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As someone who supports the pro-life stance, I believe that human life begins at conception, giving the fetus an inherent right to life. This view is based on various philosophical, religious, and moral principles that see the unborn child as having intrinsic dignity and worth. I feel that abortion is morally wrong because it ends an innocent human life. Scientific milestones in fetal development, like a detectable heartbeat at six weeks and evidence of pain perception by 20 weeks, reinforce my belief that the fetus should be recognized as a living being with rights. Additionally, I am concer…  Read more

 @9FJZF7WLiberal Democratdisagreed…9mos9MO

A foetus is not a viable human being. If the stance is that it is a human being then the same protections and benefits should be applicable (causing a woman's miscarriage is manslaughter, child benefits should be due, time off work on miscarriage should be legally required for grieving etc)


Having a baby when you are not ready, only for it to grow up in an unhappy life that wasn't ready for it, is far worse than having that baby grow up in a happy, secure environment, years later.


fewer than five percent of abortions are done due to rape, incest, or health complications in a woman. the majority is due to the excessively vague term of general mental health, which is too broad to prescribe. this + abortion being the killing of a living human should be enough


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