна партия, служащая пролетариату, и не допускается никакое капиталистическое влияние, даже пожертвования организаций.


all parties should have an equal set budget for which they are allowed to use for things such as marketing


Political parties are an unfortunate consequence of democracy. The FPTP system reinforces the two-party hegemony, which is essentially a choice between the corporation-funded party and the union-funded party. Now the important issue is that donations and funding are secondary to popular opinion, and popular opinion is overwhelmingly determined by the media, which is owned by the corporation-funders. Without a convincing radical alternative, accept the null hypothesis/status quo.


Yes, if all donations are made public and would not allow other donations if it is a conflict of interest

 @9Q8SS3GWomen's Equalityanswered…5mos5MO

No because then the rich fund the Conservative Party and the Conservative Party only care about helping the rich


Yes, but it should be a matter of public record and fully transparent to allow voters to decide whether they think it influences policy.


Yes but publishing a false manifesto or not adhering to should be punishable as an act of misleading the public and considered fraudulent


Companies should have to declare on their packaging and website who and how much they have donated as should their directors on company paged

 @9PH7NF3Liberal Democratanswered…6mos6MO

No, Donations should be made to a central fund and shared out between all parties at a rate that is determined by the size of the parties membership


Yes, but this should be heavily regulated, limited, and all donations (direct or indirect) must be publicly disclosed by both the party and the donator.


Yes, as long as the money is strictly for campaign use and gets audited and monitored by a non biased regulator, that has no other powers other than enforcing proper use of money and members are not part of any party or other government entity


No, and political campaigns should require very little funding whatsoever. It is a waste of time and money to tour the country and pour so much money into adverts and merchandising. Political campaigns should be very simple and just involve presenting the information in easily accessible language in easily accessible places (gov website, libraries, etc). It should not be a personality contest.


No, All donations should go into a central pot and then be divided up evenly over all candidates running for a position. Backed up strict enforcement on spending controls, this would open up politics to people with genuinely good ideas.


only corporations - unions should be non partisan and should only care about the workers they represent. Non-profits should focus on their goals not go into politics.


Only where these donations are published and clear. These should also be any access this buys reported and recorded


Yes so long as they do not have any benefits or preferences applied to or from them as either a direct or indirect result.


Yes but all donations should be clearly and publicly disclosed up to the level of the ultimate beneficial owner to ensure it is clear where the money has come from.


Yes, but these donations should be made clear to the public and any decisions deemed to be swayed by the donations should be punished severely


yes as long as it is done in a transparent way and there is no conflict of interest or gain for the corporation


Corporations and UNions yes, non-profits no. If they are non-profit all their income should be going to running their organisation


Yes, but limit the amount they can donate and impose stricter regulations for transparency and avoiding lobbying


Yes, but put a limit on the amount they can donate and make sure they release information about the amounts they pay.


Yes, but it has to be on the public record with full transparency so voters can hold everyone accountable come election time.


Unions should have all members able to say don’t wish give Labour funds or not as trade union membership is not saying your support Labour


Yes, but the sums and donors should be widely publicised information immediately. With a lot of detail about interests, leanings and personalities.


Yes people shoukd be free to do what they want with their money, but donations over a certain amount shoukd be declared

 @9JFWL2GPlaid Cymruanswered…11mos11MO

Yes but with increased transparency not only of the donations received but the politics of the organisation donating


No, personal donation funds allocated to each citizen should be created to allow everyone to choose. a cause to contribute to

 @9HD7XT3 answered…1yr1Y

This is the current system … what alternatives are there ? I’d propose research into how to make parties equally funded in elections

 @WyattpoliticsConservative answered…1yr1Y

Yes, and the exact amount should be published and any demands the unions have made should be made public.


yes, however it should be strictly regulated what companies can donate (based on ethical reputations and business practices of the company) but it should be freely available information to the public and require being shown prominently what the major funders stand for.


They can donate, but should be closely monitored to see if they turn into bribes and accounts should be made available to the public.


Yes it is there money they can do what they want it as long as the money does not fund illegal activities



Yes, but they have to give 40% of that amount donated to the opposition political party.


Only allow donations from corporations as non-profit organizations should be donating to what they advertise and unions should spend their money back on their workers like advertised.

 @9DFHR8Yfrom Illinois  answered…1yr1Y

 @9DBHL8Gfrom Tennessee  answered…1yr1Y


No we don’t want to turn into the us where parties are held at gun point to police by there donators.


As a donation only...but if a company donates to political parties it must donate to all political parties equally


Corporations not without a boardroom vote recorded, strict limits on their proportion of profit that may be donated, and public transparencu. Sole traders yes but with transparency and records kept. Unions yes but only by fully open democratic process and strict limits on the proportion of their revenue that can be donated in a year. Non profits no, unless they exist specifically as political financiers and their accounts are fully transparent to the public.


marketing a false political manifesto should be criminalised - people are convinced to vote based on certain promises being made. If the party blatantly do not fulfil those promises (or have a solid plan as to how they are going to achieve the goals set out) then they should be penalised - worst case criminal prosecution, dissolution of the government and a re-election. Donations should be accepted but only to promote truthful politics, not politics based on lies. Any donors should also be accountable, making organisations careful who they support and donate to.


Yes, but make all records public and let the money donation present a conflict of interest in future dealings, with a risk assessment completed prior to workign together.

 @9PY2QSJfrom Nicosia  answered…6mos6MO

They should be able to donate to the democratic process and then those funds should be divided into the amount of people going for election, so that no one person can be influenced when elected


Either way, all donations should be tracked so you can see who is who and who's funding them. Any lack of transparency should be a cause for concern. Less corruption not more.



Yes but it must be transparently reported to the public and a maximum amount be set


Yes, people should have the right to donate who they want to donate too.


Yes, but they should be limited and all amounts donated should be made public.


No, all political party funding should be state funded and equal for all parties, all of which must stand in every region of the country in order to qualify


The state should equally fund or fund proportionally political parties.


Yes, but all donors must be announced publicly if they are over a threshold amount.


Yes, mainly because public funding would be widely unpopular. Limits should apply to donations.

 @8ZZDZJ8Liberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

Allow contributions from public-subscription organisations such as non-profits and unions, not corporations


Yes but which companies donate and the amount donated should be publicly announced


Yes but this should be available as public information and should not influence political parties


No, but if is to continue, make it mandatory that all donations are made public, with serious ramifications if this is bypassed.


Yes but with greater transparency and with a statement of WHY the donation is being made



All monies given bring influence; whomever donates should be publicly-known and their political affiliation, etc. also dispersed and highlighted to as many people as possible so as to maximise transparency.


Yes, as long as the donator and donated money is publicly available information.


No, And we should abolish the party system so that people will vote for the people they actually want representing them rather than the party.


Yes but they should have to report all donations made by non-individuals, of any amount.



Yes, but donations must be publicised on all advertising for both political party and company



No donations from businesses should be allowed. Unions and non-profit organizations - OK.
Individuals - OK but with a cap (say, average national annual wage, or less.)
ALL* donations to be publicly declared and accessible online
(*perhaps, excepting the details of donations under some minimum threshold amount, say average weekly wage or somesuch; instead, just declaring the number of those small donations and number of such donors and the lump sub-total received.)



All donations should be allowed. However it should be made public where money has come from and it should be limited in order to not be considered a bribe but an actual donation.


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