In 1971 Parliament passed the Misuse of Drugs act which made the non-medical use of certain drugs illegal. The act classified the drugs into 3 penalty categories. Class A: Cocaine, crack, ecstasy, heroin, LSD, methadone, methamphetamine and magic mushrooms. Penalty: 6 Months to Life Class B: Amphetimine, barbiturates, codeine, ketamine, synthetic cannabinoids, mephedrone, methylone, methedrone and MDPV. Penalty: 3 Months to 14 Years. Class C: Anabolic steroids, benzodiazepines, GBL and GHB, khat and BZP. Penalty: 3 Months to 14 Years.
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Yes, also,smoking tobacco and vaping should be illegal
No, but money should be put towards rehabilitation and drugs such as marijuana should be legal as it is less harmful than legal drugs such as alcohol
Yes, for personal use, so that police resources can be allocated towards targeting drug smugglers and gangs instead of individual use
No, but the sentence for dealing drugs should be reduced significantly.
Yes and improve education on drugs so people know what they’re getting into
I would decriminalise all drugs as I believe in putting the emphasis on rehabilitation and a new social care plan to help people understand the effects of drugs. I think by decriminalising all drugs, this will lead to the reduction in overdoses, HIV infections, and drug related crime.
Yes that is exactly the thing we need to do Switzerland tried this in the 1980s when they had a heroine problem to amazing results. ( 50% drop in deaths by heroine overdoses is just one of the amazing results)
Yes, and provide education and rehab for recovering addicts
Yes, but the sale, distribution and illegal growing of banned substances should still be a criminal offense.
yes, but only for drugs such as weed. Alcohol is a drug that does more harm that weed and it is legal.
@8ZJ4Y4BLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Making certain drugs (i.e cannabis) legal for medicinal use, for example the treatment of seizures
Yes, and make more support available for people with drug addictions.
Yes, and we should provide support to drug users through addiction prevention and rehabilitation.
Yes, but as a first step to full legalisation ideally within some sort of multinational treaty, as decriminalisation does little to address the global issues of drug-related humanitarian and environmental harm
No, we should pass tougher drug laws No, and increase punishment for drug dealers No, but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation No, but decriminalise drugs that offer medicinal benefits such as
That would not work as we have been doing this for decades with no positive results. The way to go is harm reduction. ( helping people to deal with drugs and reducing the risks)
Allow drugs that are shown to medically beneficial but focus on reducing drug use and increase rehabilitation
I believe weed and other lower class non health deteriorating drugs should be made legal nation wide for public use
Yes but only for cannabis as I feel we could tax this to bring more income to the uk. Most people smoke it anyways
Only for low level drugs and only if it did not lead to major increases in drug taking. Maintain hard line on drug dealers and their supply chain.
No, I am only in favor for the partial decriminalization of certain drugs which a less harmful as currently legal drugs. Marijuana is the most notable, as it provides certain medical attributes to patients in need. Another major benefit is the ability to regulate and distribute safely. Wile illegal, anything is fair game.
Yes, I think it should be treated as a health issue rather than a criminal issue, however there should still be a penalty in order to deter people from the more harmful substances
in my opinion the only drugs what should be legalized ar ones with medical usage or have been tested or being used in the field of science.
Yes, everyone should have the right to make choices for their own body, but criminalize drug dealing illegally, instead have it sold in stores with health standards to make sure people know what they are using. Reduce sentences for those serving time for using, and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation
Yes, Increase punishments for dealers and traffickers, have mandatory rehab and therapy for drug users
I think they could make certain drugs legal but need certificate saying you can sell the drug and it is done safe and controlled
@B26KWF2 3mos3MO
Only drug dealing since it's mainly the rich. Drug users should be punished only for other crimes and instead should be allowed rehabilitation. The average rich person is more of a criminal than a drug user.
Just stop being so weird on weed bro. I dont even smoke but if its for personal use, in small quantities, let them have at it. Not much different to alcohol in my books.
Yes for certain drugs marijuana and they should only be allowed for use in private homes/private property and they should be taxed
No, but decriminalise drugs with medicinal benefits and make them only available through government owned sources to control drug use
Certain Drugs like marijuana and they should be taxed like alcohol and only to be used for personal use on private property and not in public
For drugs considered dangerous, completely remove prison sentences for possession, consumption, for drugs with either medical or societal benefits allow completely impartial, safe sources of such.
They should be decriminalised with a limit of carry, so for personal use only requiring a licence to sell.
decriminalise certain drugs which have medicinal benefit, only to be prescribed, also increase spending into relief and help addiction programs
@9ZNBKBKLiberal Democrat4mos4MO
decriminalise drugs with medicinal benefit (only to be given by the NHS), also increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation
No, but decriminalise drugs which are issued ON PRESCRIPTION ONLY for medicinal purposes, such as marijuana.
For most but not all drugs and either release or reduce the sentences for those serving time for possession or usage, but not distribution.
Drugs that have proven to have minimal harm to the human body, such as marijuana should be decriminalised, and sentences should be reduced for all drug use. Sentences should also be mandatory rehabilitation, rather than prison time or fines.
No, we should pass tougher drug laws, increase punishement for drug dealers and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation.
yes but only certain drugs to see the effects over 5 years on certain doses before reviewing statistics and either reforming back or keeping with it (it has been successful elsewhere)
Increase the prison sentences for drug dealers and make rehabilitation for drug users who are struggling to quit.
Both decriminalise some drugs such as marijuana and increase funding for prevention and rehabilitation
No, but research the healthy benefits of certain substances like Marijuana, to be provided as medicine outside of smoking and general recreational use.
@9TNF4ZZLiberal Democrat6mos6MO
Yes but only for natural drugs such as cannabis, magic mushrooms and LSD then increase funding to rehabilitation to help the people with problems recover
Drugs should be kept Illegal, and drug dealers should have harsher, longer sentences. Drugs with Medicinal properties such as strains of marijuana should be legalized but only under prescription.
Allow drugs that actually help people with their issues such as cannabis for ptsd but ensure that only a certain amount can be sold at a time
Substance use presents serious issues. Alcohol, for example, devastates lives, significantly contributes to crime, and leads to tragic deaths through drink driving. It’s difficult to justify its acceptance in a functioning society. The fact that alcohol is legal while marijuana remains prohibited is a strange contradiction, though both bring negatives. While **cannabis** is less harmful physically, its legalization might lower overall productivity. However, I fully support its **medical use**.
That said, imposing bans can feel authoritarian, restricting individual choice, which complicates the debate around personal freedoms versus societal impacts.
No, but we should give them a greatly reduced sentence if they report on the organisation of purchase of the drug and do not cause disorder.
it should be a crime to deal drugs, but for those addicted using drugs should be treated as a medical issue and not a crime.
Decriminalize for some drugs. Whole extremely harsh punishments for drug dealers who sell hard drugs /drugs that kill
No, we should pass tougher drug laws in general, increase penalties for drug dealers, and also increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation
Increase punishment for dealers and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation, consider legalising but regulating marijuana for medical uses.
Not for recreational use, but treat abusers of substances as a mental health problem instead of a criminal one.
Yes, but drugs only for medical benefits and these drugs can only be prescribed by medical professionals
@9RJQ9J8Liberal Democrat8mos8MO
Yes, make it illegal to sell Class A drugs entirely, illegal to sell Class B/C drugs without a license
yes, and also ensure there is adequate rehabilitation/support schemes in place for recovering addicts, as well as unbiased education
I believe cannabis should be legalised for personal use as this would disrupt small scale drug production and distribution organisations. Other drugs that cause physical and mental harm such as cocaine, heroin, crack, speed, **** and other drugs should be illegal as these drugs take many lives per year as dealers have no regard for how the drugs affect their users.
No, this will only lead to more drug abuse and addiction. Instead increase funding for rehabilitation and addiction prevention, instead of punishment. However we should decriminalise recreational drugs that offer medical benefits such as marijuana.
Yes, but acknowledge that drugs and alcohol damage the human body and apply an NHS tax on those drugs and alcohol so users will willingly damage their bodies pay for their unnecessary treatment and put less strain on the NHS with the eventual aim of getting them off alcohol and drugs
I believe creating more education surrounding the risks of drugs is more important than banning them. Illegal or not, they will be taken by most of the population so it’s about education on doing it safely.
Decriminalise drugs that offer medicinal benefits and reduce sentences for users and increase funding for rehabilitation.
decriminalising drugs that offer medical benefits such as marijuana increasing funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation and increasing punishment for drug dealers
Yes but only for certain drugs that are proven to not be harmful to overall health over time and increase funding on prevention and rehabilitation
I believe all drugs should be legalised so the government controls all trade which would result in a mayor drop of criminal employement.
Marijuana should be legalised but other drugs such as cocaine, and meth amphetamines should continue to be illegal
Should only be used in monitered centers that substance are pure and controlled doses with nurses on site incase! It can help with substabce abuse and the rising use with young people using
Yes, for the majority of drugs. They should be taxed and regulated. I also think funding should be increased for addiction prevention and rehabilitation.
decriminalise drugs that offer medical benefits, and reduce sentences for those serving time for drug related crimes
Yes, tax drug sales and use those taxes to fund support and rehab services for those who develop a dependancy.
Recreational drugs should be trialled on their own merits and impacts to society. Blanket legalisation of even most drugs is likely to end badly.
Yes, but dealing drugs should be punish harshly and force people that take drugs to get off it in a professional setting.
Yes but dependant on the situation. If the drugs are due to medial or mental health issues then yes. But if they’re being used in a way for fun and endangering other lives then yes. Drug dealers need to serve more time.
Certain recreational drugs should be regulated such as marijuana and legalised but more dangerous substances should be banned
@9QLZC3BLiberal Democrat9mos9MO
Yes, for most but not all drugs; and sentences should be retroactively be reduced to alleviate the overcrowding of prisons
Weed could maybe be made legal but definitely 21+ and we should have a tighter hold on other more harmful drugs and easier and free access to drug prevention and rehabilitation
Weed should be decriminalised, but all other drugs should be a criminal offence. However, I feel the police have more important things to deal with then drugs. We say we have no spare prisons... So stop giving them such ridiculous sentences, and look at other forms of punishment.
For some not all, improve education on drugs and there dangers and improve help for those with addictions
Legalised cannabis and tax appropriately and if you’re not willing to do that and ban it because far too much of it is smoked openly in the streets without anybody doing anything about it
Yes decriminalize, but only for " your own use" quantities. Much much bigger penalties for dealers. Increase rehab and prevention funding. Make weed available for those who need it medicinally, but make it a lot harder than the US to get a "weed card". More research is needed into weed use for pain , epilepsy, glaucoma and other issues. It should be available to take by non traditional routes. You can't give a split to a kid with epilepsy, or a dog with bad joints! Tablets/capsules, tinctures, drops, teas and maybe tummies are the way to go in my opinion.
Cannabis is a plant and is used all over the world, this should be legalised,, but any narcotics should remain illegal.
I think drugs like vapes and cigarettes because I think theyre the most common drugs used by young and old adults and they can cause very bad health issues.
They need to do research to see the medical benefits and then use them purely for medical purposes, not reactional uses.
Yes, but criminalise drug tampering and convict dealers for man-slaughter if they contribute to someone overdosing.
No, but I am open to the idea of medicinal use of drugs and support harsher punishment for drug dealers of class A drugs that are more likely to destroy people's lives and impact their health more greatly
Yes, but not for all drugs. However, I would still only support regulated drugs sold by regulated distributors and the use of marijuana still banned in public spaces. This is because this drug is smoked and can affect people in the immediate vicinity, such as young children.
I believe we should allow people to use pre subscription drugs only approved by government and NHS not made completely controlled by the parties as it can be used for benificial reasons
Decriminalise cannabis and create better ways to access drug rehabilitation for those who are not fully consumed by the addiction but need help getting off drugs and getting jobs.
Yes, But only for some drugs. recreational use of lower class drugs shouldn't result in hard sentences.
Yes, but only for naturally grown drugs, that have been shown to have medicinal benefits for certain conditions. Maintain criminality of illegal manufactured drugs
Yes, but provide programs that incentivize rehabilitation and programs such as clean needle stations
Yes but only if it is monitored for medical use and increase funding for addiction rehabilitation and prevention.
Yes, decriminalise most drugs but don’t legalise them. Reduce the punishment around petty crimes associated with drugs and more serious punishments for serious crimes committed while on drugs or because of the involvement of drugs
Yes for canabis. Canabis has many health benefits and shouldn’t be classed as a drug. It’s no different to alcohol which is legal. It should be treated in the same manner
Yes to extent with also more awareness of what the effects are so that people know and can make their own judgement
yes, But only for drugs which are as or less damaging than currently legal drugs(alcohol and Tobacco) such as Marijuana.
Drug use for certain drugs like marijuana, but not for harder drugs. Punishing 15/16 year old's for personal use is a waste of everyone's time. Drug dealers taking advantage of younger people and addicts should be hit with tougher punishments.
Yes, but make drug use safe and tax those who sell drugs to bring extra money into the UK. Invest the money into rehabilitation centres for those who need it.
Decriminalize medicinal drugs but penalize drug dealers especially for non-medicinal drugs that can be harmful
@9QGDN3Y 9mos9MO
Yes, but only if the use, manufacture and distribution of narcotics is strictly regulated to ensure human safety.
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