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It should be enough so people can afford their bills and petrol, the rise of cost for everything but minimum wage only goes up a little every year and it also should not be different for age groups as they are doing the same job as someone else but paid less is not fair


No and abolish minimum wage but companies should be competitive with wages.

 @9LVFKKQGreenanswered…4 days4D

Living costs need to stabilise permanently so that the minimum wage does not need to rise and rise to compete with it. It is a never ending cycle.

 @9LTFFSLanswered…5 days5D

Our wages should all be the same, it’s unfair that 18-24yr olds get such a smaller amount for the same job.

 @9LR27X6answered…7 days7D

Yes, make it a living wage and remove the age brackets - regardless of age, you should receive a living wage.


Yes, but only if they’re going to increase the personal allowance to match. You shouldn’t be punishing the bottom earners of the country for something mandated by the government.


Yes, it should be increased. Also, the government should significantly raise the threshold at which workers pay tax.


Yes but peg out of work benifits as the gap between working and not must be greater so people will work where they can

 @9LK7238Liberal Democratanswered…2wks2W

Yes and adjust it to inflation but ensure other wages for jobs with more academic requirements and also raised


Depends - the social security system needs overhauling. At the moment, it's more beneficial for some people to claim than to earn minimum wage - this needs to change


Minimum wage should be enough to uphold a decent lifestyle – if the cost of living rises, so should the minimum wage


should not be a minimum wage period
and employees should have earnings based on performance
the entry level should be lowered for all again in a low tax economy you will find people earn more anyway because demand for workers across the board will increase as the buisnesses are created.

when you increase taxation you tend to make it harder for individual buisness owners to expland.


I belive minimum wage should rise in line with all wages, currently it is increasing so quickly that many skilled workers are only earning a fraction above it


Yes it should be increased but some business for example independent or small businesses may not be able to afford to do this


Minimum wage should be removed in order to incentivise competitive pay - however, I have zero faith in companies doing this, rather than racing to the bottom against themselves.

 @9K3RRFSLiberal Democratanswered…2mos2MO

Yes, and make it a living wage, strong families are capable of a lot more if given an opportunity,opportunities are a door to opening experiences.


Yes, however for small businesses that cannot meet the minimum wage the government should make up the difference for the employees.

 @92PR23KLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

I agree it should be raised but the issue I have is that pay rises aren’t happening across the board at anywhere near the same rate. In some cases, experienced professionals (mainly council/public sector workers) doing skilled, specialised jobs or work that carries a lot of responsibility are not earning a lot more than the minimum wage.


the wage of someone should be dictated by what they do in relation to how skilled they can be. The standard should be adjusted in accordance to the living standard however room for increased wages in favour of demand of skilled workers should be considered.



They should raise national minimum wage but skilled wages needed to be raised in line with this otherwise there is no point in gaining an education to work a skilled job



yes, a persons wage should not be based on their age but rather their standard of work.


Wages should be sufficient to not need to be bolstered by the tax payer




Yes and there should be no age groups on minimum wage , a 16 year old doing the same work as a 30 year old should be paid equally


Yes. Unless the minimum wage is abolished and replaced with a universal guaranteed income.


Yes, make it so minumim wage is made to live comfortably, and adjust it every 6-12 months according to inflation


As a proportion of business profit - so guarantee money wage but also enable every worker to profit if company profits.


No in terms of doing it for the sake of it as it will cause inflation, but it should increase in line with inflation to maintain purchasing power for individuals


Yes, make it liveable & make it adjust yearly, or even monthly, limit the amount companies can increase prices on products so the price doesn't sky rocket & keep it consistent for longer..


No, it will lead to people being more expensive than robot replacements and higher unemployment


No, this would disproportionately affect small businesses so the government should focus on introducing a UBI


Yes but is should be based on time and level of commitment and effort put into the job you are in.


I think we focus too much on minimum wage, when instead there should be a maximum wage. Raising minimum wage does not align with inflation. There are people who earn far too much more than what they need, and a maximum wage could help rebalance with wealth gap.



Should be raised but take into account the owners of small businesses- increase in wage means they may close


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