The European Commission is the executive branch of the EU and is responsible for proposing legislation and enforcing treaties. Each member of the EU appoints an official to the 28 members of the commission.
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The EU needs reform, but abolishing the Commission would leave a power vaccuum
It should be restructured
No but it should not have as much power as it does and should be regulated to ensure it doesn't become corrupt
It should be reconsidered and re-evaluated, rather than be dismantled. Dismantling it would leave a power vacuum
It does not work effectively now is a drain on all economies and removes a little bit of democracy with each ruling
No, but decentrelise it make more place for right wing and all nations equal and principely before it.
It should not be dismantled, but rather restructured to have more than one seat for each member of the EU, in order to represent each parliaments seat representatives and get a more open-minded consensus for each discussion.
It needs reform, too much power is in the hands of unelected officials such as Ursula von der Leyen. The President of the Comission should be elected.
Depends what this means, if it means reforming it to be more accountable and transparent to EU citizens then yes (perhaps through elections or somekind), but if it means abolished with no replacement to enable the EU to carry out it's essential functions then no.
No but there are some bizarre pieces of legislation, at times, that seem unnecessary, that could be revised.
No, but it should be democratised
Not really bothered, as long as it has nothing to do with the UK.
No but should be more democratically accountable
Yes if it means we can have a stronger alliance with individual countries as opposed to the EU Bloc
Only if the board is diverse enough
Entirely up to citizens of EU member stayed
No, but reform it to ensure it is more democratic and accountable.
No, I didn't know what it was before now but, if it's something that thinks of the EU's overall strategy, manages the EU budget and helps create and implement new EU laws, it seems absolutely wild to dismantle it ???
This is none of our business anymore, as we're out. The EU countries should decide on that, not us. EC laws should NOT apply to the UK at all unless we choose to introduce the same law into official UK law.
No but they are all vastly overpaid for what they do. And there are too many white men. Countries should each appoint two individuals. If one is a white man the other must be a diversity candidate. If both are diversity candidates, great.
No, but full legislative power needs to rest with the EU Parliament and Council of Ministers, who are elected.
I think everything needs to be looked at in a broader spectrum to ensure that all circumstances and needs are considered for each person.
Yes because when it began it was a common market for countries to trade with one another but with all of the rules and regulations it is more of a dictatorship.
I am pro EU, but the EU commission is one of the least democratic aspects of the EU, so it needs to be replaced with something that citizens can have a say in more directly. This does not mean that the EU should be dismantled in any way.
No, but it should be democratised and the power to move initiatives of its own should be vested in the European Parliament.
No Commission stands up for unity and Europe working together
UK should rejoin EU and be part of this. Do people realise that u solve a problem by staying in it not by leaving it.
Given that we are no longer a member, why does that matter? There’s no influence that our policies could have. Is this relevant anymore?
Yes, and the EU should be reduced from a supranational body to a forum for voluntary economic and diplomatic cooperation.
No, but it needs serious reform to make it more democratic
No, but it should be restructured
The European Commission is a dinosaur and the EU’s worst enemy. Death by bureaucracy. The European Parliament needs increased powers to become more democratic
No but it needs to be restructured
The head of the EU should be one of the heads of state/government (depending on who goes such as France being head of state that attends EU) and rotate on regular basis and remove executive branch - making what is now EU council highest body in the organization
@93V6RQ3Liberal Democrat3yrs3Y
No, but it should be reformed to reduce bureaucracy and red tape
Nations should create their own models after the Commission itself in order to avoid time wasting
I believe how they gain their position needs to change, with national governments have more involvement in who is elected.
@92PHY3YLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
More recognition of smaller European countries instead of bigger ones
Yes, to become more democratic
Depending on it gives its countries a proper devolved power.
I believe it should be reformed to be more democratic. I am in support of co-operation, but I am in support of nation states.
no but leaders should be elected
There should be reform from within to correct the imbalances of power between the European Union governing bodies, without a full dissolution of the organisation as a whole.
No because the UK has left so we now have no reason for involvement in such decision
Yes it is undemocratic and unaccountable.
No, but the commissioners should be elected by the people of Europe.
Yes, but replaced with a more democratic and transparent system.
I do not have enough information to make a decision
Reform the European Commission
The European Commission should continue to evolve and reform itself
Yes, and it should be replaced a more democratically accountable body, answerable to the EU Council of Ministers.
No, however commissioners must be MEPs
Should be economic union only
No, but commissioners must be elected prior as MEP's
Yes and un and nato,all countries independently run
No unless it’s power supersedes that of the national governments of member nations
No but more powers and mechanisms should be added to both the commission and the eu parliament such as triggering certain protocols that suspend other members stsrs for violation of rights requiring a 2/3 majority only of member states and eu parliament
No, as the EU Commission is the governing body of the EU - a large trading partner of the UK
That is for the EU to decide, but it is already too beurocratic to be effective.
They should have less control over different countries
I think the European Commission should be more limited in its powers in political affairs of a country
It should adapt and change and improve
we are not part of that any more so this question is invalid
No but they should be more transparent
Leaders being elected every set period of time, and not a closed shop.
The EC needs to not be dismantled as the EU needs managing but it is too big and unwieldy and needs more elected members
No, but it should be elected
@8P3W8JGLiberal Democrat4yrs4Y
No, but Brexit shows the EC & EU need more openess, clarity & accountability for people to properly understand and relate to their work. I support an ever-closer union under a federal system, but think the executive and legislature both need to be directly elected by the people.
No but it should be more transparent and democratic.
The European Commission, like the rest of the European Union, should be reformed.
Yes, and the entire European Union should be dismantled so we can return to sovereign nation states.
The learn more is broken and I don’t know what that is
yes but free movement of trade and people should be kept open
I genuinely couldn't care less for the EU Commission.
No, but the EU should have less power over countries
Yes, but have free trade arrangements, not political ones
No, but needs to be dramatically altered
No but ensure that the President is voted for by the EU public in an instant-runoff system with other nominated candidates by the EU council.
No and it should be no longer relevant to the UK as we left the European Union
Powers should be reduced
No, but it should be reformed and made less of a self-serving bureacracy
the uk is not part of this
No so long as it does not supersede the sovereignty of member states
No, but its powers should be more transparent and accountable.
European Commission should be mainly for trade and less bureaucratic, undemocratic countries should be banned.
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