Should immigrants to the United Kingdom be allowed to hold dual citizenship status?
Dual citizenship (also known as dual nationality) is allowed in the UK. This means you can be a British citizen and also a citizen of other countries. You do not need to apply for dual citizenship. You can apply for foreign citizenship and keep your British citizenship.
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Immigrants should be offered the choice, British citizenship or return to their country of origin; if they are here permenantly why do they need dual citizenship?
What about people who aren't here permanently, but also aren't in their other nation permanently? Some people immigrate but still spend significant amounts of time in their home countries, why should we force them to leave their old citizenship behind, and what if they have birthrights to both citizenships? For instance with a British dad and an American mother?
Yes, but only if they’re from EU or Commonwealth countries.
Yes but only from the European Union, the Commonwealth, and other allied nations
No, they either have to work 5 years for British citizenship and have all ties to former country removed. Only children of two parents of different nationalities should have duel citizenship and the parents once child is born.
Yes, unless they have committed an act or terrorism or a serious crime, and only after 5 years of living in the country
Yes, as long as they have lived x amount of years/pay taxes etc, or are in danger of loosing citizenship I their own country due to political reasons, like whistle-blowers etc, but they should be given work and or training if they don't have a job
@9PT44Y5Liberal Democrat5mos5MO
Yes if they adhere to the rules and regulations of the country and can prove their worth as a citizen.
Yes but only if they have committed no crime, no act of terrorism and a minimum of 5years living and working in uk
Yes once they have lived here for a version amount of time and demonstrated a level of contribution.
Yes but only after a certain period of time working, paying tax and having committed no criminal or terrorist offences
Yes once they have been here for 5 years and as long as they have paid taxes and not committed any crimes
Yes, after a set period of time and having not committed a crime, nor an act of terrorism, and having proved a sufficient level of competence with English and cultural understanding
Yes, but only after 3 years of living here, paying taxes and not claiming benefits for the first 3 years.
Each case should be considered individually, taking into consideration previous records and potential contribution to the Uk
Yes, after living and working here for a set period of time with demonstrable service in the local workforce/community.
Yes, as long as they've resided in the United Kingdom for a minimum of 5 years and have no history of criminal offences.
yes,but restrict which countries they can have dual citizenship with, i.e. dissalow dual citizens from russia, iran, china.
No not until been a citizen form 5 or more years crime free and be in full time employment contributing to tax system
Yes as long as they have held a good career here for a long period and are settled, appreciating the British lifestyle
Yes but only after a certain amount of time and if they are bringing something something useful to the country (like New Zealand)
Yes, once they have demonstrated knowledge and respect for British customs and culture, they have not committed a crime, and have contributed to the economy.
If they are seeking asylum from their country, yes they should revoke they’re citizenship from the country they are fleeing from
Follow the Australian way - prove you can be independent for 4 years and take a citizenship test after 4 years
Yes but only if they contribute to our economy. This should only happen after 10 years. If they are contributing and paying NI they should be entitled to NHS. They MUST contribute
@9PLPFVKLiberal Democrat5mos5MO
Yes as long as they have lived here for more than five years and has no criminal record or terrirsom
Yes but only after 10 years in the country, proving they are a productive citizen and taking a citizenship test.
Yes, if they have contributed to our economy for a set period of time (eg 5 years) or can contribute a needed skill (eg doctors). The same concept as Canada/Australia
Yes, as long as they have been properly vetted and are guaranteed not to cause a threat to national security
If they are legal have education and seek to work and live not to reap benefits they should be allowed cutizen ship
If they are legal immigrants, have passed the citizenship test and have lived in the country for a longer period of time
Yes, so long as they accept the rules of the country they are residing in at the time, for example, paying taxes.
@9PK8GRXLiberal Democrat5mos5MO
Yes, unless they are dangerous and there is indisputable evidence that they will be a risk to the country as a citizen.
Yes, as long as they have a job to come to where they pay into the system and they cannot claim benefits until they have paid into the system for 10 years.
Yes providing the immigrant holds some form of qualification that be academic or a practical trade. Both of which may be obtained within the UK immigrant should not be able to learn these skills in the UK and then move back to there original country
Yes but only if they are settled long term, fully fluent in he language, pay tax, fully employed, fully integrated.
Providing a certain number of years living in U.K. and contributed with ni contributions and tax with no criminal record,
If they are here legally and working and contributing to the country then yes, Illegal immigrants should not be able to take up dual citizenship
If they are fleeing their own country they should hold UK citizenship only. If they move to UK from other countries due to marriage then.dual citizenship as the couple may relocate to other country
Yes but this should be subject to a minimum time lived in the uk and have they worked and paid uk taxes
Yes, If in long term employment, no crime or terrorism convictions. Revoked if any commited of any serious crime.
They should be allowed a permanent residency not citizenship so no passport. Especially not if committed a crime.
Yes, unless they have committed a crime. They should not be able to claim citizenship status of more than two nations.
@9PGKVVTWomen's Equality5mos5MO
Yes, unless they committed a crime and yes but, theu should not be able to claim citizenship status of more than one nation.
Yes but like in other countries they should have to apply and have a minimum time spent working in the UK
Yes if they work and pay taxes, have enrolled in full time education, have not committed any crimes of any kind.
Combination of the above - no if they have committed a crime or act of terrorism andshouldn't be able to hold for more than 2 nations
Yes but with conditions such as employability and financial independence and not if they’ve committed a crime
The children or children's children of those who decide to move abroad with the capacity to gain documented proof after the turn of the prior century or that be shown to exist genetically or in consensus records with more than half their grandparents or great-grandparents etc initially coming from here should get priority of a path towards dual citizenship with a limit of 50,000 per year although high-skilled immigrants that don't have heritage and are just on temporary visas should also be prioritised so that they may see their families with an additional 40,000 of their immediate family prioritised per year with possible citizenship after 6 months. Those on visas who do not contribute their skill set face deportation along with their families.
No, we should revoke status for those currently holding dual citizenship but allow an exception for Northern Ireland which is subject to the Good Friday Agreement's view on citizenship and identity
Not until after at least 10 years of working and Ustinov taxes. If not supporting the country then no
Yes but only after having lived in the UK for a few years without committing any criminal offences and they are working if they are fit and able to.
Yes after background checks and only if they are planning to stay in the United Kingdom for the foreseeable future (I'm thinking 25+ years)
After five years of living here but they should be supported during those years and treated like humans.
Not if they break our laws, have lived here less than 10 years and do not speak English. They should pass a test like they do in America and only be up for citizenship if they are gainfully employed and paying taxes, contributing to our society.
My only concern is again legal, hard working, paying taxes and honest people who abide by UK law and rules. There is too much crime and sorry to say a vast majority is from immigrants.
A qualification system should be introduced, to deem it appropriate for foreigners to be given access to dual citizenship status or not, as describe below:
In order to qualify for dual citizenship status:
- If they have entered the UK legally and followed the correct processes
- If they are fluent in English
- If they follow British values
- If they assimilate to life in the UK
- If they are prepared to work
- If they respect the UK
- If they respect British citizens
- If they respect our Royal Family
- If they respect the British Empire
- If they have not committed any form of crime or terro… Read more
They should be required to do so (actively hold the passport etc) unless they choose to formally renounce the old citizenship. This may mean paying dues in both countries to maintain the links, which is the person's responsibility.
My opinion is yes unless they have committed a crime or act of terrorism AND that it shouldn't be for more than 2 nations
Yes, if they are a skilled worker and have passed the citizenship test and contribute towards society in a positive way. They also need to pay taxes, national insurance etc like other citizens of the UK.
No, there should not be a connection between immigration and citizenship they are not the same thing.
Yes, after a set amount of time demonstrating they are contributing to the economy (i.e. with employment and paying taxes) and haven't committed any crimes.
Do like Netherlands only if you have been in the country for 15 years and are married to a Dutch national that is a fair system
Without knowing the exact requirements, dual citizenship should allowed for an immigrant based on the following criteria: Time spent in the UK, Criminal record check and In the time spent in the UK taxes have been paid in full.
Yes, but criminals should be stripped of their citizenship and given back once they have served their time, terrorists should be stripped of their citizenship perminantly
Yes but we should not accept any new immigrants, including wider family members of existing immigrants
Yes but after they have positively contributed to this country for a number of years or they are the family member or spouse of a UK citizen and have no terrorism or criminal convictions.
@9P2SH44 5mos5MO
Yes, but they need to live in the UK for a certain amount of time and maybe pass a citizenship screening
The connection between immigration and citizenship should broken, though there shouldn't be a ban on dual citizenship, there should also be no assumption of citizenship.
@9NYJYP6Liberal Democrat5mos5MO
Yes, after passing a citizenship test and proving they are an asset to society (ie. not on benefits)
Yes, but only after a period of two years, but if they return to country of origin on a permanent basis it's revoked.
I think each case should be judged fairly and ethically and a decision made that is right for the individual
No, have a visa system. they can only be residents and never citizens even if born in the UK they take the passport of there parents.
If they have lived, and contributed for 10 years or more and have no serious criminal convictions then they should be able to apply.
Yes, citizenship should be given to anyone who has lived in the country for 5-10 years, but must be for people who intend to live in the UK permanently and not if they have committed any crimes or acts of terrorism.
Yes, unless they have committed a crime. They also should have held employment, paid taxes and been here for at least 5 years
We should agree with other countries not affected by war to allow an equal number into our countries
Yes, unless they have committed or are expected of committing a serious crime/act of terrorism and where the other nation is accepting of the situation.
Only once they have proven be a benefit to society and the country. Maybe after they've held a job for 5 years, paid tax and committed zero criminal offences.
Can only have 1 citizenship
Yes, but only if they contribute to society in a beneficial way
Yes, but only if they are permanent residents of the UK, are employed and pay taxes in the UK.
Only if they have been proven to be productive citizens and have passed a citizenship test after a minimum of 5 years
Yes unless they have committed a crime, been involved with or promoting terrorism and only after five years of an impeccable record and good working practices
Future applicants should be refused from holding dual citizenship status, except for the Anglo-sphere countries.
Complicated but if they have committed a henious crime or terrorism then no not at all
Yes if they're country of origin is unsafe to return to and they are a safe member of society
Yes, unless they have committed a felonious/violent crime
Yes, unless the person in question should hold suspicious records and be a risk for espionage or severely at risk depending which country they immigrated from.
Borders should be abolished
Only if they are legal immigrants
No, it's greedy. IN OR OUT
Yes but only after living in the uk for at least 5 years
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