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97 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1mo1MO

Yes, and also allowed to use a privacy layer that prevents monitoring of funds and transactions

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1mo1MO

No, and ban digital wallets that do not contain backdoor access for government agencies


Citizens should be allowed to secure their money in any way they choose, and the government should have no visibility unless crime is suspected.


Digital currencies should have the same monitoring access that transitional currencies have. They should be traceable without damaging privacy to protect against terrorism and exploitation.


Yes, but only monitored in the same way as bank accounts, i.e. on requests when there is suspicion of fraud.

 @9Q4NR43answered…4 days4D

Government should not be able to monitor these accounts as this defeats the purpose of cryptocurrency

 @9Q46QTGLabouranswered…4 days4D

i think that many citizens will not understand the risks/benefits associated with this. More education is required before decisions are made

 @9Q3747Xanswered…5 days5D

It’s tough as it can either be used for a good reasons or for bad reasons. Only have monitors on transactions if seeing something suspicious.

 @9Q2TY77answered…5 days5D

They should be allowed to store money in self hosted wallet that the government can not monitor or control

 @9PYR3TNanswered…6 days6D

People should be allowed to use their money as they see fit without government monitoring or intervention.


Yes secure digital wallets can be used but only to a limited amount say a maximum of £10,000 per person


The government should not be allowed to monitor or control people's bank accounts unless there is evidence or strong reason to suggest that that person has committed or is involved in certain crimes such as funding terrorism and money laundering.


The government should not have any right to know how people spend their money unless they have good reason to to believe it came from or is being used for unlawful purposes.


Tighter regulation on the companies who do the wallets and should co-operate with authorities if enough evidence


How much a citizen holds should be their business and access should only be requested if any criminal activity is going on. people should be able to save their own money without fear of being taxed


Citizens should be allowed to secure their money in said wallets, but without any government monitoring or control


As long as they're declaring their income so that they can be taxed it shouldn't matter where they put their money.


IT should be based on the ammount of funds you are holding, above a set amout it should be declared and avalible for the goverment to see.


Cash is king. Stop getting into our lives and worry about running the country. When the country is solid and isn't full of rich getting richer. Stop going after the little man.


No, as income is already taxed you should be free to use your own money as you see fit once all your taxes are paid, including but not limited to cryptocurrency.

 @9NYVZ9Vfrom Nicosia answered…3wks3W

If not monitored and/or access be allowed to outside agencies, such as law enforcement, this could lead to a rise of OCGs, Terrorism etc

 @9NYTYQ8 answered…3wks3W

No. I believe we should have ‘non taxable’ autonomy over our money. However, IF the government has a reason to believe that someone is doing something illegal then they should be able to get a court order to look into these digital funds


we should be allowed to do so, but also not be monitored, as its our money why should it be monitored by others yaknow?


Good for convenience but the government would get to see all your transactions and you would have less privacy


Why on earth should the government be able to monitor personal wealth hosted digitally? Do they not understand the concept of cryptocurrency? It is supposed to be untraceable and not to be tracked or taken away from someone who possesses it.

 @9NQ7MLW  from Maine answered…4wks4W

Citizens should be allowed to keep their funds in whatever legitimate guise the deem. The government should have ZERO access to this data.


the government should not be the people monitoring these wallets, the hosts should be responsible for monitoring for illegal activity


Don’t know. (I know it’s complicated, and without knowing more of the facts I don’t have an informed opinion.)


Yes, allow private citizens to use a privacy layer that prevents monitoring of funds and transactions but allow monitoring of business accounts.


The government should not have the ability to monitor OR control any citizens money, transactions or digital funds. It is nobody's business how people spend their money.

 @9PYQ26Wanswered…6 days6D

Difficult due to the challenges in securing these wallets and offering the same protections as available to consumers in the event of a bank collapse


I don't trust the current government to do this. They will probably misuse the data to exclude people from social welfare or for immigration purposes

 @9PWZH7MLiberal Democratanswered…1wk1W

Yes, but enforce security requirements on digital wallets and accountability for the wallet hosting party.


Citizens should be allowed their own money and use how they want. Crypto is irrelevant. We don’t live in the future. Crypto should be banned/not even considered


Governments should be able to deposit into private self-hosted digital wallets. I'm against centrally controlled digital wallets.


They should be allowed to access it, but the goverment shouldn't be allowed to have any access to it


No, citizens should be allowed to securely hold their money without government monitoring or control

 @9PK8D5DLiberal Democratanswered…2wks2W

People should, be able to have there money where they want, not everything is the governments concern


Governments monitoring means that they can decide taxation. Yes we should be allowed digital wallets.


Yes, but the government shouldn't be able to monitor anyone's money, if they're not willing to disclose their own earnings to the British public.


Everyone should have the right to hold financials on digital wallets without the government being able to monitor

 @9P6CVZ2Independentfrom answered…3wks3W

Government should have no access or visibility of any money at all, ever and cash should be preserved


Difficult, we need to be able to control criminal gangs who defraud the country and it's citizens but individuals need the right to some privacy.


Governments should not be able to monitor citizens bank accounts without a legitimate warrant for arrest or investigation.


Yes but the government should have no part in anything remotely resembling monitoring or transparency.


I worry about the government's ability to monitor individual's finances, but believe that digital currency (specifically with bitcoin, etc) is a slippery slope


The government shouldn’t have access to it whatsoever. It’s our money we’re trying to get controlled


The Government should have no need or right to monitor my digital wallet or have access to how much money I have/earn as it


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