Try the political quiz

6 Replies


Yes, the EU is slowly becoming a super state outside of its original values (single trading bloc)



Idealistically, the EU should be collapsed as it is capitalistic and I am an Anarchy-Communist. But under capitalism it should exist.


The EU needs reform, but abolishing the Commission would leave a power vaccuum


No but they should be more transparent and democratic in their decision making


No, but EU commission officials should be voted in by citizens, not the government


Make sure it’s power doesn’t become greater than that of Parliament


Yes, because the EU is supposed to be a trade organisation, not a political body

 @9L9FY7BRejoin EUanswered…3wks3W


No Commission stands up for unity and Europe working together

UK should rejoin EU and be part of this. Do people realise that u solve a problem by staying in it not by leaving it.

 @9J8FKHVfrom 00 answered…3mos3MO

No, but decentrelise it make more place for right wing and all nations equal and principely before it.


It should not be dismantled, but rather restructured to have more than one seat for each member of the EU, in order to represent each parliaments seat representatives and get a more open-minded consensus for each discussion.


No but there are some bizarre pieces of legislation, at times, that seem unnecessary, that could be revised.



Yes if it means we can have a stronger alliance with individual countries as opposed to the EU Bloc



The European and french is the world's biggest honours and respect is included for most


It should be reformed to be more democratic and representative of the political makeup of the elected European Parliament


Only if the EU were to continue favouring left wing and migrant interests


Either dismantled or replaced with democratically elected officials by all citizens within eu

 @9C7ML3Jfrom Maine answered…11mos11MO


No, but Commissioners should be elected by the EU Parliament rather than appointed


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