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7 Replies


Yes, but only to nations within the commonwealth

 @9HNCPKRLabourfrom Virginia asked…4mos4MO

Why?, as a dual citizen of a non-commonwealth nation I would like to hear you back up your reasoning


Yes but only from the European Union, the Commonwealth, and other allied nations

 @9HNCPKRLabourfrom Virginia asked…4mos4MO

How would you define allied nations? Couldn't that change suddenly and rapidly? Same with COmmonwealth and EU Nations, Countries have left the commonwealth and obviously the UK left the EU, what if more nations do so, how would you handle dual-citizens of those nations?


No, Dual citizenship is greedy. You are either in or out.

 @9HNCPKRLabourfrom Virginia asked…4mos4MO

Why is it greedy? What about people in Ireland who live close to the border and therefore perform parts of their lives in both the UK and Ireland, for instance?


Yes, but only if the other country is an Ally or a member of the European Union.

 @9HNCPKRLabourfrom Virginia commented…4mos4MO

How would you determine what an Ally nation is? Any way you define it would seem very arbitrary if you ask me and would have so many grey areas


Immigrants should be offered the choice, British citizenship or return to their country of origin; if they are here permenantly why do they need dual citizenship?

 @9HNCPKRLabourfrom Virginia asked…4mos4MO

What about people who aren't here permanently, but also aren't in their other nation permanently? Some people immigrate but still spend significant amounts of time in their home countries, why should we force them to leave their old citizenship behind, and what if they have birthrights to both citizenships? For instance with a British dad and an American mother?


Yes unless they have committed a crime, been involved with or promoting terrorism and only after five years of an impeccable record and good working practices


Future applicants should be refused from holding dual citizenship status, except for the Anglo-sphere countries.


Yes, except if they have committed a crime such as rape, murder, paedophilia, serious assualt, domestic violence, major fraud, terrorism, trafficking, drug dealing etc. If they have committed any of those they should not be let in the country


Yes, unless they have been convicted of a criminal offence which required sentencing at crown court


Yes, so long as the holder is not a threat to the primary country (the UK)


Yes, but they should not claim more than two countries & shouldn't have this right if they're criminals or terrorists.


No, they should only be considered a UK citizen as they no longer live in their home country


Yes, but their other citizenship should be suspended when they are in the UK and their UK citizenship when they are in their other country




Yes. Having dual citizenship will make it easier to deport them back to their country of origin if they commit crimes.


Legal immigrants that want to live in the UK should give up dual citizenship and just become British citizens


Yes only if they pass a citizenship test and have something to offer in terms of skill/ work/ economy


Yes, after completing the required amount of years of residing in the country.


Yes, as it makes it easier to strip them of UK citizenship & ban re-entry or & deport.


There should be no limit on the number of citizenships a person can hold as long as they are abiding by all the laws of the countries they have citizenship in



If they wish to make the UK their home after a number of years then that would be an appropriate thing to do.


Yes as long as they uphold the laws of the country in which they are living, unable to claim that their dual citizenship overrides the countries own laws.


Yes if they qualify through being in uk for significant years qualification and providing they are in employment and self sufficient



Yes, unless they have committed a violent crime or have a long and persistent history of serioud criminal behaviour.


Dual or multiple as far as I’m concerned. I hope to see the nation state as an entity and the misery caused by borders and the rules surrounding them become obsolete within my lifetime.


Yes, they should be allowed to be a citizen of any number of countries simultaneously. This promotes world unity.


Yes, unless they have committed a serious crime or an act of terrorism


Yes, unless they have committed a crimes or/and acts of terrorism. Also if they can provide skills to this country, full security clearance and safe to the country.


Yes. There should be no restriction to UK citizens also holding citizenship of another country.


Yes, people can belong to different countries in different ways for different reasons


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