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As it is instilled into society that the white race is favoured over ethnic minorities they are seen to be valued more in the work place etc as they have more positive connotations. I think we should reduce stop and search for ethnic minorities and have an equal view on all races for society to get along more and for everyone to feel more welcome.


Although it still exists, white privilege is not so much of a massive issue anymore as other cultures and races are more largely accepted.

 @9KH7NXM agreed…5mos5MO

It is hard to see the privilege you have when you yourself haven’t experienced the disparities (subtle or not) that the minority have. Even though your privilege may be out of your control, you should learn to accept that you will never really understand what POC go through. *Sympathy* is key here, not empathy. People who can’t fathom white privilege are usually those who have grown up in a predominantly white community and simply haven’t interacted much with/befriended poc. Listen, be compassionate, educate yourself, and you will be surrounded by a diverse community!

 @9KJL7Z2 answered…5mos5MO

People often struggle to understand the effects of something they take for granted and cannot put themselves in another person’s shoes, I can understand this but I think empathy should be encouraged far more within society

 @9KSXJKFPlaid Cymrudisagreed…5mos5MO

There is also black privilege - rooted in favourable treatment because of perceived victim hood based on historical wrongs. An example: black people are rarely challenged on TFL for not tripping in but whites are


You cannot judge a person by their race. They may be white, but you have no idea what they or their ancestors have been through. Working in mines, as trawlerman, living in workhouses.


White people haven’t experienced the struggles of people from other ethnic backgrounds and so don’t understand the privilege they have


Their upbringing leads them to believe that the privilege they have is imagined and not real.
Influenced by people on the internet to believe that hey are superior.


Right now you can see that people of colour or any other non-white origin gets chosen over whites to promote "diversity". So saying white privelege still exist is dumb.


Ignorance, ties into how “‘we’ invented the light bulb” but ‘we’ didn’t uphold slavery. People don’t like taking responsibility for negative actions. Only positive ones.


Ignorance of what? We are not responsible for the actions of our ancestors. I don't claim any credit for the first of your examples and I don't feel any guilt over the second.


-They are too privileged to see that they even have privilege and they haven't experienced racism on a level compared to other minorities

 @9KH9JP8 agreed…5mos5MO

Racism is like a virus. Unless if you have experienced the symptoms of the illness, then you will never understand the pain of the person who is ill.

 @9KC7RBV answered…5mos5MO

People want to feel superior but don't wasn't to show it.


"A recognition that does not silence the voices of those most affected by white privilege; a recognition that does not ignore where it comes from and why it has staying power"


Because people who have white privilege take it for granted


There is no such thing as "white privilege". This is a madeup contruct , another word for "white hate". People's skin colour does not matter. People who talk about the skin colour of other people are racists.


Those who have not seen the negative effects of white privilege may not understand. It is definitely a factor which has made life easier/harder for people.


If you haven’t experienced it you might not belive it but we live in a society where there’s a lot of discrimination to any minority

 @9KFH6MS answered…5mos5MO

Because of our ancient barbarically colonial ties still manifesting in our current system- the demonisation of immigration to make up for a corrupt and fragmented capitalist system that promotes aristocracy and suppressing the rights and views of the working people. The vilifying of ethnic minorities has persisted within our political ideologies and within key party members and boundaries to employment and social security still persist for ethnic minorities in the UK. White people fail to come to terms with this due to state propaganda- convincing them they’re not the issue and things…  Read more


You mention state propaganda - where does any official government or public media channel express these anti-diversity sentiments? Some right-wing politicians are definitely guilty of this, but you've framed this as a grand conspiracy. If there is any conspiracy to crush pro-diversity rhetoric, it is in the papers and partisan party campaigning - nothing endorsed by the 'state'.

In focusing so hard on some grand pathology endemic to "White People", you've completely neglected the prompt: how you would explain the concept of white privilege to someone who disagrees…  Read more


white privilege is simply false. Its used as an excuse for why some people fail to make it in life and therefore bring race into why they failed.


White privilege is a real thing that exists white men are the most powerful and people in power are always white men.


Just because I am white, does not mean that I am privileged. There are some that have and continue to have white privilege, but this should not be just based on the colour of someone's skin. I have definitely not had a privileged life. I understand that in some places the colour of your skin can get you murdered, bit just because I haven't been subjected to that, does not mean that I am privileged.


Most of the working class in the UK is white, and most of the poor in the UK is white many white people struggle.


People struggle to understand white privilege as they have never not experienced it. It is a systematic infection that has its fingers in all parts of Society as white people have for years have destabilised non-white majority countries and when they flee to these supposedly great northern countries they face oppression hidden within the bureaucracy of those countries.


Whit privilege is the privilege you gain from being white in your own country the societal benefits you receive


It is when people get jobs as they are white and get better places in society


white people often get picked over other people due to often being seen as the superior due to racism


I think some people who have not been faced with seeing racism prevalent in their community, have a tendency to turn a blind eye to key issues which are important to them. It is uncomfortable for them to recognise their privilege so they don't.

I would encourage people to have a look at current issues and recent history to understand how important it is that we are actively fighting racism. As staying quiet on these issues is inadvertently supporting racism.

 @9KQMV7CGreen agreed…5mos5MO

I think a huge problem with recognising white privilege is that often people who are being told they have it don't feel very privileged. This is because of intersectional privilege, where different characteristics influence each other. For example, someone who was white but from a poor economic background, who's school had been underfunded and who's parents might have struggled to put food on the table would react poorly to being called privileged. It is important for us to recognise that our age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic and educational background all intersect, and by dissecting this we can better recognise where we do have privilege and acknowledge this.


Because they are small minded and racist issues don't directly affect them so they do not bother educating themselves on this.


White privilege is a discriminatory term. The vast majority of homeless, alcoholics, drug addicts, victims of crime and victims of sexual exploitation are white so therefore there is no white privilege.



As it is instilled into society that the white race is favoured over ethnic minorities they are seen to be valued more in the work place etc as they have more positive connotations. I think we should reduce stop and search for ethnic minorities and have an equal view on all races for society to get along more and for everyone to feel more welcome.

 @9QSMW2F answered…3wks3W



You don't consider things a privilege when it has always been; you take it for granted. White privilege is when white people have opportunities and freedoms within their daily lives that aren't as readily available or accepted as those of other races.



They are too stuck inside their own traditions and thoughts to accept the world around them


They don't want to accept any blame & cannot comprehend that even though they "aren't racist" they have still subconsciously been racist. Institutional racism means that white people are more privileged than people of colour.

 @9QQG4W2from Missouri answered…3wks3W

It’s difficult to get a white person who might have educational, economic, and financial struggles of their own to accept that they have inherent advantages just due to being white.
Also, it’s counterproductive to attempt to shame someone into changing their point of view about a difficult topic.


White privilege can easily be described as two guys with hoods up running down a street one black, one white. I know which one the police are more likely to stop.


People struggle with 'white privilege' because they haven't experienced life without it, therefore they don't see it.


The guilt that comes with a race you didn't choose - silly reason but it's easiest to understand ur own problems and people are ignorant in recognizing how white privilege benefits them - I would identify white privilege in a lot of ways - social treatment, professional treatment predominantly


As it is a relatively new topic and race discussion causes upset naturally.


When someone has never faced racism (or any other negative effect for that matter) its difficult to get into that point of view

 @9QPY4JY answered…3wks3W

All people think they work hard. All people believe they have faced adversity. All people believe they are special. When many white people hear about the concept of white privilege they feel defensive and incredulous because they 1) mostly (mistakenly) believe they are not racist and 2) feel that the concept implies they have not faced adversity or had to "work hard" for what they have. All white privilege implies (correctly) is that white people have not at any point faced adversity related to their ethnicity, skin colour or heritage. Just because you have had that privilege does not mean you are "privileged" in every sense or that you have not been discriminated against or faced challenges unrelated to race.


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