Yes, replace it with a bill of rights that gives the UK more legislative control
No, but criminals should lose many of these rights

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 @4VNQ2BSfrom East Sussex answered…3yrs3Y

No, but criminals should lose rights depending on the severity of their crime/crimes.


Yes, but replace it with a reformed version codified and agree by referendum and parliament vote and blocked from being removed or amended by parliament without another referendum


People who have committed crimes inflicted on children and vulnerable people, such as sex crimes, homicide, etc, should loose these rights.


There should be something called ,,Labour Camp”. In this camp you’re going to make for example manufacturing, building roads and being a farmer. They can I to arrest if the are pro Russian and pro communist.


No, although the Human Rights Act only tied our hands to the EU courts etc, but us doing a stupid thing like that will lead to other countries in the EU that are puritan to do the same. Hungary being an example!!

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