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29 Replies


No so long as they are elected freely by the population and do not pose real threat to other sovereign states


I believe attempts should be made to cripple government of authoritarian regimes, whilst ensuring the citizens do not suffer in the meantime.


Sanctions only effect the poorest in said authoritarian country, the autocratic leaders will not care about their peoples suffering.


No, what one country's government considers authoritarian may not reflect the will or experience of a foreign populace.

 @9PD2GGZ answered…9mos9MO

The people of those nations should be aided to topple these government rather than sanctioning and causing suffering.





Depends on the severity of the rulership. If it's something similar to an Authoritarian Democracy, then sure. But a full-blown Dictatorship maybe not.


No, the EU should be a trade organisation, not a political body and as such should not have any authority in these matters


I thought the EU was a Union of democracies. If a country elects a right wing government and it continues to be a democracy, then the EU should allow that country to govern as it sees fit without the threat of sanctions.


yes, but the sanctions have to be monitored by multiple countries to make sure everything they are doing is to benefit the citizens


The EU should be fully disbanded for being an authoritarian supranational government themselves.



No because the EU could decide a country is authoritarian when they’re are not. Only time that they should is if a country is very obviously authoritarian.


Yes, but only if they are willing to do they same across the board, not simply just picking the countries that don't suit their agenda - e.g sanction the middle east as well as Russia.



We should not sanction countries all because of how they run their country it's non of our concern.


No. A capitalist institution like the EU, for all its benefits, would distort the definition of authoritarian to demonise socialist countries.


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