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No, but there should be a notice telling the viewer that the post is political advertising. And social media should show advertising equally from all parties.


No but tighter regulations should be implemented to ensure truth and fairness are adhered to and misinformation is removed, acknowledged as such and any further advertising by offending party/individual be prohibited


No, but it should be clear that it is advertising and people's information should not be sold to target potential voters.


Yes if political parties pay for ads. BUT influencers should have their free speech and talk about their political opinions if they wish so.


There should be no political advertising and a more informative civilised approach should be taken to the election as the attempt to discredit other parties is similar watching adults behave in a way that teacher are attempting to correct in children


no, but the advertising should be spread evenly so the public sees all parties and candidates no matter their views, rather than based on 3rd party biased advertising data


No, but these should be clearly marked as advertisements and not presented as editorial or user-generated content.


No but it should be regulated. Limits must be set to prevent larger parties dominating the conversation and the narrative


No but they must make sure there is equal representation across all of the political parties and declare fact checking and use of AI.


I think it could be limited to make sure it is factually accurate, instead of having lies peddled to people with limited education and resources so that they vote without understanding the implications


Yes, as it is unprofessional and leads to minimal gain only a competiton to see who becomes the biggest.


Only allow factual advertising or advertising for people to learn about politics not to swing people for voting for a party


All advertising should be subject to Ofcom registrations and include onscreen labels for all AI generated advertising. Banned during election campaigns.


No, but it should be regulated so that children are less likely to be exposed to fringe politics at an impressionable age


They should have extra settings features that allow people to turn off political advertising if they don't want to see it.

 @9PG96GR answered…9mos9MO

All electable parties &/or independents must be granted equal exposure, not just as much as they can/can't afford. If one party can advertise, so all must be granted the same length spot with equivalent value time-slots where applicable.


Yes- instead it should provide non-biased platforms which allow for discussion of all party policies.


i think they should be banned from making their own accounts and following trends, but i do think they should be allowed to directly advertise their manifesto


No, as long as it is not one political party that dominates the landscape on a social media platform.


Yes, but only non-party funded advertising - the party can but private party affiliated organisations


It is up to the social media company themselves whether or not they want political advertising on their site


If it's explicitly marked as political advertisement, it should be allowed as a means of free speech.


they should limit the effect of algorithms with political views to prevent indoctrination,and a fair view over each political party so people are educated to vote


All information should be factual and informative; policies should be explained in a simple manner that less politically educated individuals can interpret correctly


No, but advertising of non-political, economical, social or environmental topics (e.g: Entertainment apps, sites, products, etc…)


No - political parties have a set budget which they can spend on a campain (20 millon) and a budget per candidate already. This money can be spent as pleased but it is important that companies offer fair advertisement to all parties and if they do not then are charged with election interferance and have to pay large fines.


I would like to say yes but then this would restrict many people who's only source of political information is social media


Allow advertisement of registering to vote but restrict political advertisement other than allowing links to be supplied to manifestos/reliable sources to help decide how to vote

 @9PMSJMDLiberal Democratanswered…9mos9MO

No, but a more fair system should be implemented that doesn't allow parties with monetary backing to dominate


I think all candidates should have the opportunity to have their own pages for campaigning so people can see what the candidates stand for and against. But I don't think their posts should be shared or that they should be paying for advertising on social media. Perhaps allow supporters to share links to the page of the candidates page, but again no paid advertising

 @9PMNY3KLiberal Democratanswered…9mos9MO

No, the algorithms will prioritise seeing politicians you are aligned too so there is not benefit in this form of advertising.

 @9PLFPJLPlaid Cymruanswered…9mos9MO

Sponsored posts should be limited and a focus should be on impartiality and promoting an informed vote


No, but it should be regulated and audited by an independent body to avoid manipulation and the spread of misinformation.


No - as it’s the only place some people hear about topics, but there should be clearer labels on origin of the content and fact checking options

 @9PBXQBRGreen answered…9mos9MO

No, but they should be fact checked by an independent and unbiased fact checker to ensure people recognise misinformation


The same regulatory standards should be applied for social media advertising as for all other media, for both political and any other advertising.


No, but it should be implemented and regulated by an independent party to ensure equality for all parties.

 @9NWX59J answered…10mos10MO

No, but it should be clear who is responsible for any ad placed including those that don’t seem politically motivated


No - but content should be managed (eg racist or other protected characteristics content, fake content taken down)


No but it should be law for all political advertising to be made clear to the consumer that it is political advertising

 @9NMCLNTGreen answered…10mos10MO

No - as long as all political parties are given a limit to advertising that isn’t affected my their monetary availability


As long as the advertising is not perpetuating misinformation or otherwise attempting to gain unfair advantage.


No, but there should be transparency around how these ads are algorithmically presented to users of the platform.

 @9NFDNR7Count Binfaceanswered…10mos10MO

No, but Political Advertising should be regulated and monitored, with high standards for truth and honesty.


No but regulation of misinformation and public accountability by social media companies needs to be reinforced, with stringent financial penalties to violating parties and companies that fail to adequately police their content.


I think it is up to the social media company itself and they shouldn't be forced to ban it or keep it


Their are private companies. They can choose that and them me as a customer whether I want to use their services or not

 @9MYXHM9Count Binfaceanswered…10mos10MO

No but they should enforce policies fairly in a less biased manner alongside stating clearly any post which has received any money to be promoted from any political party.

 @9MYFJDHLiberal Democrat answered…10mos10MO

While I do not wholly oppose political advertising, I believe it should be more fairly mandated as it can prevent parties with less economic backing to promote themselves, forcing already large parties to flourish


Yes, but governments should still be allowed to advertise for behaviour change and public safety - e.g. domestic abuse, speeding, vaping etc


No, but all political parties should be given equal opportunities to advertise their policies to the public without algorithmic interference


No, it connects young people to the views of parties. However, it must be very clearly marked as an advertisement, funded by the party it represents.


No, but there should be a hard limit on the amount any party or organisation should be allowed to spend.

 @9LZVT92Count Binfaceanswered…11mos11MO

They should only advertise what they plan to do. They can’t bash other parties or start a name calling war.


No, but limit it strictly to Political Parties to prevent private companies influencing voters to avoid increasing election spending from parties and candidates.


No but more robust policies to prevent political entities spreading misinformation should be introduced


No, as long as the advertisement is not manipulative, they should pass a control on all political advertising.

 @9L9XJ9Ffrom Florida  answered…12mos12MO

No, but there should be regulation and limits to it, especially in regards to fact checking. Political ads shouldn't be shown algorithmically as this can lead to echo chambers, misinformation, and extremism


Yes, I think all paid advertising is detrimental to society. I would perhaps rather have a social media devoted to solely to politics rather than intermingled with other types of information. And it's mechanisms and use be given and taught to all through yearly community/council-led initiatives, so that all citizens can engage in the shaping of their education, lives and laws.


Ads or content funded or produced by political parties should be banned, but the public should be allowed to use social media sites to discuss political issues without sites banning them for supposedly advertising political viewpoints.

 @9KWJX9T answered…1yr1Y

No, but all political advertising should be clearly identified and follow a well-designed code of conduct


No, the current and future generations rely on social media, politicians using social media will reach the widest audience


No as the vast majority of people on social media are from a younger generation and typically have no care in politics


No, but they should add a filter for all users, to activate 'political content' on their feed, as well as avoid accepting "donations" from any political party to remain impartial, instead of biased.

 @9GJKKDCLiberal Democratfrom California  answered…1yr1Y

No, but independent fact checkers must regulate sites to make sure misinformation is not being spread


Only if the political advertising is hate speech, or right wing propaganda against minorities and other groups


No, but there should be strong regulations that enforce any claims and statements to be truthful and factual.

 @9FLR736 answered…1yr1Y

No but I think social media companies should question/prompt the user to ask if they would like to receive political advertising


 @9F3TLPMLabour answered…2yrs2Y


Yes but only if it has been proven to be fake news by a independent fact checker


They should only ban certain political advertising that promotes hateful discrimination or hate speech or doesn't meet the democratic or western ethos.


Regulate and identify it, like YouTube banners noting government affiliation


No, but the source of the advert must be made clear and content should be subject to Electoral Commission regulation


No, but there should be server restrictions, eg. The adverts should be clear that they are campaign adverts and must be independently verified contain factual information before they are allowed to be shown.


No, but all social media should have a note check like twitter that notes if the information is false.


That is the companies choice but if I owned a social media company then no as politics is a part of our modern world regardless of your political ideology


Political advertising should be allowed, but it must adhere to strict rules of information clarity or be fact checked.


Anything that cannot be classed as a verifiable fact should never be associated with a political advertisement


I don't think parties should be able to use social media to push their own agendas and denounce other parties' policies and agendas but use it only to encourage people to educate themselves and to vote. I think paid advertising by political parties should be strictly monitored and regulated to ensure social media remains an unbiased place to educate people on political issues from all perspectives equally so that people can form their own informed opinions that without being heavily influenced by one particular party


no, but extreme views and misinformation which could negatively influence public opinion and ignorance should be banned, while voting should be promoted, and in some cases political education




Yes however companies should publicise who they support and their opinions so people know who they are looking up to and idolising and supporting


No, but there should be raised awareness for people to do their own research.


Yea but as long as there is no a certain political party who is being promoted more


Social media should encourage education regarding politics and it’s impact on the country to encourage a healthy and educated input and increase voting numbers for better representation.


No, but strict guidelines must be in place and consequences for any breaches.


I think it best to avoid social media as it causs too many problems. To me it is insignificant


No, People can Express their views but not lie to manipulate others to further their cause


Social Media is an essential way of reaching out to younger generations.


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