Try the political quiz

40 Replies



Students should be in a position where they can form their own opinions without influence from others in their lives, and only then should be encouraged to participate in social activism


I agree with this, I definitely think it's more damaging for younger generations to remain ignorant to social issues occurring within the UK and teaching them young in an unbiased well will help them in their futures.


Gives them reason to inquire on political issues and develop a broad and critical view of society.



Yes, because they are the ones who will have to live in the future created by current politics.


Yes, but only feeling free to express their opinions, not joining in with major protests.


They should be allowed to, but not forced. This will allow society is keep moving forwards without force.


No, being encouraged into social activism inevitably happens via someone indoctrinating a child into having a certain belief that they have not had the time or resources to properly evaluate for themselves.


Yes, encourage participation but also get points of view and debates with varying views.


I think so, but their brains need to fully develop and understand the reasoning towards other views and perspectives as well as respecting others' ideas and thoughts.


no they should have a choice on their own beliefs not influenced by teachers


No, putting ideas on children at a young age is manipulation of what they could grow up to believe themselves.


No because activists like just stop oil and Greta Thunberg have ruined a generation of kids

 @9H9LDS6Liberal Democrat answered…5mos5MO

I think students and young people should have the opportunity to participate and express their views as well as discussing about issus that will have to be faced in their life time from a young age and should be encouraged


I agree with this, I definitely think it's more damaging for younger generations to remain ignorant to social issues occurring within the UK and teaching them young in an unbiased well will help them in their futures.


Not sure if anyone shuold be encourged but you should stand up for what you beleive in without the threat of of being silenced providing that action is taken in a peaceful manor.


Yes, so many people have been disempowered and being taught to have a voice from a young age is crucial



I believe that they should be encouraged to participate in social activism as it allows them to broaden their view on certain issues


It depends on the age of the student. Older students should be granted the autonomy to make that decision for themselves, but offered the right guidance on how to go about partaking (promoting non-violent activism and the consequences of this). Younger students should be aware of activism, but not given the accessible tools to actively partake, as this is something the parents should deal with rather than external encouragement


No, absolutely not. Children and adolecents can be more easily influenced and manipulated by charismatic individuals who can exploit their natural curiosity and openness, due to their limited life experience and underdeveloped critical thinking skills. Information is now commonly presented in a biased or one-sided manner in media and education, making it harder for individuals to form well-rounded, informed opinions. This contributes majorly to the polarization of society on various issues. This is why there is a rise in popularity for Communism/Socialism, strong intollerance toward conservatives and wild lies being strongly pushed and adopted as the truth by a large portion of the population out of fear (eg, Males can become women just by saying so, Men can get pregnant etc).


Yes, the right to protest is key when giving the people of that country a voice. Protest should be peaceful and meaningful


No. I don't think enough research is done by themselves and they follow the trend.


yes because it will teach them about the issues that are going on in the world and they can help out


Yes, if you can’t experiment and explore your views and have the freedom to express them when young and especially a student, when will you develop this?


All students and young people should be encouraged to learn more and get involved with politics from an early age.



No. Sounds like indoctrination, unless it's uncontroversial and unambiguously good (general charity, environmental responsibility).


Perhaps if it meant people were not longer being fired from their jobs for attending protests, yes.

 @9HC9M87Women's Equalityanswered…5mos5MO

So that the politics isn’t primarily run, and participated in by older people who aren’t voting for their future.


No, brain not fully developed enough to have a concrete understanding yet.


Yes, young people who are interested in doing, so, should be encouraged



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