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8 Replies

 @9LQ7RT6answered…2 days2D

No, the UK is a prosperous island with no need of this, we should return to traditional farming methods and crops instead.

 @9LPZLR3answered…2 days2D

No, the UK does not need this; return to traditional farming methods instead, and stop purchasing and producing GMO crops and goods.


Gene editing should be allowed under strict controls and clear labelling, but genetic modification including material from other species should not be allowed outside licensed laboratories.


Some methods are completely safe, where others are not. I support the use of safer methods, to help us produce more crops closer to home. Supporting the environment and the economy.


I do not support the use of genetically engineered anything – including vaccines and other drugs.


Yes, though testing and research of such products must be thorough and transparent; wariness of monopolisation of patents between richer and poorer regions and an understanding as to how this plays a role in dependency and inaccessibility, as perpetuated by said regions of affluence.


GM foods should be labelled as such and producers should not be able to patent seeds.


I agree with GMO crops, however GMO foods should be more carefully considered if it will cause harm to said animal


Yes, but only if they have been through an extensive testing process


Yes, but only subject to checks by scientists into their ecological effects


Yes, but seeds should not be patented and seeds should not be engineered such that they produce the infertile plants.


Yes, but producers should not be able to patent seeds, AND such foods should be labelled as GMO.


No, I think we should do more research on the long-term effects of genetic engineering


yes but there should be a variety pool of seeds kept safe in case of a faulty clone


Yes but only if they are subject to extensive, case-by-case, science-based food evaluation.



Yes but producers should not be able to patent seeds and require labelling of foods that are genetically modified


Providing they are proven safe and have no long term effects on our health


These are only required due to animal agriculture. A switch to more vegan diets removes the need for GMO.


Yes. Producers should not be able to patent the seeds and be required to label their products as genetically modified.


Eventually, but only after far more research. Too little research has been done on the off-target effects of gene editing.


Yes, but genetically modified food should only be used to feed the poor and homeless and made to be as cheap as possible whilst still meeting national health standards


It depends on what the genetic modification was and whether research has been done to investigate the specific consequences. (I think there should be more openness about the potential advantages and disadvantages - e.g. a disease resistant variant may avoid environmental harm due to the need for none or less pesticide/fertiliser/irrigation)


Label the foods, and GM crop producing farms must be have stricter regulations and oversight, and processed differently to regular crops.


Yes as long as rigourus testing is done, companies can't patent seeds and genetically modified foods are labelled



Yes, labelled, not patented and obviously they never have to be dangerous to consume


100% no. I've yet to see any science that can out maneuver nature. The earth has been here for billions of years. Nature and life will always find a way. Trust it.


Yes, but require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified and it is done safely


Yes, but regulations should be enforced to deter unforseen crop failure


Yes where the crop is not patented and does not require a proprietary fertiliser blend. Looking at you Monsanto!


Yes, but the UK should create legislation around monocultures for health and environmental related reasons


Perhaps in situations of certain shortages but there should be clear labelling saying that something is modified and it should never become the main version of a product


Yes, but requite the labelling of foods that are genetically modified. In addition to this, producers should not be able to patent seeds.


all food is genetically modified. only further modifications should be restricted



Yes, but only if regulators are subjected to governmental review and allowing full disclosure to external agencies.


Yes but producers should not be able to create seeds which can only be active by purchasing more of their product.


yes but has to be labelled as such and seeds should not be able to be patented


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