Try the political quiz

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Why do you think some people struggle to understand the concept of 'white privilege' and how would you explain it?


As it is instilled into society that the white race is favoured over ethnic minorities they are seen to be valued more in the work place etc as they have more positive connotations. I think we should reduce stop and search for ethnic minorities and have an equal view on all races for society to get along more and for everyone to feel more welcome.


Although it still exists, white privilege is not so much of a massive issue anymore as other cultures and races are more largely accepted.

 @9KH7NXM agreed…4mos4MO

It is hard to see the privilege you have when you yourself haven’t experienced the disparities (subtle or not) that the minority have. Even though your privilege may be out of your control, you should learn to accept that you will never really understand what POC go through. *Sympathy* is key here, not empathy. People who can’t fathom white privilege are usually those who have grown up in a predominantly white community and simply haven’t interacted much with/befriended poc. Listen, be compassionate, educate yourself, and you will be surrounded by a diverse community!


White people haven’t experienced the struggles of people from other ethnic backgrounds and so don’t understand the privilege they have


Their upbringing leads them to believe that the privilege they have is imagined and not real.
Influenced by people on the internet to believe that hey are superior.


Right now you can see that people of colour or any other non-white origin gets chosen over whites to promote "diversity". So saying white privelege still exist is dumb.

 @9KJL7Z2 answered…4mos4MO

People often struggle to understand the effects of something they take for granted and cannot put themselves in another person’s shoes, I can understand this but I think empathy should be encouraged far more within society


You cannot judge a person by their race. They may be white, but you have no idea what they or their ancestors have been through. Working in mines, as trawlerman, living in workhouses.

 @9KSXJKFPlaid Cymrudisagreed…4mos4MO

There is also black privilege - rooted in favourable treatment because of perceived victim hood based on historical wrongs. An example: black people are rarely challenged on TFL for not tripping in but whites are


I think some people who have not been faced with seeing racism prevalent in their community, have a tendency to turn a blind eye to key issues which are important to them. It is uncomfortable for them to recognise their privilege so they don't.

I would encourage people to have a look at current issues and recent history to understand how important it is that we are actively fighting racism. As staying quiet on these issues is inadvertently supporting racism.

 @9KQMV7CGreen agreed…4mos4MO

I think a huge problem with recognising white privilege is that often people who are being told they have it don't feel very privileged. This is because of intersectional privilege, where different characteristics influence each other. For example, someone who was white but from a poor economic background, who's school had been underfunded and who's parents might have struggled to put food on the table would react poorly to being called privileged. It is important for us to recognise that our age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic and educational background all intersect, and by dissecting this we can better recognise where we do have privilege and acknowledge this.


Why is it important to have diverse role models in the media, and who is a role model that has influenced you?


to allow everyone to have a positive role model to grow up with


I believe it is important to have diverse role models, to make both children and adults aware of people from other walks of life, how they might live, what they do etc.
It's entirely possible to idolize a role model who, whilst being different from yourself due to race, religion, language, etc, still speaks to you on a personal level and had you not been exposed to this diversity, you might never have come across it. Broadening people's horizons is only ever a good thing.


Ecologism is a political ideology which focuses on the partnership between humans and nature. It argues that we must take action as the current consumption


Many footballers - It’s important to have people of all ethnicities as they are a great inspiration to all others and reinforce anti racist ideals from a young age to children watching black and coloured celebrities


It’s important to have diverse role models in media to bring there own personal culture


In what ways do you believe our society benefits from the inclusion and success of racially diverse individuals?




What's an example of institutional racism you've become aware of and what action do you think should be taken?

 @9JGHWZS answered…5mos5MO

I think it’s regional, however some areas have shown to understand that it doesn’t matter what your background is - but only if they are nice, should be the main concern for both parties.


Have you ever taken a stand against a racist joke or comment in your social circle, and what was the outcome?

 @9JGHWZS answered…5mos5MO

I believe some areas have learnt to understand that it doesn’t matter what background someone has. As long as everyone is treated fairly with respect to happiness and kindness.


In your experience, how do stereotypes influence the way we interact with people from different races?


It should not impact how we interact at all, stereotypes are inherently racist and we should interact with everyone the same regardless of race


How has your understanding of different cultures enriched your own life?


How can we create safe spaces in our communities where racism can be discussed openly and constructively?


If someone disagrees with the principles of anti-racism, how would you engage in a conversation with them?


What's one change you can make in your daily life that could have a positive impact on race relations around you?


How does learning about the history of different races and ethnicities influence your current relationships with peers?


Can humor ever be a constructive tool in addressing racism, and if so, how?


Why do you think discussions about racism can sometimes make people uncomfortable, and how can those discussions be made easier?


When was a time that you felt your own cultural identity was especially important to you?


How do you think food from different cultures can play a role in promoting racial understanding and tolerance?


What's a question about race that you're afraid to ask, and what makes it intimidating for you?


How does it make you feel when you see someone speak up for a person being racially discriminated against?


What's the most effective way you've found to shut down a racially insensitive remark?


In what ways do you think sports and teamwork can help bridge racial divides?


How does celebrating multicultural events at school impact your thinking about race?


What role does personal responsibility play in combating racism, and can an individual's actions make a real difference?


How would you feel if you saw racial injustice at your school or workplace, and what would you do?


How do your friends influence your understanding and actions toward racial equality?


What role does courage play in confronting racism, and can you share a time when you had to be brave in this regard?


How has the media shaped your understanding of race, and is there a particular story that has stayed with you?


If you could envisage the future of your community without racism, what three changes would be most noticeable?


What are your thoughts on the effectiveness of anti-racism training in schools or workplaces?


How do you navigate the balance between respecting cultural heritage and acknowledging the potential for racism?


What's a historical event related to racial justice that you feel doesn't get enough attention and why?