LGBT adoption is the adoption of children by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons. Same-sex couples in the United Kingdom (not including Scotland) have had the right to adopt since 2002, following the Adoption and Children Act 2002.The previous condition that the couple be married was dropped, thus allowing a same-sex couple to apply. Opponents of LGBT adoption question whether same-sex couples have the ability to be adequate parents while other opponents question whether natural law implies that children of adoption possess a natural right to be raised by heterosexual parents. Since constitutions and statutes usually fail to address the adoption rights of LGBT persons, judicial decisions often determine whether they can serve as parents either individually or as couples.
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Gay couples must be married for at least 5 years before they can adopt.
how does that makes sense
If both same sex parents are loving, kind decent people it should not matter what sexual preferences they have. It does not matter whether the parents are a heterosexual or a gay couple. As long as the children are brought up in a safe, loving and nurturing environment.
I also believe children brought up with same sex parents will be have more awareness of the LGBT community and have a better understanding growing up.
@9MPXC3RLiberal Democrat10mos10MO
No, I believe children shouldn't be placed with same sex couples if the child is under the age of 12.
Yes, but I believe mother and family structure is best for the child
Yes, but I do believe a mother and father family structure is more beneficial
The children must be put down, they are a burden on the welfare state
Yes but straight couples should be prioritised in order to offer a more all-encompassing upbringing
The prevailing "rights" in this situation are those of the child. I believe a mother and father family structure may be best for the child in the development of the child's own sexual and gender identity. Many gay couples will be able to provide a deeply loving and supportive environment which is likely to be far superior to institutional care. These are very complex areas which require professional expertise and determination by the courts. I support scientific research into the psychological and welfare outcomes for adopted children in both heterosexual and non-heterosexual families.
They should have more rights due to the fact that they don’t have the option to have children together.
If might be awkward for the child to have two dads as every child should have a motherly figure i their lives but gay couples deserve adoption rights since they can't a child themselves.
Not everyone should have rights to adopt. Gay or not they should have to complete a certain eligibility scheme. But yes gay people should be able to adopt
Case by case basis. All adoptions should be seen in the context of the couple independent of orientation.
Sexuality should have no baring on parenting
@8XXV2R3Liberal Democrat3yrs3Y
only if they keep socks on
No, untill the child has agreed with it.
It should be decided by the mother who gave birth of that child if she wants the baby to be adopted by straight or gay!
it could lead to the bullying of the child that they have adopted so I dont think it should be a good idea
I believe 100% that YES, THEY SHOULD and out dated, expired human beings that grew up in a completely different time shouldn't have a say on this. Old, straight, homophobic human ish being shouldn't have the right to say whether or not a gay couple is qualified to have children.
I believe that they should have the right to adopts but it shouldn’t be as easy as straight couples because of female infertility issues
I do feel children benefit most from having both male and female parents. However, gay couples shouldn’t automatically be excluded from adoption but each case should be considered on its individual circumstances in the best interests of each individual child
Yes, although a mother and father family structure is best for a child it is still better for a child to have homosexual parents than none at all
im sure there is plenty of kids that are in need of homes, shouldnt really be too relevant but yeh sure they can have the same rights I guess but there is so many kids needing homes just send them innit
Gay couples should be allowed to adopt but straight couples should undoubtedly be ahead of them in the queue because having a mother and a father is the best outcome for all.
Yes but I believe two males should only be able to adopt a girl
No. Execute the gay couples.
As long as it’s clear the child won’t have the gays parents world views pushed on to them and allow to create His/hers own decisions on sexuality then it should be the same rights.
Kind of. I would find it weird but I think people should choose on their own as long as it’s not near me.
Yes but I do believe a mother and father structure is the best for a child so, say it is two fathers, there should be a mother figure present too.
It should be checked with the child before if they're comfortable with having gay parents. If it is a baby, then it is ok
Yes, but it should be regulated more strictly since both a mother and a father figure are important for a child.
Yes as long as the child has regular contact with female carers as well as male e.g compulsory time with adoptive grandmother or aunt. It is important to have both male and female influence when raising a child
It’s just not right to bring a child up with two fathers, subject to irreparable and long standing bullying.
No. Straight couples first. And gay couple ahead of single parents. A child needs balance, mixed gender to learn from, and stability. Straight couples provide this best.
Why not? As long as they are loving and can make a child have a happy life then of course they should. Although I would say they must be married!
As long as they don't force the child to be gay. Just raise the child as anyone else should and let them be who they turn out to be.
On a case by case basis. I think it depends on the child background and identity to ensure that it wont have an extreme impact on the child, e.g muslim kids, with extended muslim family will have a difficult time identifying with their kinmen with that kind if relationship. Apart from that there should be no restrictions. Better to be loved by two parents than none x
Yes, as long as the relationship is healthy and can provide an healthy family relationship for the kid
I believe that the mother and father family structure is the best for the child, but as long as they pass the same checks the state can't legislate for religion.
This should be research based. Studies should be conducted on how successful children are under same-sex couples vs heterosexual couples, then policy adjusted accordingly.
yes, however straight couples who cannot naturally conceive should be given priority - above other straight couples too
Yes they should, but they need to have a deep background S&V check. Because if the couple are far left. They can brainwash the child and have bad inspiration on to the child to have the same sadistic left views.
In the secular sector - yes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples. However, adoption agencies that do not support homosexual relationships and unions should not be obligated to give gay couples children in their care.
Is this even a question? You have the words gay couples and adoption rights in the same sentence. They shouldn't have rights. At all. In fact, you should make a law preventing anyone even slightly zesty to be given death sentence effective immediately.
yes but because it is a different family situation, then if the child is over an age where they understand this then they should have the right to have a say if they want to be in this situation or not.
I believe that all children benefit from having both a maternal and paternal parent. As long as this is the arrangement within same sex adoption then they should be able to both parent providing that an external parent is of the opposite sex
Yes if they want to perform the same roles in society as straight couples do when entering the contracts of marriage and adoption.
A father mother structure will likely help more but if the child is fine with it and wants to get adopted by them it is fine
100%, As a person of the LGBTQIA+ myself I won't be able to have my own children with my lover and family plays a massive part of my culture and life. I have no idea what I will do if I can't have children...
Yes, they should have the same rights based on the same tests but if there is a possibility to send a child to a heterosexual family it would allow for a
maternal and paternal connection to be established which is proven to aid in child development
So heterosexual couples are preferable as a first option
Of course other factors should be taken into account like the ability to nurture and kindness
I think the child should choose of a selection of parents and be able to have a form of test run and spend a week with them to see what each is like
Within reason and the child must be of an age to say that they want to go with them as having a mother and father with provide them with the traditional aspect of growing up
No gay people shouldn't be allowed and a mother and father family structure is the right way for a child to live like.
In principle yes, but private adoption agencies should have the right to discriminate. For example a religious orphanage should be able to deny homosexual couples adoption rights.
Yes and No. Yes for the benefit of a child that can be placed into a loving stable family home. No if undertaken as a political tick box exercise to fill quotas and enable those involved to virtue signal.
Tough question…yes, because we have the same rights and should have same rights, but I do feel this could have an adverse effect on the child later in life.
A mother and father that have had an extensive background check, that the child will be 100% safe with would be better as that is what children need. However I am not against it completely, I just believe having a masculine and a feminine energy around a child is important.
Undergo thorough vetting process - Guide with life lessons & normalities - daily routine & core values
children should be raised by similar systems /groups as produced them. ie biological male plus biological female produce a foetus. So children should be raised by biological male and or biological female.
I think it’s ok as long as the parents do not raise or push the idea of the child being non binary as I think having that idea at such a young age can give a child split personality disorder very easily. If the child is 16 at the very earliest and decides they went to identify as non binary that’s fine but they should not be able to have any sex changes until they are at least 20
It's all about the benefit and future for the child. If they have a loving home and people who can take care and commit to protecting the child regardless of being gay or straight, I have no objection to.
I believe that a loving home, comprised of a mother and father, is optimal for a child's development - so this should be given priority. But that's not to say that gay couples can't provide a good and loving home too, I just believe that the former should be prioritised.
Yes, as long as they don't manipulate a child in to their sexual preferences and allow the child to make their own mind up without pressure
Yes, only if they give that child a suitable home and won't force any lgbtq propaganda down their throat.
depending on the mental state, income and belief that they are open minded to children being their own.
Everyone should have the same rights to vote, but should not be pushing their own agendas and views on their children. Children have the right to their own sexuality and views on society
Yes, regarding that they pass checks requiring that they raise the child/children in an unbiased way that does not infringe with their biological sex.
Depends on circumstances, believe if like for like couple, mum and dad is best, but in some situations that would not be the case.
As long as the gay couples are able to care for a child adequately, if they are not, they should be denied just as straight parents would be
I believe that a child should have a strong femal and male influence on their life, if a same sex couple can still provide this in some format then yes. If not then no.
No, a child benefits from having both a male and female role model in their lives and a gay couple should demonstrate how this would be achieved.
It should be up to the child being adopted if they are old enough otherwise ,if they pass background checks they should be allowed
Yes, as long they pass the same background checks as straight couples and hold no previous criminal convictions.
Yes as long as the needs of the children are always put before any decision based on equality between adopting couples.
The child has got to be at a mature age to make a decision about whether they would like 2 fathers or 2 mothers and if they don't they should be given a male and female parentship.
yes they should be allowed to adopt but with the same checks as anyone else but again why is this still on the agenda
A child is better loved and wanted in any family home, however I still feel that a man/woman Dad/Mom relationship is preferable
If they're assessed as appropriate to adopt then I support them. However, anyone stupid enough to leave a living creature let alone a baby they only recently got in a hot car alone should NEVER be allowed to adopt or use a surrogate.
Adoption should not be primarily about the rights of adults to adopt a child but the rights of children to a safe and loving family.
Yes, as long as they promise to raise the child/children in an unbiased way related to their biological sex.
Proven fact that kids adopted by gay parents are more likely to be gay when they grow up. I would of hated to be adopted by gay parents I am thankful I wasn't.
SDP believes in Family as foundation of our society,personally if Same Sex couples can prove their are fit to adopt I have no objections.
Yes, if the child is the same sex as the parent. There are things that are learnt in life that only someone of the same sex would know.
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