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 @9GJXFQQ disagreed…6mos6MO

They're normal humans just like straight couples. It's natural to be gay, so why should we deny them the right to be happy?

 @9F96GH9 disagreed…7mos7MO

Gay couples are human. Straight couples are human. What's the difference? So long as everyone's consenting, it's alright.

 @9GLFY8S disagreed…6mos6MO

Gay people are human and no worse or better than straight people so should be able to do the same things as them

 @9FBVJSY disagreed…7mos7MO

Why should a child suffer in foster homes because they’re unable to be loved and cared for by someone who is gay?


I agree. Just because the people adopting are gay does not mean that they will not be great parents.


Anyone of any sexuality can be a good or bad parent, so adoption rights for gay couples should be equal to those of straight couples

 @9FWCSGK disagreed…7mos7MO

Good parents are good parents no matter whether there are two men or two women. Straight couples can be terrible parents.


any parents can be terrible , as long as the children are loved and cared for at a good standard it doesn’t matter who their parents are or what sexuality/gender their parents are.


The main role of a parent is to love their child. And gender doesn’t change that. All couples should have the right to adopt.


Why shouldn't they be allowed to? Just because they love someone the same sex as them doesn't mean that they can't look after a child as well and love them. Shame on you if you think otherwise

 @9FBD39Jfrom South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

What does them being gay have to do with their ability to raise kids? The adoption process should be the same for any couple looking for a child.


Legalising same-sex adoption not only reduces stigma around gay relationships, but also reduces the number of orphans and children in the foster care system who inevitably have poorer upbringings and are a burden on the state. Why make them suffer when they could experience a fulfilling and loving family? There’s no reason beyond bigotry to assume that a gay nuclear, or otherwise, family cannot provide the same functions for a child than a straight one.


Gay couples should be treated the same way as normal couples, why should they be treated differently.


Loads of people are LGBT and the main concern should be will the child be loved and cared for regardless of sex.


What does them being gay have to do with their ability to raise kids? The adoption process should be the same for any couple looking for a child.

 @9FC6KFVfrom Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

If all are equal, all should have equal rights, and that includes LGBT couples having the ability to adopt in the same way as straight couples. Or are you suggesting that some are inferior to others? Shame on you.


As long as the child is raised in a loving household, there's no reason why a child in this circumstance can't go on to live a perfectly normal life, as has happened throughout the decades.


Having a different sexuality or gender does not make a person a less effective parent, and minorities such as gay people should have the right be parents.


If children can be exposed constantly to heterosexual couples why is being exposed to gay couples harmful?


After all, if they are proven to be worthy of caring of a child it is more than fair. Every child deserves a parent.


They’re humans too like you and I. Let them be treated as you’d like to be. Let them adopt like you and I are able to


I don't see why the sexuality of a person affects parenthood. I believe anyone should be able to adopt a child.


They are people who will offer a loving home for a child who wants nothing more. Why should we deny that?


Gay people are capable of looking after a child if they are respectful and responsible towards their child’s needs again it doesn’t need to be a mother and a father situation like the olden days


All children deserve a caring upbringing and if a gay couple can provide that they should be allowed to vote


They should be able to have a family just like a heterosexual couple, so why should they be denied that right?


They both adopt children hence remove strain in the public sector and it is they're rights as humans to be treated fairly, hence have the same rights as a heterosexual couple


They should aslong as they meet the requirements and can offer they child a good quality of life. And it should be the same for straight couples.


Why would you prevent a child from going to a safe and kind home where they will be looked after just because the couple is same-sex?

 @9GHHTFCfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…6mos6MO

There is no difference between a normal couple and a LGBT couple adopting a kid, the kids will still be loved the same no matter what.


If they are clear of criminal charges and can provide a safe loving stable family why should they not be able to?


They should be allowed. They are human beings at the end of the day and suffer with the same issues that infertile straight couples suffer with.


The sexual orientation of a couple has nothing to do with the couples ability to love and care for a child.


Then all you've achieved is revoking human rights to people who don't want to live under the pressure of being outliers and to be made alien for who they like


People who are on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum make amazing parents - just like people who aren’t on said spectrum do. You’re of course going to get abuse, negligence & other horrible things from every party of parents.


It doesn’t matter who they are the most important thing is that they want to maybe finish their family


Statements as such should be disregarded as there is no evidence same sex couples are unable to love and care for a child


Yes they should because what is the different between a man and a woman parenting or same sex couples parenting? At the end of the day if they have completed background checks there is no difference


If two people have the desire to nuture a child who hasn't had the best start in life, what does their sexuality have to do with it?


As long as the couple passes the same background checks as a straight couple, and are a happy loving couple, they should have the same right as anyone else.


Very few hetro couples are adopting we have loads of children in care if a loving home can be provided why does gender play a part?


As long as the child will have a positive upbringing from loving parents, who cares. It gives a child in care a new family


Gay couples should be able to adopt children, obviously if they’re gay they can’t have children biologically, and maybe it’s both their dreams to have a child, so they should be allowed to adopt.


Anyone should be able to adopt a child if they are able and willing to do so and wont mistreat the child


If they pass all the requirements, attend all the classes and are fully prepared to raise a child then they should have the same right as straight couples.


why is a gay couple any different to a straight couple? it doesn’t matter if a couple is same sex or not they are still parents


Many children adopted by gay couples grow up to be happy and healthy, arguably more so than hetero couples. As long as they provide love, food, education and shelter it should not matter

 @9GN6H47Women's Equalitydisagreed…6mos6MO

The only basis for homophobia is religion, and since the church and state remain separate there is no reason for them not to give lgbtq+ people equal rights


they should be looked at like other straight couple, their preference has nothing to do with how well someone can look after a child


Gay people can take care of a child and well and if not better then most straight couples and the child would have unconditional love


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