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66 Replies


I think it's a tricky question. Indeed, there are inevitable consequences in regard of the accessibilty of purchase of residential properties for the citizens as well as for national residents.

 @9QJDYQR answered…6mos6MO

No, as long as the properties are kept to a high standard. However, it should be easier for UK citizens to buy properties.


they should be able to buy a property only if they have a stable income and are not living off of benefits


Uk should have first consideration with a reasonable price set which if obtainable should be given to uk without foreign investors overbidding


No, but hike taxation on foreign investment, or at least implement a bandwidth on rental prices in area set by the government based on their council tax band to ensure they aren't profiting unfairly or based on tenant exploitation.


Yes most definitely. They should also tax properties over a certain value and stop the mega rich from leaving huge properties empty.


No, but there should be restrictions and they should be allowed to make profits at the expense of local citizens


Yes, completely ban the ability to purchase homes for people who do not live in the country, except for those who want to live here when they buy it.


No, land value tax and deregulation of housing construction will disincentivise property speculation


There shouldn’t be restrictions on who can purchase properties as long as there is enough affordable housing for everybody who is a UK resident and there should be rent control on foreign investors who are purely buying properties in UK to be unfair landlords


Yes, with regulations to stipulate that a manager of the property must be available to contact by the resident.


Non UK Nationals should pay a substantial levy, (eg 10% of the sale value) for property/land purchases, with the proceeds going towards Government managed housing

 @9QLQ7PD answered…6mos6MO

No just make housing actually affordable as the majority of people buying to let are buying unaffordable homes to the average person anyway so make the housing actually affordable.


Depends on the sale/ rent of the properties... if cheaper than UK investors then no restriction, if more expensive then yes there should be some restrictions,


It depends, in the PRC there are a lot of excess homes and foreign investors allow those empty homes to make capital. if the UK was in a similar position I wouldn't see why not allow them to invest.


Yes, only allow one purchase per person, and only as their own home where they spend at least more than 90 days per year.
Purchases by companies, foreign or otherwise of residential properties should be forbidden.
Any person should only be allowed to own at most two UK residential premises at any one time, including 'residential spaces' which are included on commercial premises, such as flats over shops etc.
Residential landlords are excepted, but will need to obtain a landlord license, which can be withdrawn if they get too many complaints from their tenants.


Yes. We don't have enough housing as it is, we don't need foreigners buying what little housing is currently available.

 @9PWDD5L answered…7mos7MO

Yes but reasonably. Foreign investors should not be able to own more than a certain amount of period tied to reduce wealthy foreigners from purchasing multiple properties and driving up housing prices and charging extensive rent


If a portion of the housing is allocated to the local council for housing those in need, then there shouldn’t be a restriction


Yes, if the residents will not be used as often throughout the year and if it posses a risk of inflating housing/rent prices domestically.


Yes, under certain circumstances. Citizens should not be priced out of markets in areas where they wish to live and work


Yes. There should be a limit on the number of properties foreign investors/groups can purchase. This reduces the available stock for British citizens and companies.

 @9P4595XLiberal Democratfrom  answered…7mos7MO

Yes, but only from authoritarian and totalitarian states or if it is suspected that the purpose of investment is money laundering and the money was acquired illegally.


The government should level the playing field by incentivising home ownership and ownership of small numbers of rental properties by individual landlords and small companies.

 @9NYTYQ8 answered…7mos7MO

They should be taxed more and limited. This is a system that definitely needs monitoring so that the amount of houses sitting empty is limited.

 @9NWX59J answered…7mos7MO

Only in relation to other properties they may own. So limit them to only one if they are not a resident here. This allows them to stay on the property ladder without taking advantage of rent paying citizens

 @9NVVW48Count Binfacefrom Illinois  answered…7mos7MO

restrict foreign corporations intending to let the properties, not foreign individuals intending to live in them


The government should invest in development and housing projects in the UK that are affordable for the average UK citizen


no but landlords in foreign places should ensure a quality standard of living and accessibility to housing issues as and when needed



Yes, and such purchases should be taxed at a higher rate. Investment properties should be outlawed.


It should be monitored/scrutinised to avoid huge numbers of empty homes in large parts of the capital. They don’t contribute to the local economy and they push prices up.



I support restriction for the purposes of investment, but I do not support restriction in terms of limiting non-citizens' ability to buy homes, as plenty of non-citizens live and work within the UK.


Government should have a cap on how many properties individuals should own.


If it’s the investors sole property and they will live there then people should be able to buy in whatever country they want


Yes, but we should expand this to cover all investors. There should be regulations to restrict housing monopolies.


Yes! No foreigners should be able to purchase property all the time there is a national housing issue!

 @9PLRJLQ answered…7mos7MO

No need for restrictions, just charge more taxes to the foreign investors for the privilege (I know we do already but increase this since they can afford it).


there could be a limitation on how long the individuals have been in the country, in order to allow immigrants to buy houses after being in the country


Yes, all residential properties owned by foreign investors should be forced to sell back to people in our country and the average house price


Reason for purchase and how it will be used should be a factor. If not used for x months in the year, it should be part of UK housing stock available to homeless or families in requiring housing


They should be taxed higher as ultimately they're making a lot of money by doing this in places like London and are therefore benefitting from the UK.


Yes, and foreign investors should be subject to compulsory purchase of the property for the original price (subject to inflation of currency)


There should be punitive stamp duty on purchase of residential properties by foreign investors and large companies and the money used to fund social housing.


No, as long as properties are well managed and, if rented, stricter rules are in place for pricing and housing quality


Just because you are not a UK citizen doesn’t mean you should be allowed to be a homeowner however I do think there should be a limit as to how many properties you are allowed to own


It depends...if it creates an alliance then don't but if it doesn't have an international benefit then restrict it.


we should try reduce people buying second homes without the intention of renting it out


 @9MXV48B answered…8mos8MO

 @9PR65VDfrom California  answered…7mos7MO

It should be restricted while still allowing universal and equitable housing for everyone residing in the country even if they’re not a resident


Yes, but foreign individuals planning to live in their purchased property should not be affected by this law


If you lived in a country where locals were priced out of the market, what would you do to address the problem?


Have you ever considered living or investing abroad, and how would you feel if you were restricted from doing so?


Have you ever felt like you couldn't compete in a market because outside forces were driving up prices, and how does that feel?


Is it fair for governments to prioritize local residents in the housing market, or should investment opportunities be open to everyone?


How do you think limiting foreign buyers can impact your dream of owning a home one day?


Do you believe that keeping homes affordable for locals should take precedence over encouraging foreign investments in the economy?


In your view, why do some cities choose to open their housing markets to foreign buyers, while others look to restrict it?


How differently do you think investors see a home compared to someone who actually wants to live in it?


What kind of balance should be struck between protecting local buyers and encouraging global investors in a city's real estate market?


Could restricting who buys property change how communities feel or look, and would that be a good or bad thing?


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