Try the political quiz

7 Replies


Only is a referendum decides it and if it is done with a more democratic election system than the USA.

 @9L9FY7BRejoin EUanswered…2wks2W

No burp rejoin the union and strive for a closer union essentially USE in all but name and all that is possible without complications.


It is a matter for the member nations, of which the UK is not currently one



The most the European and the adds and which the government house wins


Yes, but only if this system respects nations rights to create local laws similar to the US state and federal systems.


 @9CC63Z4from Maine answered…11mos11MO

Each country should give its people the opportunity to vote on the matter




No because then it could bully smaller countries into doing as it wishes and start a conflict with Russia



No, each country should remain sovereign. But their should be some entity that helps nations that are struggling.


In theory a good concept but in practice impossible and therefore unpredictable. I support the concept but the execution could go either way.


No, it’s not the same as in America. It’s desirable but not doable. I do like the US system though.



No, but continue to work on maintaining positive relations with current EU members and those wishing to join the EU.


I don't see a world where this scenario could translate to reality and have a beneficial outcome for all involved?


No, but I am in favour of further European integration, including the adoption of the Euro.


They can do whatever they want I honestly couldn't care less at this point. :(




Depends on if it would work or not, I believe it would if done correctly


This kind of decision can only be imagined if the constant support of each and every member state and each member state's people were explicitly behind such a measure, which they currently aren't.


As long as the UK is not part of the EU, or any possible United States of Europe; and provided the EU (or U.S.E) does not act to threaten UK sovereignty; it doesn't matter.


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