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 @9LPKRJ8answered…4 days4D

If the injury is caused by Alcohol, drugs or fighting it should be paid by the individual. Motor accidents requiring ambulance and Medical treatment should be covered by the insurance

 @9LPJRFKanswered…4 days4D

We should have different levels of insurance depending on our health needs. With higher costs for preventable diseases and low costs for unpreventable diseases

 @9LNW2F9answered…6 days6D

Pay for any self inflicted medical problems, ie: alcoholics with liver failure, obese people with heart disease.

 @9LNF59Banswered…6 days6D

As long as the nhs is as is and looks after British citizens there's no harm in private companies running certain aspects of the NHS if it improves the quality and takes the pressure off


While the NHS is struggling, access to care provided by private providers (paid for by government) is a useful way to cut waiting lists. However, the NHS requires huge investment with adequate funding and fewer managerial/non-medical staff.


Should be half private half government it’s for the people so cost of care need to go down while wages go up and stop being ripped off due to leaving the eu on meds


Keep the nhs and nationalise more healthcare, but implement fines for people who waste services times. Such as those who go to A&E for non emergency treatment should have to pay.


again NHS is a government funded body and the majority of london jobs are government jobs, halal and turkish barbers.

THE HIGH STREETS ARE STERAL outside the tourist areas.

there is ONLY 2 pet shops in my local area on my dog walks i can't even enter a Supermarket without harassment from forgen security who miss quote law and deserve a clocked jaw.

sorry unapologetic because this is pissing me off how evil london is getting.


The NHS is a failing system, due to high number of people using it. To many managers and not enough of the right staff at the ground level.


There needs to be more done for the NHS for the staff to have a decent wage for the amount of energy,time and effort they put into their jobs. If privatisation will help then yes but leaving some accessible for the low income families that cannot afford it


No change other than more money going into it for better quality of care and standards for those working in it

 @9L63LS5 answered…4wks4W

Less - there has been a deliberate intention from UK Governments to run this institution in to the ground


Neither. Remove unnecessary roles within the organisation and redistribute funding toward more front line nurses / doctors


Allow people to completely opt out of NHS service and payments so that they can pursue their own private health services. Stop giving private hospitals NHS funding.


The NHS should transition to an Insurance Model for all Citizens, Taking advantage of the Private Model without favouring rich over poor.


The NHS sucks right now because the Tories aren’t giving enough money to the NHS or nurses. So give workers a pay rise, don’t sell the NHS to Rupert Murdoch Health Corp.


It depends on, NHS runs on taxpayers money but we have no access to it. If we would pay the amount we contribute to an American style private healthcare we could avoid the useless "gatekeepers" (GP)

I am not for privatisation, but a reform is much needed.


Move to a government regulated private healthcare insurance system which granst universal healthcare access to all, with better health outcomes.


Core services (keeping someone alive and healthy) & IVF should be NHS anything other than that should be private


Does not matter whether its more less only have privatization where it can increase quality and reduce costs.


Adopt a system like in Germany/Scandinavia I’m which hospitals are private and health insurance is public


what there is at the moment works but more funding to reduce nhs waiting times is nessary and private healthcare serices should take a more charitable role to help with the backlog


Parts which people have no control over preventing should be privatised e.g. eyesight should not be private but obesity should be private


No privatisation of the NHS but people should still have the choice to go private if they so can afford it. But universally all healthcare should fall under the NHS


Less, but cull pointless jobs such as diversity hires and diversity and inclusion officers and paper pushing admin roles


Neither more nor less ; we need a completely new approach to funding healthcare and the NHS needs root and branch reorganisation


Less, but stop wasting money on health things that can be managed through effective choices. Put more money into prevention.



They should have 2 separate systems - Half privatised and half the current system but invest a lot more money into it.

The NHS is cripplingly horrendous! In every way! It needs a HUGE change!
We need more UK born doctors too! So more money is needed to get people to want to work in the industry.


Whatever structure provides the best service for end users, likely a mix of public and private


I am happy with the current level but increase funding for all health services


Free at the point of use should be the number 1 commitment, the delivery of medical treatment under that model should be by the most efficient means (public or Private) that focuses on quality of Service for the patient.


Both the NHS and the private healthcare system in this country need to be completely reformed because both are dysfunctional and neither puts the patient at the centre of the system


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