Privatisation is the process of transferring governmental control and ownership of a service or industry to a privately owned business.
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I think people who smoke for example should be paying for their healthcare considering it was their own fault
That's rather harsh since if you were mabye strongly influenced by your friends that it was a cool thing, you will take your first puff and you won't be able to stop.
More, but only where quality is improved and costs are less
Keep treatments for non-self inflicted conditions free, such as cancer, colds etc. Privatise treatments for self-inflicted such as obesity, smoking etc.
More, but to a point where it is affordable and still receives some government funding
@96Q6Q82Liberal Democrat2yrs2Y
Less but the current system be more efficient and less wasteful.
The healthcare system right now is useless unless you are about to die. Needs more money and care about people not numbers. It's a computer system that has lost all humanity
The system is in desperate need of revision
Foreigners should have to pay at point of service and those who choose to not work and claim benefits should be forced to work until they can cover their cost to the healthcare service.
Privatisation where required
No, the NHS should be audited and those running the services should have their claims audited like MPs. No more first class travel and overnight 5-star hotels.
What ever benefits patient care, reduces waste and can provide world leading training/research/equipment
It should be about the best outcome for patients not ideology
Staff should be treated better
Core healthcare services such delivering care for example should be publicly owned, but run with a business approach. However private business should be used to help provide services (IT or technology for example)
Less, but increase national insurance tax on a banding system based on earnings
Less but improve the quality of the healthcare services.
Privatisation should be controlled eg cap profits or rewards are performance based. Owners should be UK based only, no US ownership.
less but open to paying more contribution
There should be a sliding scale
So long as healthcare is universal and free at the point of use everything should be looked at on a case by case basis for best value.
I think you should have to pay for gp consultations but all care after that should be free in order to stop people wasting appointments.
Nhs currently wastes so much money. They should be looked into onto how much money is being wasted in the nhs. People should also be fined for wasting the time of a&e staff and for missing appointments when a translator or therapy is required
Privatisation should only occur if it provides better care than the NHS, in a more accessible way to people and this should be reviewed nationally and should be renationalised if it does not meet set targets.
certain sectors could be made private but still affordable or free of cost
More, but only where free access is maintained and waiting lists can be reduced
More, and increase government subsidies
The NHS should be abolished and replaced with a system where those under a certain income and people with lifelong disabilities access public healthcare. Those with good health and on a good income should have health insurance through their workplace.
Have a complete audit and make it run more profitably. One idea is charge people for GP appointments!
Reform of the system is required this does not mean more privatisation. Funding is now adequate but needs to be used more effectively.
Hospital and health care services should be provided for free to UK citizens, with the capability to transfer patients into the private sector where necessary to improve NHS waiting times and the quality of health care provided
Government should provide basic healthcare GP and A&E and allow insurance to cover enhanced cover
More competition between private tenders overseen by monopolies commission.
More, and transfer to a National Health Insurance system to give patients more choices
I think people should be able to access private health care if they wish ...private health insurance premiums should not be taxed
fully nationalise NHS but allow private health services to be set up, so that the people have option to choose
Decisions on privatisation should be made on merit, based on the best value method to deliver a quality service to service users.
Less there should be no privatisation of the healthcare industry and the government should provide more funding
Pay a % every time but still government everything else the same still
Slightly more to tide things over for now
make it free and for everyone
No change but not entirely satisfied.
Keep NHS hospitals and services public and end free at the point of service while developing a private healthcare system
More were it is necessary and increases quality
More if it maintains quality and reduces costs
Implement the Beveridge report
It needs to be managed more efficiently.
Basically same question as previous,
More as long as free healthcare is still made available for those who can’t afford it
Whatever works most efficiently!
Less privatisation but reform care by federalising it
A system similar to the continent, Spain, France etc but not as extreme as America
private healthxare should be more acsessiable amd the nhs needs better funding
Privatisation is neither good or bad. Ensuring that services are effective and ensure positive outcomes is more important.
The money needs to be better spent.
@94CMGT3Liberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Flat charge with means tested additional charges
Whatever’s required to provide enough healthcare to all so that everyone can survive comfortably with the option of privatisation for less severe optional services and lower wait times for less severe diseases.
More in order to make the NHS more efficient and less waiting times
More, public funded, private delivery
more, but it should only be for services that are not life saving (e.g. cosmetic surgery)
I don’t think there should be more or less. I think the management within the NHS needs to improve and where money is spent needs to be improved.
Less, but restructured to minimise wasteful spending
I think free health care is a right to be entitled to.
@9447PFPLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Whatever policy strikes the right balance between fair access, affordability, and quality
Incentivize the performance of healthcare services based upon patient satisfaction Providers can budget aspects of privatization of service they own
Less, but find alternative revenue instead of government funding
@93YZ7R2Liberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Depends on what maximizes operational efficiency whilst supporting local workforces
Less, there should be no privatisation and there should be more government funding
Entire system needs overhaul in 21st century
More, if it makes it cheaper and more efficient to run
More but keep government funding as it is
Depends on if it will increase quality while reducing costs
@93WRNPGPlaid Cymru3yrs3Y
Give the opportunity to more but fund the nhs more
Complete nationalization of all health and educational services offering no private alternative and free at point of use for everybody equally however give the people the choice of which institution they wish to use ie. which school or GP surgery
More in the sense that people earning more than a certain amount pay and those who are poorer don't
Yes, Only at general practitioner level
Certain services should be charged to the patient on a means tested basis, but GP, emergency cases and Intensive Care stays should never constitute a payment
Take it on a case by case basis
@93RQBHHUlster Unionist3yrs3Y
More but reduce the number of managers and admin staff and invest in more matron type managers for wards
Increase efficiency, budget is not the issue
@93RCMCTAnimal Welfare3yrs3Y
Should be a basic free service in all sectors with more private options for those who can afford
More but only as far as clear improvements are shown
Like I said the nhs deserves more funding and recognition for what they have done especially during the pandemic
More oversight of managerial staff to ensure they are fit for purpose
Reduce funding, reduce non-clinical staff, review wasteful purchasing police
Keep NHS and give it funding but allow private as a choice if people want it.
There should be a choice between private and public health options that are accessible to the general public
Less in certain areas and more of management.
Yes, but you shouldn’t remove access to free/public healthcare.
Should be an element of means testing
Yes, but make healthcare insurance plans available even for those on low-income.
No privatisation but stricter regulations and more funding to ensure that people are payed well and there are less waiting lists. MoRE STAFF!
Keep current level but provide more funding
@93GM9WGLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
We should have Singaporean style health care.
private owned approach to insurance with price caps
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