The issue of English votes for English laws (EVEL), commonly known as the West Lothian question, refers to whether MPs from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should be able to vote on matters that affect only England. Some argue that because of the Barnett formula, issues in England greatly affect Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Barnett formula automatically adjusts levels of public spending in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland based on the population of each nation and which powers are devolved to them.
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Yes, only if England can do the same
@9992HTR 9mos9MO
Yes, all MPs should be able to vote on all issues, and parliament should be reformed to have more proportional representation.
Break up the UK into independent states
I believe a Confederation is more ideal and allow each region to decide their own legislation in their own regions.
No, but introduced a devolved Parliament where english matters are voted on instead of having Westminster vote on English matters
Westminster MP's from anywhere should have the ability to vote on issues that affect anywhere in the union
No, invade wales and Scotland. Now we are the United Kingdom of England and Ireland (yes, invade Ireland too). Hahahaha! 😂
Reform the UK into a federal system; and rescind the Barnett Formula for once and for all, never to be restored.
No, no MP should be entitled to vote on legislation which only affects a region they are not an MP within.
If England can still vote on policies that affect other regions then those regions should also have a say in policies that affect England
Yes, as things currently stand the UK is highly England-centric and as such it would be hard to draw a definitive line
Not able to voted on law issue what have being to nation parliament and full voted on budget so there full questionable for there voted on ot
Law that not impact on budget only and if for example education matter then why Scottish MPs when fully controlled by Scottish Parliament
Yes, the UK must be dissolved, Scottish, Welsh, Irish and English must vote only on legislation that affect their own countries, and there should be no common legislation (which is inevitably bound to be always English-led)
They should be using the Barnett formula, but should only vote on legislation that has cross-border implications.
Yes, they are a part of the British empire and deserve to have a say in what goes on in the country.
Reform the United Kingdom back into a personal union under a constitutional monarch.
Individual countries should be independent and become a republican state.
Yes but they should practice restraint on voting on such issues unless they believe it directly affects their constituency
Yes, Westminster MP's should vote on all UK legislation remembering there are 3 different judiciary systems; while devolved matters should be voted on in the Scottish; English; Welsh; & Northern Irish Parliaments.
No. But if so, then English MPs should be entitled to vote on legislation which only affects areas of the UK outside England.
independence for members of the uk and reunification of ireland but there should be a british isles union similar to the eu
Reform the UK into a federal system that duplicates parliament across all countries and keep the Crown as head of state.
All Westminster MP's vote on all Westminster and MP's in all other Parliaments inc England's new Parliament vote on theirs.
There should be a new English parliament then MP's can vote on matters across the UK within the UK wide legislature, but taking consideration that the UK still has (and should have) 3 judiciary systems. The excective must remember that while it puts bills before parliament on behalf of the Crown like the Crown the Executive is still subject to Parliament. It need not sit in Westminster (though it currently does) and if as King James once suggested it moved to Carlisle; then the English parliament shouldn't consider London but could consider another historic seat of England's parliaments, or even the fact that they used to move about!
Yes, and all MP's should vote on all issues that are in Westminster. England should have an English parliament not in Westminster so that Westminster MP's are all equal.
No as; Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland should be entirely devolved to make their own laws and legislation.
No, and so english mos should not be allowed to vote on legislation that only effects NI, Wales and Scotland
@9MYXHM9Count Binface10mos10MO
No, the English government should have further power over Welsh, Scottish and NI legislation. We are a “United” Kingdom until one of them figures out how to successfully go independent.
Abolish the UK and allow the countries to become independent and rejoin the EU if they require. Also Tax England for services being used that are based in other countries such as Scotland's Oil and Wale's wind and water.
Scottish independence or a true federal system where Scotland controls 100% of it's affairs.
Yes but decrease the level of power of devolved parliaments
Whales and Scotland be aloud
Yes but devolved bodies should be given less power to ensure parliamentary laws are followed across the entire nation
Yes but reduce the power of devolved parliaments to give the UK parliament more power
If England votes on Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish issues then the same should happen in return
The premise of question is flawed. Since we are UNITED Kingdom, decisions affecting one region affect all others, whether directly or indirectly.
Grant independence to Scotland, Wales and NI
@8ZJ5BGGCount Binface3yrs3Y
England should be given its own parliament so this problem does not exist
No, and England should have a devolved parliament for these issues
No, and establish an English Parliament
Let Wales, scotland and northern ireland secede
I support devolution if the relevant countries so desire. It is otherwise hypocritical given that we have left the EU.
Only if it could hypothetically impact the national economy, and thus the funding received by the devolved assemblies
No, and English MPs should not be able to vote on Scottish matters
No, as long as English, Welsh and Irish MPs cannot vote on Scottish matters.
The rule of the individual is more efficient than the government can ever be
We should have no government
Yes, if they’re allowed to vote on issues which don’t affect them.
Dissolve the Union. Independence for all countries
Legislations in the UK should be applied to each UK nation and ammendments allowed by each nation's parliament but only with approval from the superior UK Parliament.
No, because they shouldn’t be able to vote on English affairs, because we aren’t one country. #indyref2
No because England will have devolution on a regional level and the House of Commons would only vote on issues affecting the whole of the UK.
There should be a United Ireland.
My answer depends on whether indirect effects on devolved nations e.g. are considered when determining whether or not a policy only affects England
Yes, until an English Assembly is created
Yes, as long as any MP can vote on matters that only effect one of the countries in the UK
No, but we shouldn’t be able to do that for them either
No, The UK needs to end and all four countries gain independence.
Reform the UK into a more federal system and break up the nationalist-separatist dominated devolved parliamentary regions so they end up with less power. Devolve them into irrelevancy.
No, only for legislation that has cross-border implications. Also, English MP's should not be able to vote on legislation which affects only Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland
As much as English MPs can vote on the other areas
No, and England should not vote on legislation that will only impact Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland either.
On my opinion England is like the middle and the power and they should have the right to vote because they’re part of the United Kingdom to not only England.
This is the reason for an English Assembly
There should be Scottish Independence
There would be no need to establish it under Liquid Democracy as devolved assemblies would eventually collapse due to a new democratic order made by the people.
if it affects the countries yes but otherwise no
English MPs should not be allowed to vote on matters that impact devolved parliaments
Yes but only if they abolish they're parliament.
Yes, because I think it helps to keep a solid democracy
No. Remove the Scottish and Welsh Assemblies and let all MPs vote on issues from across the island. Pro-Centralisation of Great Britain. Unite the nation politically whilst retaining what ever cultural and heritage differences that already exist between England, Wales and Scotland.
only is england can vote on issues in wales northern ireland and scotland
No, only if English MP's in the house of Commons, cannot vote on issues in Scotland.
No, They should get to vote legislation if it affects all. So, English MP's wouldn't be able to vote for legislation that only affects Wales, Scotland and NI
If English MP's can vote on matters that effect other UK countries then so should those countries vote on Emglish issues.
Yes if it would make English people more or less equal than Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish people
@9BVMRS4Plaid Cymru2yrs2Y
Only if it affects those
Make it so English MPs cannot vote on Scottish, Irish or Welsh matters
Wales should be independent.
Always the UK is united so weather England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland everybody must vote on legislation.
Yes, but only through their house of lords delegations
Independence for England!
As long as these three entities are occupied by the British, then they should absolutely have a say in what occurs in England. Ideally, this would not need to be a conversation as Wales and Scotland would be independent and Ireland would be reunited.
Scotland should be independent as a priority.
All UK countries should be able to vote on legislation that affects each and every part of the UK, whether it's the MP's home country or not.
The UK should be reformed into a series of kingdoms where only landowning Christian males over the age of 35 may select one of their number to rule in absolute monarchy, with the credible threat of regicide as a deterrent to tyranny.
If England can vote for their issues then vice versa should be true.
Evolve the UK into an anarchist system
All UK nations should have home rule, with legislation affecting their own territories.
England should have its own devolved parliament
Scotland should be Independent
@8Z7QCN5Scottish Green3yrs3Y
Each country should be independent or allowed to form the terms of their involvement in the UK.
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