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34 Replies


Who is to decide what's authoritarian government? It's a slippery slope to fav ones over others depending who is at the steering wheel

  @Kovu answered…1yr1Y

Depends on the government, country or state, circumstances and or values, and how authoritarian. If extremely fascist then yes.



Yes but only with an overwhelming majority of nations accept to proscribing that label.


 @92PJWPPScottish Socialistanswered…3yrs3Y

No, sanctions will only negatively affect the population of those countries who have done nothing wrong.

  @8S3D9GWLiberal Democratanswered…4yrs4Y

No, who can be trusted to decide whether a government is authoritarian?


Support These countries with financial aid and vote against EU meddling





No, should engage with them to support the development of human rights in those countries

 @8SPLQTZScottish Socialistanswered…4yrs4Y

No, there should be no economic penalties for any country as it only hurts the people in that country.

 @8RW5MRWLiberal Democratanswered…4yrs4Y

Authoritarian itself is not a reason for sanctions but violations of things we hold dear would be a good reason for sanctions be it democratic or authoritarian. I support sanctions in principle.



Not necessarily, it should be a case-by-case given the socio-political views of given region


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