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Yes for illegal immigration. They should be sent back to their countries. Otherwise what is the purpose of border security if an illegal immigrant is allowed to enter by breaching the law.


if we can help more we should, but we should also help ourselves first


No, but ensure measures are put in place to prevent an overflow of immigrants.


No, but all immigrants should be thoroughly vetted and rigorous background checks should be conducted.


Allow immigrants to enter the UK but on a points based system where they can contribute to our country


All immigrants should be required to enter in to employment immediately. They are not entitled to claim any benefits or welfare. They must pay for their own healthcare.


At this current time maybe yes, as the government currently has migrants in hotels all over the country without knowing what to do with them so at this current moment yes untill they resolve the current issue, however the only downside to doing that is some jobs that usually attract a lot of migrants could be affected.



No, but we should encourage more skilled workers to immigrate to the U.K.


No, but there should be far more focus on stopping illegal immigration and economic migrants



Immigrants that come from countries that are far away and pass other countries offering aid should be sent back.


We should have a temporary ban as we can build up more houses and take in more migrants which will also help the economy by giving away more jobs


No, but we should spend more on border security, whilst encouraging legal migration from allied nations such as the US and yhe Philippines (35% of NHS nurses are filipino)


Add an immigration policy allowing those meeting the current criteria into the country, which would change with our current circumstances. Though still allow as many refugees as we can accommodate. As a developed nation with the means, we have a duty to help those who have been forced out of their own countries due to conflicts etc


No, but we should adopt a ‘necessary skills’ policy to live in the UK.


No, but we should ensure that anyone seeking refuge in the UK is in employment or education once they reside here and are paying their way into our economy


No, but if we are letting more immigrants into the UK we should make sure they are provided with adequate housing, food and work


 @95CBQDVAnimal Welfareanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, allow those from dangerous areas and those in desperate need of safety



No, but we should only allow a small amount of people from developed countries


No, however deals need to be discussed and made with SAFE countries regarding re homing immigrants and enabling them to return build a new life in a safe place


Doctors and specialist workers should be allowed within reason, but financial opportunists, which is most current immigrants should not be allowed.


There should be a permanent ban on all non-European immigration. Send all those of African and Asian descent back.



If foreign people need and really need the help then yes however we should be doing more our citizens in the way of gaining jobs and home helping for a decent future



I believe we need a more robust system that allows only those in who will and have the ability to contribute and should be restricted from accessing services for 5 years.



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