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112 Replies


All speech should be protected from prosecution or litigation, but private companies should be free to ban certain kinds of speech from their workplaces or platforms


The definition of hate speech needs to be agreed and widely disseminated in the population before it can be penalised.
Holding religious beliefs that others see as intolerant or holding so called gender critical beliefs should not be in themselves hate speech.


no. freedom of speech does not cover speech intended to cause harm but the explicit expression of opinion.


You should be free to express your view in a clear and concise way, and for people to challenge that view



People should not be free to openly incite racist violence or make any other kind of discriminatory remark, but hate speech that is perceived to be spoken for the good of the people should be protected.


Yes, as long as it isn’t directed at a specific person/group of people (whom are physically present), incite violence or have a clear impact on the image of the country


Hate speech should be pretecred by freedom of speech, but that doesn’t mean you free from the consequences


Common sense. Personal opinion should be protected on the condition that it does not encourage or do harm to others.


Hate speech should not be protected as such but there should be a difference between a one off comment and actual verbal abuse. As a bisexual man, I'm not going to call the police if someone calls me a ****** in passing but, if I was on a bus and someone cornered me and starting hurling abusive slurs, this should be handled by authorities


Because it falls under speech, yes, however I do not believe that freedom of speech means freedom of consequence and therefore there should still be heavy condemnation, and only government intervention at the point of inciting violence


Gender identity is not a protected characteristic, so a person using sex based pronouns is not hate speech. Gender is a social construct designed to pigeonhole people according to stereotypes. We should be breaking down stereotypes not reinforcing them.

 @9Q65SPG answered…8mos8MO

Yes however if threatening harm to another it should be investigated and punished in line with law in an appropriate manner.


What is hate speech ? How can it be regulated? True hate speech should not be protected ,however there is a lot of opinion and truth that is now considered hate towards particular groups . Have clear definition of hate speech


No, but there’s a difference between hate speech & criticism!! (It isn’t hate speech/antisemitism to criticise the idf.)


Hate speech in social media and by people on their mobile phones is rampant and horrendous. It causes dreadful mental harm and sometimes physical harm. Speech against some ideas and actions should be allowed as freedom of speech if shows reasonable attitudes, not hate.


Yes - but only because otherwise it may still happen but in enclosed secretive spaces where people are in an echo chamber with others sharing the same views. Hate speech needs to be in the open to an extent to be directly challenged and perhaps even to change people’s opinions by being introduced to information that counters their hate views.


Should be protected to voice any opinion but also to be accountable for, and have any opinion scrutinized.


Hate speech is wrong and should be punished (via fines or maybe some time locked up), but we should be free to criticise the government


Everyone has the right to their own thoughts and freedom of speech as long as you don't break any laws in doing so.i.e peace protest.


Unfortunately hate speech is part of a person’s freedom of speech and therefore should be protected. However, there should be a strong penalty when hate speech is weaponised to marginalise a said group of people and falls under a scope of inciting violence and or the threat of it. This penalty should include imprisonment and or other. Hate speech should be well define as to not discriminate against groups of people as has been the case presently towards Christians and conservatives

 @9QFNMXY answered…8mos8MO

No, and it should be penalised, though there needs to be a clear understanding on what hate speech is first. Being a racist pig should get you penalised, but *calling* someone a racist pig should not. If someone is criticizing their suppressor, that should not be penalised.


No, but it isn’t right that the government and the dominating demographic within, should be the ones to set the boundaries of hate speech.


Yes because views on what constitutes hate speech are far too subjective for it to be determined and controlled by government and it seriously impinges on free speech rights and could potentially be manipulated and exploited by some individuals who would weaponise it for their own personal gain

 @9PY2QSJfrom Nicosia  answered…9mos9MO

Freedom of speech no matter how much I hate this, means freedom of speech. However it shouldn't include threatening or inciting violence


This is an extremely complex issue and I would rather each case be considered in it's merits through the legal / court process.


Yes and No, it needs to be handled in a sensitive manner that targets large groups stirring up hate speech

 @9PFB5TGAnimal Welfareanswered…9mos9MO

Freedom of Expression and Human Rights should be protected by law, NOT HATE SPEECH! Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, essential for democratic societies.


There is no such thing as "hate speech." One persons "hate" is another persons deeply held conviction


Freedom of speech should be protected The government has failed to do this in recent years. All speech should be allowed unless it incites or calls for violence. People should be allowed to voice their opinions even if they are wrong so they can be challenged in an appropriate manner.

 @9GH9YLFfrom Pennsylvania  answered…1yr1Y

No, hate speech should be defined as spreading misinformation and inciting hate and propaganda against a group of people. Which should not be legal considering the social and political ramifications.


People can say what they believe but it shouldn’t be worded in a manner that incites behaviour and individuals should be held accountable for actions that arise from what is said


No, but people/goverment should not be allowed to lable concerns about their own behaviour as hate speech.


Yes, so long as it does not threaten violence. However, organisations whose sole purpose is to proliferate such speech and discrimination should be banned.


No, Foreign and otherwise conflicting speech against Public Interest should have increased penalties


Hate speech should be defined with respect to the job role as well as the context of the rationale, it also depends upon who defines hate speech, different people have different metrics. That being said, if you sing Hitler Youth songs in the middle of a town it should disqualify you from running as an MP.


As these laws can be used and misused, I would like to see hate speech specifically coded and not given a general outline that can be abused. Specific calls to violence, or to silence others shold be protected against. Freedom of speech should be universal, but only if it does not actively endanger others.

 @9P7Q4GVLiberal Democrat answered…9mos9MO

Protect freedom of opinion, but not hate/any kind of speech which actively encourages/elicits violence against social groups.

 @9P63Y76Liberal Democrat answered…9mos9MO

What is the definition of hate speech. In principle free speech should be the driver for discussing political/social views but personal attacks on e.g. what people look like should be monitored and closed down. How you do that I don’t know.


People have a right to views but should not be openly allowed to promote hate and encourage violence


Freedom of speech laws should protect you from criticising government, influential people and organisations but should not incite violence, acts of discrimination in public life or unsafe behaviour


it depends upon the severity, as "hate speech" has so many different flavours its untrue, i think we need to discuss what is meant and narrow down on the exact fundamentals at which point we can decide then


People should be allowed freedom of speech, however there have to be consequences. Having an opinion on something is different to being openly hateful towards a demographic. If you are spreading vitriol and other hateful and incorrect messages, you should be held accountable.


I feel this is very subjective and what one person or group may deem as hate actually isn’t. Tough one


No but the definition of hate speech needs to be more clearly defined so that accidental slip ups compared to actual hate speech is differntiated.


Yes, however freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequence; i.e. saying something racist and being fired

 @9N2N3KL answered…10mos10MO

Yes, but only to a certain extent. Once your right of speech starts to infringe on someone else rights to live peacefully then that’s when it becomes a problem


If you're a racist, transphobic, homophobic, or misogynistic pig then you do not deserve to make disgusting comments and get away with it.


Yes, but if it promotes violence against minorities or is supporting terroristic beliefs it should be banned.


I don't support racism, but i don't want things to be so restrictive that art will be affected. You can write a racist character and not be racist.


There is no set answer as it is all dependant on the situation. Time would have to be spent to resolve the issue


Define hate speech! We have laws on racism. If hate speech is someone being upset by an opinion then it’s those offended who need locking up. Affirmation of opinion is not the only way.


Opinions should be able to be shared but proportionality should be applied. Some non violent threats should also be censored as well as all threats of violence.


Yes all comments must be protected by freedom of speech providing all sides are listened too and reasoned with.


Hate speech is often used to demonise minorities and communities and therefore it should not be protected as technically it causes mental distress to those affected by the abuse


Any speech that goes against the bible which is God's authoritative word is rebellion against the Almighty who we will all have to give account at the judgement day.


Most hate speech is by immigrants who hate everything about the UK and western world yet love to come for our benefits. Deport those people.


It should never be encouraged and only punished when directed at somebody. Allow its use in education about ill-opinionated peoples


If the views aren't based off of hatred of others for the qualities they don't control, such as race, gender, ability, if the speech is meant to give people a wake-up-call they should be protected, if they are meant to preach to a religion/cult they should be persecuted, if the preachers, preach about non-existent problems such as the patriarchy, they should be chased away


Freedom of speech isn't free if it doesn't work both ways. if someone has the right to be offended then someone should have the right to offend. At the end of the day they are only words and it is the individual that allows it to affect them.


Hate speech should be decriminalised but monitored and in extreme cases diversity training should be mandated.


Yes, all except for if it promotes violence against others, or is by a person with authority like Police or community leader and is not in private


Yes, as long as such speech does not explicitly threaten or promote violence, because I don't currently trust the government to define the boundaries of hate speech.

 @9JFXTM9from Maine  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, because I don’t trust any government, bureaucracy, agency, social media platform, corporation or any other military-industrial complex entity to define the boundaries of hate speech


I believe that hate speech should not be said towards somebody in a discriminatory way, and should not threaten violence.


If views are not voiced they cannot be challenged. If no violence is being threatened then people have the right to express their view. You can't have freedom of speech for some and not others.


No, and increase hate speech punishments, but abolish investigation into non criminal hate incidents


radicalized hate speech should have more consequences, hate speech leading to violence should not be protected, reactive hate speech should be protected.


Yes, but only if it does not incite violence. Eg, "I don't like Muslims" is an opinion, but "all Muslims should be shot" can incite violence.


Yes and No, I don’t trust the government to define the boundaries of hate speech. It depends really on the nature of the hate speech - so this would include as long as it does not threaten violence.


I would say no depending on whether the definition of hate speech - because mindless hate shouldn't be spread. Freedom of speech is a right for people to safely discuss difference of opinions and criticisms rather than hate speech


Yes, but again it depends on the situation, people should be allowed to speak their mind but within reason


No, as speaking out publicly against certain genders, races or religions is going to incite violence and should not be tolerated and should involve punishment. Everyone is allowed a personal opinion but to announce it publicly has serious consequences.


No, but the definition of hate speech must be tightly defined, so as to not criminalise legitimate criticism of other cultures (eg FGM, honour killings, religious attitudes to homosexuality or premarital relationships)


No, increase penalties. Freedom of speech laws, though initially made to protect you from criticising the government, now has more meanings, and a separate idea created for this, but boundaries should be properly established between freedom of speech and radical/extremist/offensive/harmful views.


No, hate speech often leads to the inciting of violence against minorities. Although it will be practically impossible in the court of law to prove a particular persons hate speech led to another committing a hate crime.

 @9FPC4WLfrom Alabama  answered…1yr1Y


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. If you spout targeted hate speech towards minorities or other protected groups, you should be charged with it and deserve whatever punishment you get.


I do not agree as hate speech can lead to really terrible things and I think it needs to be monitored


We should be doing more to discourage hate speech but with an element of common sense at the heart of it.


No, but only if it is undeniable hatred. The guy with the “Nazi pug” had no real hatred so therefore should not have been punished.


Yes, but education and resources are needed to educate those on the impact of words and speech which is used and how it can affect the public and the risk it imposes to public safety


Hate speech depends on freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in a democracy. However, hate speech transgresses the rights of those being targeted to live in a reasonable manner. There has to be some control but the options are too crude as they stand


yes people can voice their opinions however not in front of a person who fits into the category of their hate speech due to mental health risks


It depends. Sometimes, fighting against extreme right wing views and hate for minorities is treated as hate speech. It should not protect bigoted people, who are harmful to others.


Yes - however incitement to violence or promotion or glorifying terrorist or similar actions against others should continue to be criminalised. “Hate speech” may include non violent criticism of the government, individuals or communities so long as it does not incite violence and is not libellous. Free speech is an extremely important part of a democratic society.


No and the penalty should match the level of hate speech (i.e. Homophia has a lesser punishment than threatening to kill someone)


There is no such thing as free speech because free speech allows hate speech which can censor and ban others free speech and banning hate speech censors and bans free speech




No, people should be able to sue for libel, slander or other (mental health) damage it has caused, but damage has to be proven in court by expert witnesses such as psychiaters. Also, inciting violence should be a criminal offence.


Yes, and free speech should be considered the single most important human right.


Yes. The government doesn’t have the right to dictate what anyone can say. Society can shame them all they like, but the government nor any police force should be involved.


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