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No, but they should be sectioned and placed in secure hospitals to ween them off drugs. Is they were a trafficker then they should be imprisoned.


No, they should be sectioned instead and forced to undergo statutory rehabilitation but without getting a criminal record.


Depends on the offence; if they rob/steel then we should go all medevial on the arse (a hand maybe?)


No, but drug abuse should be considered an aggravating circumstance when someone is convicted of any type of theft or burglary.


Rehabilitation reduces recidivism - this has been proven in other countries and should therefore be at least partially implemented under a UK government.

 @9PS9S8Cfrom District of Columbia  answered…9mos9MO

No. Drugs should be criminalized but punishment should be subject to the judge's discretion based on the needs of the drug user.


Obviously yes if they were arrested for trafficking, but I also think that there should be mandatory rehabilitation programs for those that aren't involved in trafficking after their first offense.


No, only if they were arrested for trafficking Any other first offence should result in a mandatory rehabilitation program, further offences result in jailtime

 @9MWQ884 answered…10mos10MO

No, short prison terms have been shown to increase reoffending rates and increase the level of offending

 @9K6HZTRBritish Nationalanswered…1yr1Y

Depends on the drug. Cannabis has many health properties. Where as cocain should be fined and put to work


Drug possession should be decriminalised and seen as a healthcare issue, not a criminal one. But drug dealers should be prosecuted.

 @9D62WBZGreenfrom Leiria  answered…2yrs2Y

No, it should be treated as a health concern and be required to undertake rehabilitation


No but they must get rehab then community service, But much harsher sentences for dealers and traffickers including life sentences


No, we should legalise and tax certain drugs but for those who were using the drugs that i wouldn't legalise such as Class A drugs should be offered rehabilitation and jail sentences if necessary


Only for dealers and traffickers, drug addicts should be arrested and taken to rehabilitation centres


No, we should decriminalise the use of drugs, but keep trafficking criminalised, with offences of trafficking resulting in a mandatory rehabilitation program, alongside jail time for recurring offences


Only drug dealers not drug users. The latter should be forced into drug rehab programmes and only if they refuse then should be given prison sentence


No, there should be mandatory rehabilitation but no jail time for possession or use. There should be jail time for dealing but cannabis should be decriminalised


They should be taken willingly to drug rehabilitation centre to help with there immediate problems and to understand why they have taken up drugs and remedy that


I stead of jail time, rehabilitation should be offered with specific explicit work on reasons for drug taking and support once "back in the real world"


No, but fines and time spent in rehabilitation programs should be increased the more offences done


No because prison is not about rehabilitation and will therefore do nothing but push the criminals to re offend so as to live once released because their employability will be non-existent.


We should decriminalise drugs such as marijuana, this may also end some drug dealers careers as people won’t have to buy drugs illegally for more money



Yes, but we need to reform prisons to focus primarily on reformation and rehabilitation of offenders rather than punishment.


Offences should result in rehab, we need to offer help to those in need and we need to stop treating addiction like a crime.


No, community service working with young people affected by parents drug use, or something else that will benefit society and the offender.


No, we should decriminalise possession and usage of all drugs and instead provide rehabilitation for those who need it


No, we should decriminalise most drugs and heavily regulate those that are likely to cause harm when abused.


No it should be a personal choice if someone wants to take drugs or not, not a crime.


Drug use is not without harm - it affects people's ability to work and therefore is a risk to wider society as well as the user. After a first offence there should be rehabilitation, repeat offences should be punished with a jail sentence.


Non-Violent Drug Offenders should be given rehabilitation and put on House Arrest


No, if they are dealing then they should be rehabilitated first, then prison sentences.



Non violent drug users should be offered rehabilitation services, if a drug user is violent then it should be mandatory for the safety of others and being a danger to themself jail time should be a final resort


No, we should decriminalise all drugs, something which has proven to remove the risk of gangs many drug related crimes in Switzerland and Portugal.



No addiction is a disease not a crime, rehabilitation is the only option for nonviolent drug offenders



I agree with the three strikes policy but implement tougher sentences for all drug users and dealers


Decriminalisation is the way forward. With harmful substances made by humans from cocaine to all heroine based medication or as you call them prescription or opioids. To be phased out and replaced with cannabis pain management, considering it has zero deaths attributed to it.

 @9WTN5BT  from Maine  answered…5mos5MO

We should decriminalise all drugs but if the crime was illegal supply the penalties should be harsher.


The people would be asked and the issue would be voted on via Liquid Democracy.


They should be given help. Only go to prison if they hurt someone because of the drug


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