Diversity training is any program designed to facilitate positive intergroup interaction, reduce prejudice and discrimination, and generally teach individuals who are different from others how to work together effectively. On April 22, 2022, Florida Governor DeSantis signed into law the “Individual Freedom Act.” The bill prohibited schools and companies from mandating diversity training as a requirement for attendance or employment. If schools or employers violated the law they would be exposed to expanded civil liability exposures. Banned mandatory training topics include: 1.…
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Diversity training is muddied by opinions, biases (ironic, really) and the needs of the few outweighing the needs of the many.
No, only for employees that commit acts of discrimination
Allowing it to get to this situation is representative of the fact that training should have been given in the first place.
Yes, but only if it is a private company
It is the company's choice to decide whether they want to give diversity training, not the government.
Yes, but only if the training is inclusive to ALL people. This would also include people with disabilities and racism against white people should be treated the same as racism against black or Asian people. ALL racism, ableism, sexism, etc. is wrong. Furthermore, the training should be understanding and educational, not finger-pointing and hostile, looking to make someone into the 'bad guy'.
No, I have seen no evidence it achieves what it sets out to do and rules people through fear tactics
The government should mandate all companies, whether private or not, to require mandatory diversity training for employees, and include a social skills training within the diversity training.
@9QTTF8GLiberal Democrat7mos7MO
I believe it important to treat everybody well in the workplace and sanctions should be imposed on those discriminating on others.
Diversity is difficult to define and sometimes only serves as convenient cosmetic window dressing. True diversity of thought if what we should be aiming for.
Only for employees who have crossed a legal boundary in this context. Otherwise it should be encouraged, but not mandatory.
No, it shouldn't be mandatory but should be highly encouraged as long as it doesn't impjnge on rights to freedom of speech
Yes, as long as it is taken during regular working hours and the employee receives regular pay for this time.
i think a test based on tolerance and prejudice should be given and those with a lower score should receive the training
@9P8VGGV 8mos8MO
If the person is inherently racist then yes, if nothing is ever said then there is no reason for it and it's a waste of company money.
Diversity training should be taught in schools so that it is instilled in children young that they should respect each other.
Yes as long as sensible and aiming to promote rather than undermine business performance and workplace cohesion and inclusion.
No, but companies should be free to require diversity training and encourage diversity and equality of opportunity in their policies
Private companies above a certain size (similar to gender balance reporting). It would be likely be economically impractical for very small businesses, especially those without formal HR departments
No, diversity training should be encouraged but not required but have to for employees that commit acts of prejudice
Why is it always that whites must be tolerant pther others but not others tolerant of white on a white country.
Always straight people tolerant of the LGBTQIA+ community but not them of straight.
Why is sexism always men on women and not women to men.
More training on equality rather than the division of diversity.
We are forcing people to hide their feelings. One can’t ‘like’ everyone. There are good and bad, horrid and kind in every race.
Diversity training should be mandatory as to increase understanding and decrease confusion, and a psychological exam for all employees, more education given to those who commit acts of discrimination, then extensive retraining and a full psychological evaluation and deep dive into the person and then expelled should they do it again after retraining.
Yes, but only diversity training with fundamental learnings that are widely agreed upon within medical, psychological, and diverse populations. Such training must be closely scrutinised and adhere to high standards of rigour.
Yes, I don't agree with it but it's not the business of the government what a private company does
As equally as people's own views and rights should be respected, I believe it's also important to consider the faiths of others when it comes to these topics (e.g Muslims who don't approve of homosexuality)
Yes. Each company has a right to require training that it believes will benefit the advancement of its goals, at its own expense. However, every person has an obligation to decide if a potential employer is in line with his or her goals and personal beliefs.
It should be a choice for private businesses and public run businesses should have a blanket yes or no
As long as diversity includes disability. Too often it does not, and the resulting training creates more problems than it solves.
No for gender pronouns. Yes for cultural awareness.
only training that are proven to work
No, trying to force people who have carried genuine beliefs for decades won’t be sorted with a hour training session. Maybe a diversity celebration day instead of training.
What is diversity training?
Yes, companies should have the right, but I think it shouldn't happen
Yes, but only for companies which employ more than 20 people.
No . Only people in public services
Yes, as long as each type of diversity is equal
Yes, but only on topics on the disabled and the autism spectrum
Allthough I disagree with it. Companies should be able to operate freely.
I don't think this has to be mandatory but it should be recommended.
No, diversity acceptance should be taught in schools instead
Feminism and woke culture doesn't matter and is pointless social justice is a waste of time
It depends on the type of work and interactions
@9ZZPXLZ 2mos2MO
Yes, all companies should require and enforce diversity training, and be require to expel any violators or people who are discriminative.
Yes but not be Government mandate
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