The United States of Europe is a proposed scenario where members of the European Union would transition into a single sovereign country. Each EU country would acquire a status similar to U.S. states.
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no it should become a looser confederation where decisions are made by a majority vote by member states
@9NYTYQ8 7mos7MO
Yes, potentially. But it needs to be thoroughly thought out. And provided nation states/regions maintain devolved parliaments and much of their autonomy and have the ability to secede if they wish to.
kind of, we should at some point form into a coalition that has a join goal of improving the lives of the people and advancing humanity, however this should not be to the effect of decreasing the power of local governments like councils in the uk.
I think it is quite likely to so devolve, but I don't really care, so long as the UK stays well out of it!
Yes, but instead of each country receiving the same status as a state would, they should be treated as an individual country
Depends on the current financial, political and social climate. Not just that, creating rules and communicating would require a lot of effort.
@938W7PZCount Binface3yrs3Y
If that’s what the people want
No, but there should be much more integration
Perhaps, and would potentially support UK integration
No, each country has its own unique heritage and culture that should be respected.
No, the current system of independent, sovereign states, but with a continent-wide single economic union should be maintained.
Currently cultural, political and linguistic divides are too great for Europe to become a sovereign state, but in the future it will be necessary for Europe remain internationally relevant and economically influential.
European cooperation is important to maintain peace, but countries should be able to maintain individuality to preserve cultures and national identities.
The EU should evolve into a world union in which every country has the opportunity to contribute equally and in which every country has peaceful relationship
No, I'm in favour of greater integration but not to the extent cultural differences, practices and beliefs are flattened.
This is an issue for the people living in those countries, it's for them to decide. I felt that the UK was wrong to leave the EU but would be hesitant about the prospect of the UK becoming part of a hypothetical United States of Europe
Only is a referendum decides it and if it is done with a more democratic election system than the USA.
No, one currency one president etc is undemocratic. The USA has at least the right balance with devolved parliaments.
No. European cultures are too different, and it's hard enough getting Brits to agree - the smaller the government, the better
No, but a better system than single-country veto of any mandates needs to be explored - the majority should 'win', rather than the entire bloc being held to ransom by a single renegade state
Yes, but only after democratic enhancement of the EU member states, with overwhelming majorities of each member state in favour.
No, as America's states are now divided by opposing politics but cannot devolve, leaving a gridlocked and chaotic national government.
Although this is an idealistic goal in terms of foreign policy and aid, it would not be sensible to look into this now.
Yes, but over time and only with proper political will.
No to any Americanisation.
Yes and Britain should re-join the EU as a full member.
Maybe one day, but not yet
yes, only if every constituent was valued equally dismissant of their old countries input to the new united states
Yes but devolved states so that we can make decisions for our own state and honour our own decisions
I'm indifferent to some form of EU federalism, but the self determination of each member state is a priority
@9MYFJDHLiberal Democrat 8mos8MO
I support the idea of a federalisation of Europe in order to avoid falling out of relevance next to the other major powers of the world
No because I wouldn't trust any group of people to be able to govern such a large portion of the world without any prejudice
No, the United States's system is inherently flawed, with a mismanaged balance of powers between federal and state governments.
no, but it would be easier to come back from holidays and we will not have to go through all the checks in the airports.
No burp rejoin the union and strive for a closer union essentially USE in all but name and all that is possible without complications.
What would be the point when the WEF want and IMF want a inevitable world currency CBDC?
It is a matter for the member nations, of which the UK is not currently one
Not until the EU becomes democratically elected beaurocrats
No, but there should be more integration
Yes, but only very gradually and only including EU-15
Not yet cus they need to upgrade themselves and change they stuff like the veto and just do some updates and then they can
Only if the process is gradual, and the course of change can be altered at any point so that sovereignty of nations is never compromised. European unity is very important in today's world and will benefit the world as a whole.
Yes, but with high levels of autonomy. Basic social values such as housing and transportation will be non-negotiable, but other, minor services can be independently decided. This is so the core values of each state are in line with one another
No, but Europe should strive to work together
Maybe, if the Member States and their populations want it to evolve that way. It is a long way from this now.
Yes, provided nation states/regions maintain devolved parliaments and much of their autonomy and have the ability to secede if they wish to.
No that could threaten the economy
No, disband the EU completely
Depends what benefits would come from it
No opinion, a matter for member countries of the EU.
we shouldn't act as if we are separate countries. Humanity is more important than borders.
The EU can do what it wants BUT this should not effect EU countries involvement in NATO and each eu country should have a certain amount of autonomy
The EU should be a conglomeration of nation states
Yes, and the UK should be a member state
only if each state has equal rights and authority
If this would prove to be beneficial long term, yes
No however strengthening ties and creating single markets and currencies across Europe will only help the balance of power across the world as long as EU members are only liberal democracies
If that gradually becomes the democratic wish of the citizens of the EU
No, the European Union should only stay as an economic union between sovereign states in Europe
Happy with the current EU system
The EU is a Dictatorship and Should be Abolished.
Nope, one currency, one head of state and one parliament is unaccountable, undemocratic and would lead to many monetary and employment problems.
I seriously meant no government but yeah sure if we can't have that
if all EU countries people vote to do so.
no but more co-operation between the EU countries
Yes, but without Britain
100% not, i am agaist the EU as it is, leave and never return
It's nothing to do with the UK anymore
I think the EU will fall before this point, but I argue that there need to be a joint European Security bored to defend from Terrorism and NATO, as we cannot trust the USA.
No, we are not yet integrated enough however in future this may be viable
They wish but it would never happened
Yes it is the only way for otherwise increasingly economic and millitarily insignificant European States to retain and project power
No, but the common currency should go hand in hand with common fiscal policy
@8SKLXRQLiberal Democrat4yrs4Y
No because it would be a copy of the USA and pan European federalism is not good for individual cultures and is subject to globalism also it would be basically like a democratic form of the soviet Union too
Neutral, that would be a choice for EU countries of which we are no longer a part of
No, having one head of state, one parliament and one currency will lead to corruption, bankruptcy, no accountability and austerity.
Eventually - But this will probably take most of the 21st Century
No, not yet. More time for natural integration of culture needs to happen first.
Potentially but the logistics are currently not possible
Yes, but it each nation should still be run from a their current government.
Perhaps. But only when a clear majority of the citizens of the member nations want it to.
There are too many angles to consider for this to be a straight yes-or-no answer.
No, however if disagreements start between multiple European countries and other issues, then the EU should be able to mediate or take action.
I think that that is a decision for member states. I think the EU is to beurocratic to be effecient with regards to this.
If the populations of Europe want it.
That is for the citizens of the Eu to decide
@8R56832Plaid Cymru4yrs4Y
Yes, if it is the democratic will of each member state
No, it should devole into what it was before the Maastricht treaty
I do not understand enough to comment on this
No, because it shouldn’t just be taking all forms of trade deals from the United States. It doesn’t promote innovation even though it could be a big economical gain for some countries.
No, but I accept that due to global politics, the United States of Europe is entirely possible to at some point in the future forge.
It would depend on how it would work.
No, but there should be intense cooperation with our European neighbours and partners.
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