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88 Replies

 @B3H865QReform UKanswered…4wks4W

Yes, but decrease the amount to preserve our economy, while still maintaining good relations with other organisations and countries.

 @B2PJ87YWomen's Equality from Guam  answered…1mo1MO

Should Brazilian president as shown for counts as relatives issues by Australia prime minister hadn't heard from changes by amounts


The UK's funding of the WHO seems driven by international relations and security, reflecting the country's commitment to global cooperation and enhancing its standing on the world stage. While the WHO does provide benefits, such as coordinating responses to global health crises, it is far from perfect and often subject to political influences. Given the UK's own health challenges, it can feel like the funding serves the organization and global optics more than direct benefits to UK citizens. This focus on the spectacle of international involvement can appear misaligned with pressing domestic health needs.


They should contribute to the funding. Not solely fund it, which this question implies.



I don’t want to have to give money to countries that their own people don’t step up and help. I still believe our country should help European countries.


As long as the money is proportional to what other countries pay and there is a strong say in how it is spent.


Yes, $5 billion is a tiny amount for that kind of responsibility, but like the NHS probably needs a good overhaul to reduce waste


Stuck on this one, as on the one hand they provide a lot of net benefits for the world, but on the other hand I can't forget how they downplayed COVID around January 2020, they could've prevented a lot of deaths yet

  @Kovu answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but it should be capped and used/funded appropriately and with strict regulations and safeguarding in place, also there should be a balance and a lot of funding should also go into national and local services and programs too.


Establish a UK World Health Organisation programme that provides helps and medical care for nations in need.



Yes, but only at a rate which is deemed affordable. There should also be a cap on how much the UK Government can spend on the WHO.


No WHO should have more funding but its funding should be given anonymously so that they are less likely to downplay any serious outbreaks for political allies


No. We cannot elect the people as it's a globalist entity, so therefore it's undemocratic and unaccountable.


Decrease the amount given to world health organisation and divert more funding to national and local programs instead


The Government should instead fund a Health and Social Care organisation that is created as a Commonwealth of Nations group, weaving together 56 countries and pooling their knowledge to better co-ordinate their individual efforts regarding Healthcare reinforcing their duty to the people.


Yes, but only as long as each nation of the world pays an equivalent rate according to the size of its population.





Yes but decrease the amount and invest into funding national and local programs instead.


Yes, but decrease the amount, and fund national and local programs instead




Yes, I'd contribute 11% of the GDP to the World Health Organisation to contribute towards multiple efforts including psycho-social support, access to medicines, sexual and reproductive health and rights, water and sanitation, antimicrobial resistance and health emergencies and preparedness.


Yes, but more funding should be directed to national and local programs and funding should be relative


Yes, the UK should contribute with official development assistance with 10% of the GDP being used to fund the World Health Organisation


In principle I think we should contribute to some funding of the WHO but not to the detriment of our own NHS which is on its knees


Decrease and divert more funding to national and local programs instead


Lower funding for the world health organisation and divert more to local and national programs instead


Decrease the amount and divert more to local and national programs instead


Yes, but only for specific programs that help people and not just for the sake of having an organisation


No, it's shown its self to be ineffective; fund national and local proggrames instead.

 @987K8XFLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but decrease the amount and fund national and local programs with it


No, but launch an investigation into potential corruption within the organisation


Yes but decrease the amount and fund national and local programs instead.


Yes, so long as the organisation continues to support the wider health of individuals irrespective of financial background; stops supporting nations that privatise healthcare



Yes, but I would rather make all health services publicly owned, rather than state of privately owned

 @97LL6ZQLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but investigate spending and should there be found to be corruption or waste, withhold and directly spend the money ourselves, primarily on preventive health care such as vaccines etc.


How accountable do you think global health organizations should be to the public or to the countries that fund them?


If you could decide what health problem the WHO focused on next, what issue would you choose and why?


How would you balance the role of private donations versus government funding in global health organizations like the WHO?


Do you think more attention should be given to diseases in wealthier countries or those that affect mainly developing nations?


In what ways could cutting funding to global health organizations, like the WHO, impact future outbreaks of illnesses like COVID-19?


How important do you believe it is for countries to work together to fight global pandemics, rather than each nation acting alone?


What do you think sounds more valuable—spending money on global health initiatives or addressing local health problems first?


Should wealthy nations contribute more to global health efforts to support poorer countries, or should every country be responsible for their own health system?


How do you think global health organizations, like the WHO, can affect your personal life and health choices?


Do you think you would feel safer in a health emergency with an international health organization taking charge, or do you trust local governments more?


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