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The government should make English courses free and immigrants should only be encouraged, not forced to learn basic English

 @9PXL2XK answered…6mos6MO

No but free resources should be provided for a basic understanding of English but fluency shouldn’t be required


We should embrace the diversity that immigrants bring whilst also providing resources like free language courses


Embrace diversity in language but also teach English to make it easier and less stressful for all immigrants


I think we should encourage but not require and I think the citizen test having questions about traditions and customs is pointless, it should focus on laws and how to function in the country


I do not believe they should be required, but encouraged and provided with easy access to be able to learn.


It should not be required but recommended as to let everyone have a universal language and method of communication

 @8YPK9B4 answered…1yr1Y

No but this should be strongly encouraged, and support provided for immigrants to learn English for free.


I think generally speaking, yes it should be a requirement but perhaps one made over a set period of time. For refugees who are genuinely fleeing from immediate danger, I think that free help and support with the language should be made available and that it should he a requirement to have at least a basic grasp of the language after a set period of time.

 @9Q27J87Reform UKanswered…6mos6MO



Any that refuse to learn English should be sent back where they came from. It's basic decency to learn the language, and customs, when moving to another country.


Yes immigrants must learn to integrate but any UK language is fine such as Welsh; Gaelic; Irish; Scots; or Cornish: not only English!


Yes they should have to learn the language or at least make more of an effort to blend in and not try to dictate rules and regulations that not everyone believes in.


No, but we should do everything possible to help them to learn English easily and for free when they settle here.

 @9MT2LGJ answered…7mos7MO

They should be encouraged but not required and free language courses should be provided by the government

 @9MR3K3RLiberal Democratanswered…8mos8MO

No, but offer courses in English language upon entry so they have a choice in making effort with the language


Yes but they will need documents to be translated until they are fluent. I don’t agree with the government providing free lessons but immigrants should make every effort to educate themselves


Yes and no, Individuals must be able to speak english to a level where they can converse a basic sentences with a fluent speaker.
Immigrant parties (familys/people who will live together) must have at least one fluent/adept speaker that has the ability to translate a conversation for another member of the immigrant party.


I don’t think it should be a requirement but I believe that language learning courses should be provided to immigrants in order for them to learn English so their financial situations are not strained

 @9XPB848  from Massachusetts  answered…2mos2MO

No, but immigrants should be required to learn English, Irish, Ulster Scots, Welsh, Scots, or Scottish Gaelic.


Yes, the language barrier is a leading cause of cultural divide and tension between native UK residents and foreigners, it also weeds out migrants who aren't serious about integration


One member of a family coming to the UK should learn English as a way to bridge the gap between them and their families who may not be willing to understand our language


They could be offered the opportunity to learn Welsh if they live in welsh speaking regions of Wales


No, we should embrace the added diversity for immigrants that is added to the country but teach them English until an upper B1 or lower B2 level for free.


they should learn the basics with free lessons from the government which aren’t mandatory but are there if they wish to use them. i also think we should embrace multiculturalism and people shouldn’t only speak english


No, but the government should encourage them to and provide incentives for those that do and free language learning courses.


No, but they should be supported to enrol on language courses run by the government/local authorities.


Should be encouraged to learn English by providing free courses but there shouldn’t be a penalty for not learning

 @93MNLQ3  from Maine  answered…6mos6MO

Yes, but it should be done through free language learning courses to help them fit into our society and feel comfortable, and for no other reason.


They should not be REQUIRED , but there should be options of free English tuition available at their own discretion


Yes why would you immigrate to a country without an understanding of its language or a willingness to learn that language


Yes if they intend to contribute to society and work, speaking English is inportant in order to do this


Double standards considering a lot of British “expats” (let’s be honest, immigrants) will never learn the language of a country they migrated to.


No, we should embrace diversity, but offer free language learning courses as a way to improve the immigrants quality of life (and, if I'm being cynical, their economic output).


They should be encouraged to learn basic English to be able to communicate incise of emergencies etc


No, but it is going to be an advantage for immigrants to understand some levels of English, otherwise, provide language courses for a small fee. Diversity is good, but it is going to be appreciated if immigrants have some knowledge of the English language.


Not required but encouraged through free resources, this will help immigrants integrate into society, get jobs and prevent children being secluded in schools


English should be mandatory for citizenship in order for effective communication. Native languages should be preserved, but English should be lingua franca


No, immigrants must learn to integrate but any UK language is fine such as Welsh; Gaelic; Irish; Scots; or Cornish.


This should be more down to the individual and take into account their own circumstances. Will English benefit them and improve their quality of life? Are they looking to work in the UK, in which case English may be beneficial?


Immigrants should be vetted before entering the country for their employability status which should include an understanding of English.


Yes, at least one family member needs to speak English and all family members should be learning it. It creates a lot of extra pressure on schools when they have many children who don’t speak English.


No, it should not be enforced but free learning classes should be offered for those that want to learn


No because most english do not learn other countries langauages and expect them to be able to speak english. But they should be offered free language learning courses

 @9P63Y76Liberal Democrat answered…7mos7MO

Yes encouraged to learn English so that they can better participate in society, but if they cannot do so there should be no sanction.


Not required, but we should create a greater atmosphere of reasonable expectation, supported by free English tutition.


No, it should be the individuals choice, however the government should provide free language learning courses


No, but they should be ENCOURAGED to do so and supported in their efforts with easy access to learning resources.


It should be available free, so that they can be able to communicate with the general population, however they should be free to speak their own languages publicly too


Yes as realistically if they can't speak English they can't reasonably work in the UK and are showing they are only here for hand out benefits

 @9M2HSGKLiberal Democratanswered…8mos8MO

They shouldn't be required, but should be supported in learning the language, as it will help them integrate. We should also embrace and make an effort to understand their language and culture, and help them understand ours.


there should be no immigrants. successful immigrants that are already in the uk should learn English. the rest 95% of immigrants should be kicked out


If they wish to learn English a course should be made available. The basic English should be taught so the communication barrier isn't so large


although they should not be forced to learn english we would need a translation so we could understand them


Language skills help integration however not everyone has opportunity or skill to learn a new language nevertheless classes should made available by Govt


No not unless they are working with us at that point a basic level of communication should be of a certain standard.


Government provides free language learning courses to help people get jobs, but it is still optional


Yes but depending on age as if older the 50 it can be difficult to learn new language but younger should have to

 @9LLYNTV answered…9mos9MO

Immigrants should be required to learn a local language, not limited to English, and the lessons should be free


Yes, but also UK language education should be better at teaching 2nd and 3rd languages to people with english as their first language.


No, if they learned Scots, Scots Gaelic, Welsh, Irish or England in any of those countries that would be fine, and those languages should be promoted


Yes, a basic understanding of our language should be a requirement to enter the country with exceptions for those in danger but they should have to learn within 6 months of entering the country.


No, we should embrace diversity but allow free language learning support to allow easier communication


No, but it should be encouraged they learn either English, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic or Irish Gaelic and that they are offered for classes for one or more of these languages


Learning basic English should be a requirement to gain full citizenship and the rights that come along with it. New immigrants should be encouraged to learn English for their own benefit.


No, diversity is important and we should respect their identity, but there should be free language learning courses available to them.


Immigrants should be required to learn English but only in England, immigrants in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should be required to learn Scottish Gaelic, Welsh and Irish instead of English


It should be recommended that immigrants learn English but ultimately you cannot force another person to learn your language

 @9HDCTX8Women's Equalityanswered…1yr1Y

Yes but free language learning courses should be provided and made accessible along with embracing the diversity they add


They should atleast know some basic English but the government should provide free language courses.


Yes, but only if absolutely necessary (eg. based on where they live), and if the government provides free language learning resources.

 @9FXS4QJLiberal Democratfrom Oregon  answered…1yr1Y

No, but immigrants planning to live in the UK longer than 1 year should be highly encouraged to learn English via free, widely available classes.


Not as of entering the country. But support to help them learn either English, Welsh, Scots, Scots Gaelic, Manx, Cornish, Irish Gaelic or Ullans should be provided to help them function well in the UK’s society.


If they plan on living in the UK, they should make a substantial effort to learn the language, but it should not be essential or enforced


Learning the language would be useful for immigrants for daily life, such as shopping or travelling. It should be encouraged but not mandatory and courses should be free.


 @97KCFGDWomen's Equalityanswered…2yrs2Y

I think that they should be encouraged and free courses should be available however we should still embrace the diversity


Yes, so they are enabled to be independent in the UK, it should be encouraged and made as easy as possible


For their benefit of being able to navigate life in a new country I think it would be best to at least learn the minimum to hold employment, education or be safe daily.


Learning english is not required but it would make lots of things easier such as legal documents


the government should provide basic Math and English lessons to help migrants with learning how much they should be paid and communicate, helping to gain work that they are qualified for.


Yes in free programmes to at least a basic it can create a lot of issues for a lot of people when someone unable to speak or understand the language is attempting to recieve aid and increases the risk of exploitation

 @9P3C6ZK answered…7mos7MO

We should offer free classes but we should also learn their languages as well that should also be free. I want to learn more about other cultures.


Soft yes. Having language lessons in English and Welsh should be encouraged but not necessarily enforced unless they want to apply for a job or citizenship. Free lessons should be made available.
When moving country for a job/your family, it helps to learn the basics of the language of the country you are living in.
Eg. Moving to the Netherlands where majority speak English, you are not forced to learn Dutch but it will help learning enough so you can get by in day to day life.


Not required ,but if they are choosing to live here then one would hope they would want to embrace our language


They should be required to learn English, Welsh or any other native UK language using government funded classes and resources.


Immigrants should shown how speaking English will improve there life in the UK but given the choice.

 @9NT46YY answered…7mos7MO

Yes to simple conversational standard, no higher than the lowest quartile of UK born English speakers. With exemptions for those with cognitive impairments.


No, learning English, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic or other UK languages should be considered an asset but not a requirement.


No one should be required/disallowed because of their lack of English but I believe it’s in the government and asylums seekers or immigrants to have free and accessible english classes if they want them so they can integrate efficiently.


Not required at all - it should be personal preference but we should improve the availability of free or low cost English classes in the event that immigrants do want to learn English

 @9MRV4RHLiberal Democratanswered…7mos7MO

I believe they add to the diversity of our country but I think the government should provide basic lessons to help them in their everyday life

 @9MQ3L8NLiberal Democratfrom Hyogo  answered…8mos8MO

Yes. I think this is fundamental to building a more cohesive society. It's not to negate other languages but ultimately in the UK you have many people who live in sub-culture and therefore don't use English on a daily basis.

Confidence in English is the first step to ensure people feel accepted in society, able to communicate their views and avoid right-wing harassment that they don't belong in the UK.

It's important to not only to invest resources in supporting learning English (like Germany with German) but also as mentioned above develop community programmes to bring together people together that wouldn't usually interact. This is important when the UK faces a deterioration of local communities which has only fuelled greater racial or social ignorance, and in turn hate crimes.


It shouldn't be compulsory. But free courses should be offered as an option. There should be online and in person options to account for neurodiversity and people with co-dependents etc. I think a lot of people would like to have access to learn English but can't afford it.


Yes, but with exceptions for asylum seekers and groups who may be unable to learn English (due to age, learning disabilities etc)


I dont want to say they should be made to but if we could offer free English courses it would be helpful to them


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