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86 Replies


Yes, to advance in certain areas and alleviate workload where necessary, but to use it as an assitant and jumping off board, not a total reliance on it where it can replace humans


No as it is not accurate as is being proven by the genocidal actions and use of ai drones in Palestine by Isreal

 @9NPWC5DLiberal Democratanswered…15hrs15H

Where there are technological gains to be made that ensure our deepness are kept up to date,. But should go through a rigorous ethical and technological review. Proceed with caution but don't close off to advancements.

 @9NNWNTCLabouranswered…1 day1D

I dont like the idea of using AI in defence and/or offensive capabilities, but conflicts and other countries will end up using this technology and the UK should not fall behind

 @9NNN6HSanswered…1 day1D

This question is far too broad. Do you mean general AI? That's just insane.
If not what is the purpose of the AI?
Do you mean cyber defense? Or physical defense? Cyber defense yes, physical defense no. I don't believe AI should be interacting with the physical world. That's terrifying

 @9NNMJ3Zanswered…1 day1D

AI should only be used for knowledge and intelligence and not be give free reign to pull the trigger on any decisions.

 @9NNGDSQanswered…2 days2D

Yes and no, if it has a great anti-hack and cannot be penetrated and does not become self aware of any sort then yes

 @9NND5YFanswered…2 days2D

I think they have enough issues to spend their money on like making sure their residents have food on the table and a bed at night before they invest in AI

 @9NNBW8Wanswered…2 days2D

Yes, but only because of the threat that other nations will be doing the same so not as to put us at a disadvantage

 @9NLVW3Hanswered…2 days2D

They should employ people to look into it but not until they are totally clear on how it will work. It needs to be done by people who know what they are talking about and not blindly invest in random stuff.

 @9NJVBP2answered…3 days3D

At the moment, investment should be limited to research to see if it's possible to overcome the obvious risks.

 @9NJR5LJ answered…3 days3D

Yes, but only if the tools are well studied and cybersecurity is provided. Transparent policy of use.

 @9NJM623Greenanswered…4 days4D

In terms of making defence more efficient, but in terms of military capabilities AI lacks empathy that may worsen conflicts, etc. AI is based on the opinions of those who create it and is therefore not representative or necessarily reflects the best options.

 @9NJ9Z7Manswered…4 days4D

The government should invest in training AI for defense, but it should be there as a precautionary measure

 @9NJ8C8NGreenanswered…4 days4D

No context in how they would use AI. If it was ethical and moral then yes but is a grey area which could result in dangerous applications.

 @9NG7DKCanswered…5 days5D

This is not a black or white question. It could be helpful in certain situations but potentially dangerous in others.

 @9NDDZ4Fanswered…6 days6D

Definitely not. Technology is a wonderful thing and it’s much more advanced than it was but would you trust a computer to protect your country and people who are close to you.

 @9ND5NV7answered…6 days6D

Yes, totally agree with this, but it must be used to assist in training humans to better perform tasks and safety protocols in all situations so that these skills are not lost for future generations.


Ai should be used in areas where it can improve efficiency but does not compromise decisions that require the ethical and moral context that human beings would consider.


I don't think AI should be used, but I think the gov should understand how other countries could use it


invest in improving the technology rather than implementing AI as it is now as there have proven to be problems with racism etc


Yes but only for very certain weapons and defense systems and they shouldnt be completely controlled by AI.


It needs to be absolutely secure and tested to the point of certainty that it will not be hacked or make any mistakes.

 @9N9J7C5 answered…1wk1W

As long as the artificial intelligence is being used in a safe and professional manor, and use to pick out signs of criminal activity.


Providing it doesn't threaten the publics privacy, personal security and isn't able to be accessed by the public and only accessible my high level ranking security


Yes. I don’t like the thought of it. But realistically, if we don’t - we will be at a disadvantage against countries who will


As long as we understand how to use AI safely in a way that will prevent human control, then I think it could be good to protect people.But it should never be used to invade peoples privacy and rights


I do not agree with investing more to further develop AI, if it’s already out there and has been beneficial with other countries then yes.


It depends on what they use it for. Using AI for enhanced facial recognition and stuff like that is fine. But militarising AI is dangerous and could have dire consequences.


The government should continue to invest in using data in defense project without buying in the hype of naming any data based tool "AI" to get more funding


Not if it’s going to be used as Israel has demonstrated it can be used to justify demolishing civilians using AI to justify bombing targets.


I do think AI could massively support this, however there is a still a long way to go before we can solely rely on it so it’s more complicated.


Depends on your definition of "defense applications". Use of fully-automated weaponry should be strictly off the table.


Only if the algorithm that is used is developed in the UK, so as to prevent foreign influence, giving us sovereignty over our own weapon systems and can 100% of the time obey human rights laws and the Geneva convention.


Yes, but only supplementary to and not the main use for defence applications. Caution and regulation needed in the early stages of new technology.

 @9N3QYYPLiberal Democratanswered…2wks2W

AI can be utilized to speed up process but there needs to be human controls for quality check and security.


Yes but only to shift through raw data to bring relevant information to humans that make the final call on further information to acquire and what actions to take


I believe it can be used for the betterment of the government however it shouldn't be relayed upon as it can be biased and also create unforeseen issues within a certain situation.


Yes, with extreme caution AI is new technology and the UK needs embrace AI to use as an add on support not rely on it


it depends again on how well developed the AI is. how accurate is the information they will use in défense?


Yes but the ai should be able to be over ridden and be able to be completely controlled by humans if something goes wrong


Current AI applications for military purposes have been proven to be ineffective and dangerous. They are not yet fit for purpose.


Yes, all governments of all nations should improve defence technology! otherwise the invaders will invade

 @9MY3G7X answered…2wks2W

No, in general. But... The use of machines to do human killing is obscene. If humans must continue to kill then it should be without the 'distance' and moral barrier of 'computer says'. AI should be subject to stringent international control but humans lie and cheat so that is not going to happen. Morally we need a block on AI warfare but the argument will be that it's to save lives (and make it easier to steal land and properties). At the least there should be an agreement to use AI only for passive defence from incoming threats... which will ensure that the best defended will become the most arrogant and belligerent. There are no wins without a metanoia in human nature.


Yes provided the algorithm that is used is developed in the UK, to prevent foreign influence and obey human rights laws and the Geneva convention.


Yes to AI with caution but listen to the experts. I can't see how Asimov's 3 rules of robotics would apply if you're using AI for offensive purposes, but defence often means offence. A conundrum!


Only if the algorithm that is used is developed in the UK, as to prevent foreign influence, giving us sovereignty over our own weapon systems and can 100% of the time obey human rights laws and the Geneva convention. If not then the victims of a war crime committed by AI could never find justice.
You cant convict an algorithm.


Yes, but only if the AI is unbiased, trustworthy and reliable with security measures in place to ensure there is no opportunity for it to be hacked/taken advantage of. AI should only be used to accompany qualified, human knowledge.


Yes, but in areas where no threat to life can be affected (I.e. streamlining procurement and capability enhancement).

 @9MTN2WZ answered…2wks2W


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