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@9GFSRQP 1yr1Y
No! We will then be the ones buying drugs! This will only give opportunities for more and more people to use drugs funded by us. If we want to help drug addicts we should fund a system to help them STOP it.
Countries all over the world are being hit by hard drugs epidemics and it’s becoming more and more dangerous for those who use and for those around them, especially for newer drugs a lot of people don’t know how dangerous they can be
As much as we wish we could prevent death and disease from drug use, encouraging any kind of social acceptance is just irresponsible. It may encourage people to keep using or use in the first place workout the fear of danger using these substances.
It provides a safe space for these vulnerable people that need a way to help themselfs off their addictions
It's a well known fact that at least 60% of rehab people get on drugs again, it just doesn't work so manage their addiction, wean them off until they no longer use.
Look up whistle blowers like Edward Snowden or Julian Assange who tried to uncover illegal practices by the U.S government.
Safe Havens are not an incentive for drug addicts to stop taking drugs, it just normalises it and makes it easier for them, and feeds their addiction. I don't believe it's helping anyone. It's never safe to take drugs, whether medical supervision is on hand or not. The NHS is in crisis and this only adds to it. I don't think it will mean they're using drugs less often the rest of the time.
Waste of medical staff time to provide a service that should be banned anyways due to its high death count
Drug addiction are going to take drugs anyway, it is better for them to do it with supervision than dying
Drug addicts are often just too scared to ask for help, giving them a place to safely take drugs at least ensures some level of safety while also potentially relieving that fear
@B2XSNLYLiberal Democrat1mo1MO
They can be supervised by professionals to reduce likelihood of harm, allow their drugs to be tested to reduce harm too.
National harm reduction coalition have implemented across 100+ sites in 60+ cities in 11 countries around the world. They have seen reductions in HIV+ & hep c diagnosis, are able to prevent overdose and reduction in injection-related infections.
Many drug users want to recover and a true chance at recovery can be achieved with Safe Haven. A go to place with staff trained to support and respect this client group.
I worked for a service in Hampshire that housed & supported chronic long term drinkers. Their quality of life, stability & health all improved. They no longer lurched from one drinking hot spot to another causing disturbances, less arrests, less a&e & emergency callouts. Because they new they were safe & werent being forced to stop drinking, they actually drank less, they health was monitored & the community had a good relationship with the service provider.
People die through unsafe drug use. We have a duty to help addicts and callously letting them die is not 'help'.
In other places in the world, treating addicts as sick and not as criminals works a lot better than our current system here.
Also, safe havens gets drugs regulated, lowers risk of overdose due to improper dosage and removes drugs from the street where people who wouldn't usually participate are exposed
I myself have seen people overdose on drugs due to poor education & poor hygiene conditions. Inherently, safer conditions and more stable environments will lead to fewer deaths.
Look at places such as Portugal or the states in America where drugs have been decriminalised/ safe havens set up - it works
Overdose and disease spread through needles are both areas in need of addressing, with havens helping to decrease this risk
it has been used t an extent at festival - drug testing to prove it is safe and it has proved to be successful in reducing death
No, it would make one more likely to take drugs and become addicted to substances. They would need to make more and more of those safe havens as there would be more demand for them.
No, drugs should stop completely as safe havens will increase disturbance, destroy more lives and kill more people if used often/incorrectly
Yes it should be because some people don’t know the effects of it and get addicted to it and not know what they are doing and ruin their health that seek help
statistically speaking if safe havens were to open up it would give addicts the opportunity to ween themselves off drugs
It could benefits many in situations where rehabilitation centers wont. Are you a druggie,no so you don't know what its like.
Addicts should be helped to get off drugs. Safe havens should be in place to let them get off slowly off drugs not allow them to continue doing drugs.
The safe haven would make people take drugs, more people than there currently is to get addicted to drugs and only have them every single day with supervision.
The Safe Haven Act is a dangerous and misguided bill that would put women and children at risk. It would allow anyone to claim custody of a child, regardless of their relationship to the child or their ability to provide for the child's safety and well-being. This could lead to children being taken from their homes and placed with strangers, or even with abusive parents. The Safe Haven Act would also make it more difficult for women to get the help they need to keep their children safe. If a woman is considering giving up her child for adoption, she should be able to do so through a safe and legal process. The Safe Haven Act would take away her options and make it more likely that she will make a decision she regrets.
People die from overdose because of stigma and hiding their use and using alone. Safe havens allow for medical intervention in the event of overdose and allow for users to be exposed to recovery pathways and resources they otherwise may have never know existed. It reduces the stigma around use and humanises drug users which allows people to be more willing talk about their addiction more likely to accept further help.
Safe Haven sites, like Insite in Vancouver, have been shown to reduce overdose deaths by 35% in their vicinity and don't lead to more drug use. Instead, they connect users to vital health services, including addiction counseling, with thousands of referrals made each year. These sites also help reduce the spread of diseases like HIV and hepatitis C by providing sterile equipment. Overall, they improve public health and safety while encouraging users to seek rehabilitation.
@9MZDP7DLiberal Democrat10mos10MO
@9LDPK86 12mos12MO
Drugs can be seen to ruin lives. By opening up havens you’re just allowing more of a gateway into drugs and taking of substances. Drugs can kill and this just lets that happen without control. This is dangerous and limits life which needs to be protected. To combat drug taking more medical help and criminalization for dealers and serial takers is needed to reduce the levels of drug taking and limit the harms on the quality of life
Studies demonstrate that drug use is linked to increased criminal activity. Safe Havens appear to encourage drug use and thus I think that criminal activity would increase as a result.
No, because a drug safe haven would only encourage the use to get into these drugs due to availability, making the unsupervised shadow economy's market even larger.
No cities should not open drug safe havens as it normalises drugs and will make them more widley available and keep illegal drug dealers in business
Whether or not using certain drugs may create gateways to harder drugs is hard to say, but it is more likely to lead to this than people not taking drugs in the first place. Also, drugs cloud peoples judgement, it’s hard to say a safe space is where this behaviour will stay if intoxicated.
Best evidence from cohort and modeling studies suggests that SISs are associated with lower overdose mortality (88 fewer overdose deaths per 100 000 person-years [PYs]), 67% fewer ambulance calls for treating overdoses, and a decrease in HIV infections.
Rehab centers are pointless if your addicts die before they are well enough to go to them. Human safety first... Then rehab.
Drug users will use drugs whether legal or not. However, access to safer drugs that have not had harmful additives, provided by medical professionals will create a safer environment. Mental health doctors will be able to treat underlying conditions and together they can encourage a healthier way of living and slowly and safely ween them off drugs. Looking at the greater picture, it would mean drugs would become taxed and that tax can be sent directly to funding the havens. Additionally, it would knock a lot of drug dealers out of “business” lowering gang crime, gun crime, knife crime etc
@9P34ND8 10mos10MO
It's basically proven that a drug user can get better if cared for by medical professionals, and that doing it in one's bedroom is much less safe.
@9N4DB9W 10mos10MO
Switzerland is an example of a country which is decriminalised drug usage, and instead have a 4 pillar policy of drug use to reduce harm and advocate for rehabilitation, and since then cases of HIV infections have decreased significantly, and the regulation of drug usage meant that people were more readily able to recover, and deaths from overdosing also reduced significantly (the number of opioid related deaths reduced by 64% since the implementation of the policy) since it was put in place in 1994.
By providing better education and resources that ensure people end up coming off drugs don't end up being back on them.
No, those drugs are illegal for a reason. They’ve taken enough to be addicted so they’re breaking the law.
It would mean that the prisons would be less filled because less people would go to them for doing drugs
I believe that addiction should be not be treated with more of that thing, they should be encouraged to alter the habit for something less harmful and eventually drop it for nothing
this would increase the number of drug users in the surrounding area who go to the safe haven for legal drug use however the effects or their use will affect the area around the haven
People will just get more addicted to drugs if they have a place that they can go to do drugs. This would increase the work for the NHS if people overdose. It just defeats the point that we have of the war on drugs.
drug safe havens do nothing but glorify the use of hard drugs in the eyes of those addicted, if a substance is illegal, anybody the government has knowledge of possesing controlled substances should face the consequences if caught, drug havens could also lead to entrapment issues etc. could possibly cause more overdoses if there is more places for people to be able to do so much of a substance.
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