Try the political quiz

184 Replies


Do you think everyone should have the same level of health care, and why?


Yes, no one decides what they're born with or who they're born as. Therefore, nothing should affect whether someone deserves to be treated before another seldom if they've committed a violent crime or something of the like.


there should be a minimum standard of public healthcare but we shouldnt restrict peoples ability to pay for private medical care


How can we ensure that progress towards equality is inclusive of all individuals, including those with disabilities?


Better develop areas of social, political, economic and career issues for the disadvantaged, but do not give them advantages over the population without disadvantages (unless the group has specific challenges to the specific area, I.e. the disabled in career opportunities)


What would your ideal fair society look like and how would it operate?


If you had the opportunity to ensure one basic human right for everyone, what would it be and why?


Do you think equal representation in politics would alter the decisions made by governments?


How do societal norms and expectations challenge or support your personal beliefs about equality?


What role should merit play in a society that values equality?


What is the impact of having (or not having) role models who advocate for equal rights in various fields?


How can we balance individual recognition with a culture that promotes equality?


Why might a world where everyone's lifestyle is the same be appealing or unappealing to you?


In what situations is it most difficult to maintain an attitude of equality towards others?


How does participating in a group that values everyone's input equally affect your sense of community?


How do you think equality in the workplace would affect job satisfaction and productivity?


What would equal access to technology worldwide mean for future generations?


Would you be willing to sacrifice some of your privileges for the sake of a more balanced society?


Why is it important for all voices to be heard in society, and what happens when they're not?


Can you share a moment when treating others equally made a difference in your life?


How do you feel about your work being valued equally with others, regardless of its nature or complexity?


Do you think advancements in artificial intelligence will lead to greater equality, and in what ways?


What's one tradition or cultural norm you'd like to change to promote more equality?


Have you ever been part of an initiative or project that aimed to level the playing field? What was the outcome?


What does fairness in access to the internet mean to you and your community?


When have you been a part of a diverse group that worked well together, and what made it successful?


What's an example of a small, everyday inequality that most people might not notice?


If you had to rank the importance of equality in different areas of society, which would come first and why?


How have you personally benefited from a situation where you were treated equally?


Do you think a society with no economic classes would be a utopia or cause new challenges?


Imagine a world where all voices are heard in government; what does that look like and mean for governance?


How could unbiased AI impact hiring practices and contribute to a culture of fairness?


What's the value of having friends from different backgrounds, and how does that challenge inequality?


Why might it be significant for people to see characters similar to themselves in movies and books?


How would you feel in a world where every child has the exact same educational resources?


How do unequal opportunities affect a person's sense of self-worth and potential?


How do you feel when you think about everyone having the same political influence regardless of their status?


What's one way your own actions could contribute to a more equal society?


In your opinion, how does treating all cultural traditions with equal respect shape a community?


If you could level the playing field in access to technology, what impact do you think that would have on education?


How can a simple act of kindness reduce the gap between different social groups?


What would it mean for you personally if all jobs paid the same wage, regardless of the role?


How do you think your school would change if everyone's voice had equal weight in decisions?


What story of overcoming inequality do you find the most uplifting, from either history or current events?


How does celebrating diverse backgrounds and experiences contribute to a better understanding of true equality?


Do you believe fairness matters in competition, and can you share a time when this was evident?


How might your perspective on fairness and equality affect your future career choice or leadership style?


How does empathy play a role in your understanding and practice of egalitarian principles?


If you observed unfair treatment, would you speak up, and how would you approach the situation?


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