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585 Replies


Yes, Increase punishments for dealers and traffickers, have mandatory rehab and therapy for drug users


Decriminalize medicinal drugs but penalize drug dealers especially for non-medicinal drugs that can be harmful


Yes, but only for drugs such as Marijuana which could then have stricter regulations on how it is produced and what chemicals go into it. Then apply the same VAT rate that Alcohol and Tobacco.


Yes but still give the police the right to take class A drugs from users and increase punishment for drug dealers

 @9NJBSG7Sinn Féinanswered…10mos10MO

Yes but increase laws and punishment for the sale of unregulated drugs, or misleading the public about the negative effects of addictive prescription drugs.


Yes and more help and support should be offered rather than people being scared


Yes but for certain drugs like cannabis, but also increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation


No, but increase punishment for drug dealer but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation. Rather than drug addicts going to jail, where drug use is high, they should be admitted for relevant addiction help for free.


No but decriminalise some drugs for medical reasons and increase finding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation. Drugs should be treated as a health issue not a criminal issue


Decriminalisation of some lighter drugs such as marijuana would be good, but tougher sentences are needed for most drugs.


No but decriminalise drugs with medical benefits such as marijuana and for other drugs that are not legalized increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation





Not for most drugs but reevalute stop and search as it is often racially biased


Yes and no. I think there should be greater consequences if used extensively but if used appropriately with recreational use should be acceptable.


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