Abortion is a medical procedure resulting in the termination of a human pregnancy and death of a fetus. In the UK abortion is legal in the first 6 months of pregnancy as long as the procedure is carried out in a hospital and women have the approval of two doctors. Abortion is currently illegal in Northern Ireland.
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Abortion is not a choice, where it is necessary for a woman's health to abort a fetus then that has to be legal, if possible the fetus should be transferred to an artificial incubator.
Pro-choice because it is the women’s body so it’s their choice in what to do and nobody else’s
Let's not forget there are TWO bodies in the woman's body. For nine months, the woman is responsible for herself and ALSO another human.
A fetus is not a body nor a person. If the woman wishes it to become one, then she can get the help and support provided by society. If she cannot or does not wish to be an incubator, at great pain distress and damage to her health, then we cannot live in a society where she is forced to be one. If a human wishes to be pregnant then great, if a human wishes not to be pregnant, that is great too.
Pro-choice in all scenarios however increased education and free contraceptives will naturally reduce the amount of excess abortions required
@8S2PQLZLiberal Democrat4yrs4Y
Let women decide this
Indeed. Why is this such a problem for some people, to understand that women are human beings who have the Right to decide what they want for their lives? And don’t give me the ‘the fetus is alive too’ nonsense. We know this is not true or it wouldn’t be inside another living being; there is more than enough research into this topic to know that a fetus is just that for the first 4 months.
Pro-choice, I don't agree but the government has no right to ban it however providing more birth control, sex education and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions
Pro-choice. More money should be invested into education, keeping young women sage, social services and birth control.
Pro-choice but a ban after 4 months, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions.
Pro-choice for rape, other situations are the couples own fault
Pro-life, and I categorically oppose abortion in every single case, including rape and incest. No exceptions.
A female to you is not a human then, which means you do not see females as human and negates your opinion on this topic, which is the accepting that female humans are human and must be treated as such to live in a civilised society.
Allow only in the case of failed contraceptive.
Pro-abortion, everyone woman should have the right to decide if they want to terminate a pregnancy at any stage. Life doesn't start until the baby is born. Specialist should determine at which point a pregnancy can be terminated safely for the mother.
Pro-choice and victims of rape which result in pregnancy should be given more support than they currently are in their choice.
Pro-life, Children with disabilities can't be Aborted
Not covered on NHS unless a life is threatened
Abortion should be a couples decision rather than just the women's, so therefore if a man doesn't want to pay child support if the decision is made to keep a child then it should be his decision.
Only if its the result of trauma. And not used as another form of contraception
Pro-Life, and Abortion in every single case should be treated the same as 1st Degree murder
Pro-choice, but a woman should be sterilised if they have more than two abortions.
Pro-choice, but if the female has been a victim of rape, then abortion should be the only option
Pro choice with heavy counselling for the mother to take to term after mid-pregnancy (earliest known survivable premature birth). Ultimately it should remain the mother's decision.
The right to safe and legal abortion is a fundamental human right. Abortion performed by a certified clinic or hospital should be allowed at any point between conception and viability, subject to a 5-day waiting period. After the first trimester, 2 doctors must consent to treatment.
Pragmatic Pro-life, incentive and support women through government funds and connecting them to private charities that can help them care for themselves and the babies. As well as educations and job opportunities - family courts may also be involved to see if they can make stable and safe home space.
Allow abortions under 3 months. Ban on over 3 months but exeptions on a case to case basis for those who have been raped, for those who feel their mental health will be severely effected if they give birth or similar situations.
Pro-Choice, but third trimester terminations should need exceptional medical grounds.
Pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child and Ban after the Two Months mark also Incentives and support needs to be give to Single Mothers and Low Income Families
I think every woman is entitled to make her own informed decision
I think the woman having the child should choose what shes doing with her body
Pro-choice, but abortions should not be provided by the NHS unless in emergency or cases of rape
I think it's the most selfish thing, why should you kill your child because of how they were conceived? It isn't the child's fault, but you decide it is a disposable lump of cells that means nothing when that is your child. It's the evilest and self-centred act of violence conceivable.
babys with inheritable diseases should be killed
I think abortion should be legal. A woman should have a choice over her own body.
it should be only for people that have experenced rape under age 18 and under
It's no ones choice but your own allow both
Things would currently stay as there are, unless a petition was put forward and successful in getting a particular question asked to the public.
Pro-choice, women should have complete control and choice over their own bodies, a fetus is not a human and women should have the choice to have a baby
Pro choice- it is a private matter and a decision in which the government has no right to decide. Information and medical care should be available to all.
Pro-life, but allow in cases of danger to health of mother
Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months, and provide birth control, sex education, and social services to reduce the number of abortions
Pro-choice, but don't believe it's moral to have it after the 20-24 week mark for anything other than rape, incest and/or danger to child or mother's safety and we should have easily accessible birth control and contraception and sex education
pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother or child, and provide birth control, sex education and more social services to help reduce the number of people wanting abortions
Pro-choice, but ban after the first twenty four weeks
OOOf, thats a difficult one!
Pro abortion, up to 18 years.
Pro-life, but I don’t think the government has a right to ban it
Pro-life, but replacing abortion with a Package for Women including economic and social support/schemes, offering free barrier method contraception, increasing sex education and offering free childcare
My stance on abortion is complex. On the one hand I do not feel it fair that a woman should be made to carry a child they do not want but on the other hand what of the to be fathers that want to keep the child? Abortion is a difficult topic. It's easy to outline where life begins, my opinion is that life begins a birth but there is a lot more to abortion than simply is it murder.
i am both as i believe that every person should have the right to have an abortion in exceptional circumstances and shouldn't be forced to have a child. I personally wouldn't get an abortion.
Acceptable if the fetus is belived to have any serious disease
Pro choice until 5 months, pro choice until end for cases of rape.
@8SFFHRJPlaid Cymru4yrs4Y
Pro life usually but pro choice for victims of rape etc. As well as for identified severe disability that would harm the future of the family and baby
Pro-choice, but ban after 2 months unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Whilst I don't agree with it, abortion should be allowed as I have no right to force my beliefs upon others
Pro-life including a ban on abortion for those who are victims of rape and incest; but we should provide additional birth control, sex education and social services
Pro-choice, as a man, I have no right to tell a woman what to do with her body.
I am personally Pro-life, but I also believe that abortion should be legal to the general public.
Pro-life but allow before 12 weeks
Pro-choice, but only if both parents consent
Pro life, and there should be more police protection and provision to reduce rape, and better sex education to reduce unwanted teen pregnancies
@B37KJK7 2wks2W
I am pro-choice because science is
Pro life but NOT right wing. Pro choice and PRO life but middle ground. I support the middle ground.
Personally Pro-Life, but don't want to force that view onto everybody else, so support access to abortion.
in a perfect world pro-life, but because people don't have access to birth control and proper sex education, and because doctors should not fear being prosecuted for saving the life of the mother, pro-choice.
Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months and if over 3 months allow for the child once born to be adopted etc.
I am Anti-Abortion, I do not accept the terms Pro-Life or Pro-Choice because such terms are no longer relevant in contemporary times, it has gotten to a point what you're either Pro-Abortion or Anti-Abortion and I side with those that are against Abortion so that makes me Anti-Abortion.
Pro-choice, but each case is unique and needs consensus between the mother, a physician and a psychiatrist.
Pro- choice, I feel as if the doctor has said to the mother that this baby will affect you then it’s your choice to keep it but if you have been raped or something then I will still say to keep it but it’s the woman’s choice.
I feel this is difficult, it shouldn't be used as a contraception option, however I genuinely feel there I some cases where abortion is necessary such as rape cases and genuine accidents in young children/adults.
you shouldn't be able to stroll in and have the staff remember you from last week.
Pro-choice, but only in cases of tape, incest, danger to mother or child, or if child may be born with disability
Pro choice however there needs to be an overhaul of how sex education is delivered in schools and from a younger age. Birth control should be free annd anccessible with no stigma anttached and there should be more relationship support and guidance for young people. Should be part of the curriculum from age 7+
Reduce abortion by providing supported alternatives and no up to birth abortion. Rights of the child, right to survive after conception. Pro life but not by aggression or hatred towards pro choice.
Pro-choice however every time birth control and other similar items are sold the buyers ID should be registered if it is bought every 3 months or more regularly that person should be banned from the purchase
I'm neither for or against abortions, I feel that it is down to the Individual's choice. However I believe Sex education should be taught earlier and Birth control products should be available in all Secondary schools and Pupils are able to go and talk to a sex education nurse who can advise on birth control.
This is a very personal choice and a woman should have the right to choose what is best for her and the unborn child
Pro-life but I understand that this is a minority view and that banning abortion would be deeply unpopular. The most important thing is to ensure the abortion limit is not extended and I would support a reduction in the limit because foetuses born before the current abortion limit can be viable.
The term of the foetus is a significant factor, but the health of mum and baby is the most important element
Pro-choice but I think women should see their ultrasound and be fully informed about how far along they are + have the option to have open adoptions and be able to choose the parents based on assessments for their baby if they choose the adoption route.
I'm pro live but abortion shouldn't be treated as a birch control, unless rape , or something is wrong with the baby or a health and safety problem, we need more family planning clinics and data protection for anyone using them no matter how old they are, morning after pill needs to b free
Pro-life of both the mother and the child. Abortion should be allowed in a large number of cases which should be reviewed on a case by case based based on safety and mental and physical health
I am pro life (of course) but choice should be allowed for a certain duration of which I have minimal knowledge to decide
Education on the effects of abortion for the rest of your life. Support teenagers by concentrating on emotional maturity influences sexual activity
it should be legal but not open for the public. there should be a process to go through including things like a therapy session and it should be illegal after 10 weeks
Pro choice but also the man's choice if a man doesn't want the child but the women keeps it he shouldn't have to look after it as he disagrees especially if a woman claims she is on contraception before sex
Pro-choice but with a cap of two. Once or twice could be a mistake but further or continued use of this is clearly being used in lieu of contraception.
Pro choice, but ban after the third trimester, but allow after the third trimester in cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother or child
Pro-life, where both the man and woman have a say and if either wish to have the child then there is no abortion
Pro life, but an 8 week abortion limit, including those for rape and incest. Publicise the use of the morning after pill with adverts on bus stops. 1 abortion limit per women.
I am pro-life, but the options here are too crude to be able to make a reasonable choice. There has to be some level of discretion available
Pro - life however provide sexual education, choice should be there up until three months but should be allowed in cases of rape and incest.
Pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest and a danger to mother or child as long as it is within the first three months.
Pro-choice as long as somebody isn’t using it as contraception. Provide birth control and sex education. Abortion should be a last resort not an easy way out
Pro-choice up until the baby is actually born. The existing life of the mother is always more important.
Before the baby is capable of surviving outside the womb, pro-choice subject to paternal consent if the parents are married or live together.
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