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No, but they should be able to demonstrate real world professional experience, instead of a background only in politics.


Retire at Retirement Age. Increase Salary by region (Scottish Salary higher, London Salary Lower) significantly but remove ALL expenses and they have to make their own way to Parliament and mandate attendance and local surgeries. If not compliant, they get removed and a by election is instigated.


No but decrease their salary and retirement benefits and cease the corruption within. An impartial body should dictate salary which should be in line with average salary of equivalent qualified professionals. Ex PM's should not be paid the retainer salary.


No, but The Prime Minister should only receive a PM salary after leaving the office for the length of their term, but no more than 10 years (eg they serve 5 years the get 5 years, the serve 6 months they get six months, they serve 20 years they get 10 years)


Elections are 'term limits' our issues are that the civil service never changes and they end up with entrenched out of youch views and also possible corruption. There shoudl be terms for Civil service leaders.


No but more consistent and better regulated pay and benefits with more public accountability for use of public funds


The system is totally corrupt and the whole thing needs tearing down and rebuilt it as a government that works for the country


No, elections should do that. But, reduce salaries, benefits and early pension schemes to ensure that candidates are prepared to *serve* the country rather than themselves.


No as if you're doing a good job you should be able to continue however their pay should be decreased


No term limits but pay limited to 1.5x national living wage, cabinet limited to 10% rise above base figure.

 @9XCY2FVLiberal Democratanswered…3mos3MO

No, but it should be a requirement that an open election is held at regular intervals to prevent corrupt officials remaining in office


No, we already have term limits called 'elections', and officials gain valuable experience and become more effective representatives over time.


Yes but with term limits. Good MPs can continue to serve in other ways such as the civil service or diplomat corps


Yes, but If an MP is proven to be effective in their constituency they should have the right to re-apply.


No, we already have term limits that are called "elections", but their salaries and retirement benefits should be decreased


No, but if a member of parliament or PM is sacked, they should not be allowed to stand for any constituency as an MP anymore.


No but there need's to be rules for not availing lifelong benefit and privileges by members who served short terms like Liz Truss who was PM for just 40 days


I believe it should be on a case-by-case basis. There are older people out there that fully understand how things work still, others not so.

 @9PWDD5L answered…7mos7MO

No but salaries for parliament officials must be based on performance and approved by the public in surveys to encourage actual improvement. They should not be able to approve their own salaries when they do not perform.

 @9PWDD5L answered…7mos7MO

No but saltire for parliament officials mist be based on performance and approved by the public in surveys to encourage actual improvement. They should not be able to approve their own salaries when they do not perform.


Yes, someone who is 80 years old shouldn't be running a country as they are out of touch with many aspects of working life and the economy.


No, most change occurs over a longer period of time and changing those representing the changes will result in limited consistency to see the positive results.


No but they should be held accountable when they don't deliver on manifesto promises within a time limit


yes but the length based on performance satisfactory vote from the local region. eg maximum 5 years unless the locals want them to remain the candidate for that party


Should be set if there is external income for the MP or they’ve broke deals which specifically benefit them.


Yes, but there should be an opportunity to vote separate people Incase you like the party but not the candidate


MPs need to implement a clear process of accountability. The manifesto states intent.. Actions demonstrate integrity. MPs must be supported to complete tasks long term, not short term 'mop ups' from previous '*** ups'


Yes! Add a minimum term of a year, so folks in power for 2 weeks don't end up with a fat old pension


No, but salaries should be reflective if the salaries of the rest of the country and they should be required to have worked in industry, nursing, teaching, etc….


No, it would hamper the legislative process with constant by-elections, with general elections and the 'Recall of MPs Act 2015' holding MPs to account.


not necessarily, but i think there should be harsher punishments for misgivings caused by an error on said persons part

 @9HD7XT3 answered…1yr1Y

Difficult - some people are exceptional and we want their public service for as long as possible - age however find the mind and there should be cognitive testing post 65


No, but there should be age limits. Elderly politicians running the country have no incentive to improve the world for the younger generations, making them prone to selfish decisions

 @8YPK9B4 answered…1yr1Y

No, but once someone is no longer in an elected position they should not continue to receive legacy payments of any kind, including the prime minister.


While they do gain valuable experience, term limits should be implemented as elections can't always cut it so this move can help to prevent corruption.


Members of Parliament should be expected to meet goals and achievements set and be punished or rewarded accordingly any form of corruption should be treated as a serious criminal offence and if they truly help the nation they should be given honours and a huge severance

 @9FXCWMW answered…1yr1Y

Term limits should be introduced by the monarch if the country's issues do not seem to be improving given significant time that the prime minister has been in office. They should be given notice that if issues are not fixed or the country worsens before a fixed date, he must resign on another fixed date set by the monarch


Yes, also give the opportunity for members to be fired by proportional vote


Yes. Term limits should be promoted until corporate and organizational lobbying/funding is abolished, along with other forms of corruption which does not lead to true and healthy democratic representation.


No, but an MP should not be allowed to run for the same constituency after winning two elections and losing a 3rd. Give new aspiring politicians a chance. The defeated MP can run elsewhere however.


No, but vastly cut the expenses available and make them pay what everyone else has to with no special perks


Yes, if a party doesn’t deliver promises then a re-election should take place and not have to wait 5 years for change


MPs should have a limit on how many elections can stand for, but they can pledge their support for the person who might succeed them.


No, but locals should have the ability to choose their party's MP rather than them being selected: i.e., a primary. This'd mean that the constituents wouldn't have to vote for the 'best' of the lot and the ideas of the MP would align more with them.


Politicians are useless irregardless of how long they are in parliament so I doesn't matter


No but the head of state should be elected by the public, not by the party, and their salary should be reduced ensuring they act as public servants rather than for individual gain.


Yes they should be 10 limit terms for MPs BUT all 10 years must be consecutive years


 @945K7TRLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Reformation of the U.K. Election and democratic body politic needs to be addressed.


There should be term limits on the prime minister. It is essential to stop corruption. There shouldn't be term limits on MP's, but they should have their pay and benefits cut so they are incentivised to join politics out of passion rather than pay.


Not for MPs, but there should be term limits for Prime Minister and an investiture vote for PM in the commons after each general election


There's should not be a term limit for politicians, but there should be an upper age limit before you are not allowed to carry on a term.


I believe while higher up positions do require term limits, lower levels and positions of parliament benefit from having multiple terms of experience


No, but increase salary and benefits, and ban MPs from having second jobs. Any MP found guilty of bribery, corruption or lying should be imprisoned for life.



No, Elections are term limits, however salary and retiremen benefits should be decreased


No, but decrease salary and benefits to remove incentive of doing it for profit.


Parliament would change quite dramatically if a Liquid Democracy party won an election. Members of Parliament would simply be delegates for people disinterested in certain political matters. MPs would no longer have to follow the party line as people would no longer vote for political parties as they have the political power to vote individually on all political issues. I believe political parties would fall, but political ideology and political movements will of course still exist, but individuals are so much more complex than a political party and should have the freedom to vote however on what the current political issue is.


Decrease salaries and retirement benefits; enact shorter term limits on those being inattentive to their constituencies and monitor corruption—focus upon advocacy politicians, as opposed to solely upon occupational politicians.


No but all expenses should be scrutinised and salaries should go online with other government agencies


There should not be term limits. But someone should not be able to stand in a safe seat more than twice



No as long as they are fulfilling the role and subject to review of expenses etc. Should be allowed to carve a career like anyone else as long as they are acting for the people with high levels of integrity etc


If they are still fit for the job then they deserve to serve a career if deemed fair. Salaries should be reduced and certainly the benefits and almost certain increases they get.


Your MP should be a representative of the people who elected them. Not a career politician who only sets foot in their constituency when there is a good photo opportunity.


No. If someone is re-elected by the people it means that they are the preferred candidate. To require them to not serve after a period of terms takes away democracy.



Yes, but after an MP has lost their seat after at least two terms they can't stand for that seat again


If there were term limits then we wouldn’t have this joke of a prime minister.


No but there should be a lower age cap and people should have genuine real world working experience not born and raised to be a politician


No, having fixed terms gives them an excuse to not bother as much near the end. With unlimited, they have to keep doing well or they won't stay in power. I do think their salary and retirement benefits should be decreased.



Yes, with the pay scale decreasing for each term to allow others to fulfill the role


No, if they are effectively representing their constituents than they should continue to be elected


Yes, but only for the executive branch of government, not the legislative branch.


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