In 2015 David Cameron ordered the Ministry of Defence to be ready to welcome female soldiers into "close combat" roles next year. Proponents argue that it will help the military retain more women, who tend to leave the services permanently when they have children. Opponents argue that allowing women to serve in these roles would limit the military's ability to fight in combat situations.
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How would you feel if someone close to you wanted to join the military and serve in a combat role?
I'd be worried but it's her choice. I don't really like militaristic things as a whole, I think we should really progress past war BUT that's not happening any time soon so that's just
I would get worried obviously, and I don’t think I would support that decision very much. Although, women can be independent I feel that men literally have the physical advantage in this case and women won’t stand a chance against men.
@9XVBPFCLiberal Democrat4mos4MO
I would be proud of them no matter who they are, and I would worry for their safety.
I would be upset if someone I was close to wanted to join the military but at the end of the day it is their choice and I would support them.
woman are equally as capable and that would be obvious to most reasonable people however we should have less emphasis on the military industrial complex in general and this feels like a red herring talking point either in pro feminism circles or otherwise
Women who have served in combat are 135 times more likely to suffer from PTSD
no, puts women in danger as they are vulnerable
Yes as long as enough training is done, to prevent the man from risking mission success to save the woman's life. But really women should be able to fight the same as men.
No, there are different roles women in the military that they can do instead that are not combat roles
No women should not be ordered on the front line even if they are capable, but they should be given a choice to decide for themselves if they want to?
Yes. If she is then victim to sexual assault that is not and never will be her fault. If the assaulter cannot be trusted around women he should not be in the military. He should try going back to nursery, where he may learn some things.
I sit on the fence and understand that it is discriminatory to not allow them to but can in-vision men compromising a mission to protect women from danger
Yes, but they should be comparatively at the same physical capabilities as men and have separate living accommodations
Yes, I don’t know any women that is unable to match a man in most areas including physical if they wish to serve the UK I salute them
@9Q65SPG 8mos8MO
Yes, as long as they are made aware of the ramifications and trained to the same counter parts as the men.
Yes as long as they can pass the same or very close physical test as man and be educated and warned on the high risk of sexual assult.
Yes if the women are amazing but this is rare and they should not be allowed in higher quality units and preferably only referred to non combat roles.
@9M2PBRJLiberal Democrat10mos10MO
Yes, as long as they want to serve in combat roles and can pass physical tests appropriate for women (not tests which have been designed for me).
Yes, whilst simultaneously tackling the extremely high rates of female sexual assault in the armed forces
Yes but there should be more preventative measures to ensure they are not exploited or assaulted by male comrades
@9K5QVFK 1yr1Y
Yes, but ideally in separate combat units, to stop the risk of men risking the success of a mission and to prevent sexual assault and sexism that is prevalent in the military
Yes, if they pass the physical tests but ingrained sexism and misogyny needs to be addressed within the armed forces
@99YM3MK 1yr1Y
A mix. Women aren’t as physically capable and they have a higher risk of being sexual assault victims.
Yes as long as they pass their physical tests, but being mindful of the differences between men and women, there should be exercises that can be built up but maintaining a particular level of physicality.
Yes, and it should commission an independent review into its equipment and training practices to ensure these provide the same level of accessibility and safety for men and women
I believe combat roles and military service are against humanity. It is time we learn to solve international issues peacefully and through open dialogue, if we want to keep calling ourselves an evolved species.
No. Adding the opposite sex in to a combat zone could be a distraction.
@9FLR736 1yr1Y
Yes, as long as they are included in their abilities
Yes, providing they can pass the physical tests required to serve.
i dont even support the military
I believe in the abolishment of the British Army
There are good points on both sides, men will protect women, they are vulnerable to sexual violence more so than men. At the same time, if women want to fight, let them.
It depends how serious the situation is? Ukraine probably needs female combatants right now. But I would not have it as a general rule, as men are far more expendable then women.
Yes, it would be discrimination if they didnt. However, consider female only regiments to prevent male preset to protect females
Yes as long as they can show the same comparable level of physical fitness as their male counterparts, i.e there should be a different test for women that is measurable against the test for men.
No, women are not as physically capable as men for combat or the dangers associated with capture etc
Modern warfare is shooting and not melee combat.
Yes but they should pass same tests as men but also go into combat with other women only to reduce the chance of men feeling need to protect them
Yes, but in a role that is favourable to their fitness which might preclude them from frontline combat
No, combat roles place women in high-risk situation for sexual assault but they should be allowed to serve in the army under the basis of experience and discipline.
Yes, but they should be segregated into different battalions depending on gender
No. The risk that they will be sexually assaulted is too high, also this will influence males to risk the success of the mission to protect them.
don’t care about military
Yes if someone can pass the tough tests that a solider has to pass then gender doesn't matter.
I don't agree with the military; I am a pacifist. However, women should be treated equally to men and therefore should be able to serve in combat roles - even though I wish for nobody to serve in combat roles.
I believe the military shouldn't exist
Yes as long as they can pass the same physical tests, and it is proven that the men will not try to protect them anymore than they would other men
Generally disagree with military regardless of gender
Yes but only if they are found to be as capable physically and mentally to do the job.
I fundamentally disagree with the concept of people serving in a military force so i dont think ANYONE should be serving in a combat role.
Maybe specialist female companies using female strengths? Should be able to go with men if can pass same physical test
No, no one should be in the military.
I don't support the military but if i did EVERYONE regardless of sex, gender, sexuality, race, religion etc would be allowed to serve in combat roles.
No. Abolish the military, irrespective of gender.
I think the military should be abolished
Yes, in roles which do not require physical strength
Yes, as long as they are physically adept. But not as long as men are so belligerently diasterful in matters of bodily autonomy and assault.
Only in non-combat and medic roles
Yes, but we need to end all wars and interventions unless approved by the Security Council.
@8TKCZ7TWomen's Equality4yrs4Y
Yes, but include more equitable roles for women rather than matching roles.
Yes after studies are done to assess whether effectiveness is not compromised
@8TGJMS5Liberal Democrat4yrs4Y
I am against the idea of combat roles
No, combat roles place women in a high risk situation
No, the military should focus on non combat operations
No one should have to serve in the military, Our government shouldn't be involved with war
It should be up to the individuals
The military industrial complex should be deconstructed.
Yes, Preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory, but I do not support the military
Modern warfare is not fought with a sword and shield and the modern warfighter engages in conflict through strategy, tactical protocols and gear enhancement which is designed to ensure a specific theater/combat domain advantage.
Once social prejudice is eliminated and when the warfighter is placed in a role and with a complimentary team suitable for his/her/their distinct abilities, talents and skills, problems like sexual assault, machoism and very specific fitness (as distinct from health), disappears.
The future of modern warfare will be determined by fine tolerances, situational awareness, unmanned delivery systems and technologically enhanced performance.
The presence of diverse frontline combatants results in the direct advancement of capability, adaptability and strategic advantage.
Yes, as long as the correct precautions have been taken to safeguard them.
yes as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men and we don't lower the standards just to get more women in
Yes, as long as they pass the appropriate training and physical tests. Gender should not be an issue.
No one should be serving in military combat roles
No military roles for anyone
I believe it should be a military assessed role and that of the military community
Yes, as long as they pass the same physical, psychological and physiological tests as their male compatriots—alongside that differentiations in biology do, to some degree/in some cases, impact field ability; alongside accessing varying jobs within the army which attest to said differences and aid the overall units. Furthermore, gender identity within various cultural fields could also impact upon the treatment of female soldiers, however, due to the socialisation process alongside underlying anthropological factors, may be a credit to the team at hand; possibly creating more humanitarian, calmer situations and outcomes.
The British Military should be abolished.
Yes, if it's within a female regiment.
Yes, but all military physical tests should be upgraded so there is no gender-based difference
Yes, if women want to pursue combat roles, they should be allowed to
No, I believe in abolishing the military
@9BSM4YTPlaid Cymru2yrs2Y
No, no one should be in a combat role
Women are physically able as men. Only reason to exclude is due to country population. At this time we have plenty of men and women so both should serve equally.
Do you want us all to die
I don’t support men or women joining the military
There is no good reason to put women in combat roles, there are however multiple reasons (varying in validity) to avoid putting them in combat roles.
There should be no armed forces funded by the government. Only Private Militias and Security.
Yes, but only for women who demonstrate a higher standard of cognitive and physical capability than men.
Picked based on ability not gender
Militaries shouldn't exist
Militaries are inherently right wing and hence I am uninterested in diversity over equality.
No one should serve, get rid of it
Only for women who want to
Yes, as long as they can pass the necessary tests required for a combat role.
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