Try the political quiz

25 Replies

 @4Y254FYfrom Bristol, City of answered…3yrs3Y

 @4V3M4BTfrom Hertford answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only after they've been assessed mentally to show their capable of Making a stable and informed decision


Yes, except for those in prison at the time of voting. Those on parole/probation should be allowed to vote as they are participating in society.

 @9LJN963answered…6 days6D

Depends the reason for the conviction, theft committed for stealing food for your child? Baby food? these people should be afforded the right to vote- based on the social context on the crime.


Yes, but only if it is clear that they have served their sentence and shown that they have tried to become a better citizen.


Yes but only if not convicted of unjustified violent extreme crimes. Also in stable psychological state with understanding of political consequences etc


Yes, but only after they reattain good standing in their communities and after a certain number of years as per the crime. Violent criminals should not be allowed to earn back their voting rights except through military service.


They should be allowed only after completing their sentences and proving that they can be trusted after a year or so.


Yes, but they should be barred from being able to vote for 5 years after their sentence has been served


it depends on their conviction- pedophelia cases, violence (sexual assault) murder etc should not be allowed

 @9KCDXM6 answered…2mos2MO

Yes, except for people accused of tax evasion, fraud or murder or violent crimes, rape or crimes against children


felons convicted with worser crimes (murder, rape, etc.) shouldn't be able to vote as well as felons who haven't completed their sentences yet


Yes, but as long as it is not an extreme offence, and it has been 10 years since the crime was committed.


If the UK prison system worked then yes they should have the right AFTER their sentence and their rehabilitation. However, murderers, rapists and paedophiles should NOT.


Peadophiles, murderers and terrorists should have a life time ban but other criminals should be allowed when they finish their sentence


Yes, but only if it has been confirmed that they have been successfully reintegrated back into society upon completion of their punishments.


depends om the extremity of the crime and whether the person has been successfully rehabilitated


This depends on their mental state through why they went to prison so in most cases I would argue yes or in the middle


Dependent on the condition on the convict after they serve their time



Yes, but only if they are due to leave prison in that government term time


 @94W6BGPWomen's Equalityanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, unless the crime is related to politics, murder, assault both sexual and physical, and any crimes against children


Yes just because they are criminals doesn’t mean they aren’t human and disallowed from a vote that could help the country


It depends on the crime, for example, thiefs can, however, not rapists, murderers etc.


If they have done petty crimes or crimes at a young age they should be able to vote however if they have harmed someone or something then they should not be able to vote


It depends on the scale of the crime committed, if it's a minor theft, then yes. If it is a serious crime like murder, then no.




Except felons convicted of murder, rape, paedophilia, child abuse, domestic abuse, or hate crime offences.


Yes except the worst of the worst (rapist’s, Pedo’s and mass murders etc.)


Voting is not always the right answer as it causes the struggle for power to become a popularity contest. Giving convicted criminals the right to vote could have a negative effect on the fairness of democracy.


One should only be allowed to vote if the criminal can reach a minimum amounts of criminal record and incomplete records also count out a chance of voting


Murderers should never vote. Others must first finish their punishments and then be checked.


They should go through a special process in order to rethink their previous ways and have a new state of mind.


No, they lost their right to be a part of society and as such loose all rights and privileges


Political Knowledge test should be taken ahead of voting to understand whether the voter understands which principles align to which party


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