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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y



No, it will cost a lot of money which should be put towards public transport, which is more economically and environmentally efficient.


Electric vehicles are not environmentally friendly as they purport, it will be overtaken in the near future by a better option making them obsolete

 @9KX97KT disagreed…1yr1Y

Electric vehicles are not sustainable. Their production is environmentally unfriendly, they rely on lithium mines and most of their energy come from fossil fuels.


Electric Vehicle Charging Stations would cause Parliament to spend unnecessarily on the wrong resources when those funds could be used for improving the resources that have already been proven to work in the UK, especially when related to infrastructure.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y




Take a look at the manufacture of electric vehicles from start to finish. Then look at the increased demand on the earths resources.


Why shouldn't people who drive electrical vehicles have the same freedom to charge as petrol users have to add fuel to their cars?

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

Yes, but only if they use renewable energy sources


Electric vehicles cost more to manufacture, more to repair and have a greater impact on the environment from start of manufacture.


It’s unrealistic, expensive and not that helpful as most electric cars are outside of people’s budgets. A bunch of electric cars aren’t going to fix the climate damage large companies are doing and there are better things to focus on than charging stations.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, and we should be focusing more on improving public transportation

 @9KX97KT agreed…1yr1Y

Public transport is better than electric vehicles, no matter how you look at it. Electric vehicles are the easy way out, and they're not even a way out.


It’s like trying to put the genie back in the bottle, people prefer to use their own transport unfortunately, making public transport less appealing. There should be support for both!

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, and I am skeptical about the viability of electric vehicles

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...2yrs2Y

No, provide subsidies to private companies that compete to build the best network instead


Private companies provide competition but there should be regulation to ensure a high quality of standard and safety


We need effective, affordable public transport and encourage cycling for local trips. I’m healthier for cycling and less of a burden on the NHS. I use my car to commute to work otherwise I’d never get there in time without leaving home at 5.30am.


No, the government should focus on building robust, reliable, public/mass transit networks which are affordable for workers and publicly owned by governments/local governments. This should be with an aim to reduce overall car use among the general population.


Yes but only using renewable energy sources AND most importantly invest massively in public transport instead of cars


Good idea for government to provide the infrastructure. However there is a question still over the viability of electric vehicles at this stage


No, we should be investing on Hydrogen refuelling stations, which will be the future of green transport.


No, they should focus on converting the existing network of petrol filling stations to hydrogen and prioritise the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.


I feel we risk unforeseen environmental consequences with battery disposal. If all cars were electric we wouldn’t be able to produce enough energy, let alone clean energy to power them. I believe hydrogen internal combustion engines are the way.


No; As electrical cars are not inherently climate-friendly and the best option for our future should be the point to strive towards


Solar power only as electric cars are mostly using non-renewable energy and the solar energy is eternal.


No, this should be done by the private sector with the government focusing on improving the infrastructure to support them.


Yes but only if they use renewable energy sources, and this should be as a stop gap to phase out fossil fuels and more emphasis should be placed on oublic transportation.

 @9PNCRJD answered…9mos9MO

Yes, assuming electric vehicles are a viable solution to reducing climate change, but I currently have doubts and questions.


Yes, If they do it as part of a plan to upgrade the grid to cope and move away from coal and gas power


We are seeing a lot of this in councils, the price of EVs are significantly more expensive than regular cars.


Private companies should be forced to do it with no government help by saying that only electric cars will be made by 2030 in the uk


Yes and provide roads that charge while vehicles are moving. Energy provision must be from renewable resources.


Yes if renewable energy sources are used. And no - focus should also be on improving public transport


Bio fuels are the answer. EVERY vehicle that has ever been made will run on them and they are carbon neutral.


They should make the current charging stations all up to date fast charging make sure they work etc but also improve public transport


Subsidise private companies to accelerate network development but mandate consistent charges so payment and accounts are transferable


Yes but the cost of these should be regulated as they are currently hugely overcharging people to use them.


Yes but only if electrical cars are available for those who can not afford one. Ev cars should be available on a 30 year loan like a student loan to those who meet criteria eg Universal credits

 @9P4LJ42Liberal Democratanswered…10mos10MO

Before phasing out petrol vehicles the government needs to ensure that all infrastructure is in place including cheap readily available charging for those millions without drive ways


No, and the government should invest in synthetic fuel production and offer incentives to companies using them, allowing them to use current in use equipment with the benefit of lower emissions.


We need a better reliable infrastructure to keep the lights on as well as charge all these electrical vehicles the UK the grid can only give out so much.

 @9N7N6RX answered…10mos10MO

Yes, and require 50% of blue badge parking spaces to include electric vehicle chargers also as most chargers are not accessible

 @9N6DMT8 answered…10mos10MO

Yes, as long as appropriately funded, built and maintained smart charging systems are used so as to minimise national grid impact - and renewable energy sources must be used

 @9MYFJDHLiberal Democrat answered…10mos10MO

More priority should be placed on electric vehicles, but public transportation should be placed at an even higher priority


Yes but with sustainable energy sources but I am mindful of the viability of electric vehicles over time.


Yes, but these should only be built if there are economic incentives for the population to purchase an electric car.


If EV cars are supposed to reduce carbon emissions, then companies should invest more into environmentally friendly mining equipment BEFOREHAND and find a clean way to safely dispose of unusable batteries. Then they should worry about EV charging stations

 @denimbeard answered…11mos11MO

Yes, but we need to create legislation that ensures the minerals mined for electric vehicles are obtained safely and ethically.


Yes, but our climate change policy should not depend on the increase of electric vehicles on English roads

 @9LSTGVR answered…11mos11MO

Electric charging points should be a private enterprise. Why should money from tax I pay be spent on charging ports when I don't have an electric car. I could never afford one new or used. Plus I'm not convinced they are the way forward.


No, they should prioritise hydrogen fuel stations just as much as electric and let the market decide which is better


A large grant should be given to install charging stations at home and at the side of the residential streets with parked cars with priority given to those which will be easiest to install.


Electric charging deployment should not be a central government responsibility. This ought to be delegated to local government, but the government should offer grants for expanding EV infrastructure.


No electric vehicles are just a smoke screen - the cost to make them and replace them far outweighs the environmental benefit. should focus on other sustainable bio fuels instead


No, we should progress a blend of all the ‘no’ answers above: provide subsidies to private co’s; focus also on public transport infrastructure (and price! this should be nationalised/subsidised); and also research into other alternatives to electric. We cannot put all our eggs into the EV basket - it is not a perfect solution for so many reasons, not least the mining of core materials and the disposal of the batteries.


Yes, but they should use renewable energy sources AND more investment should be made to improve public transportation


Electric cars should simply be banned due to their high use of Lithium which is both highly toxic and explosive


No as electric vehicles are not an environmentally friendly option due to their manufacturing process especially that of their batteries


Yes, but alongside policies to reduce the number of private motor vehicles on the road overall. A 1 to 1 replacement of internal combustion engine cars with electric cars is not a sustainable goal.


Only if these stations use clean energy sources, and in case we focus on public transportation improvement


 @9F3GDHKfrom Georgia  answered…2yrs2Y

No, because we should be focusing more on improving public transportation and this would also increase the electricity bills in the city.




Yes, only if they use renewable energy sources. Also, invested more in hydrogen filling stations


Yes, but only if they use renewable energy sources, but we should be focusing more on improving public transportation


I believe the UK should become a leader in Hydrogen powered vehicles. Electric vehicles are good but hydrogen is the future

 @99JYJYWPlaid Cymruanswered…2yrs2Y


Yes, but the focus should be on public transport with electric vehicles only serving where needed e.g. emergency vehicles, delivery vehicles

 @9B8L87WWomen's Equalityanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes but work towards making electric cars affordable in the first place


yes but only if the network remans under public ownership to recoup any outlay


No Electric vehicles are not the answer invest in the hydrogen car industry


No, but it should provide incentives to private companies to build them


No. Electric vehicles are not a viable alternative to petrol or diesel ones. They now cost as much or more than petrol, meaning more favour petrol due to convenience as you then don't have to wait around for a full charge but its also unreliable especially if there are power outages but they also are not environmentally friendly as stated, it would also take a lot of money to build and fund electric charging stations and there would never be enough meaning the government have control of who drives and who won't and no government should have that amount of control.


No, the money should be used to improve our public transportation infrastructure



The government should offer incentives to private companies to build a network of electric vehicle charging stations


Yes but infrastructure for public transport and cycling and walking should be improved and expanded too



No, this funding should instead go towards improving public transport infrastructure and lowering consumer costs.


ideally yes, but it largely impractical and would cost a huge amount of money


Yes because it will be needed for the future so need to be ready for the inevitable.


Yes, but we should slowly transition away from car dependent to a train dependent infrastructure


Yes, however higher priority should be on mass transit like rail rather than personal transport


No, they should invest in public infrastructure and create urban environments that promote travel without cars.


No, it should work on non-care based infrastructure and public transport

 @98YKDQ7from Maine  answered…2yrs2Y

The government's main focus should be on public transport, rather than car-dependent infrastructure


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