Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

Do you believe it's possible to remain loyal to your home country while fully integrating and respecting the laws and customs of another country?

 @9Q9KPSQanswered…2 days2D

Yes and no. It would be down to the individual and their experiences within a different culture or country. You can remain patriotic and loyal as well as adjusting the the customs and laws. However in doing so some may prefer the way of life elsewhere and may choose to change their loyalty, it is all down to the individual.

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

Should individuals living abroad have the freedom to detach from their home country's political expectations, or is loyalty to one's homeland non-negotiable?

 @9Q9GYQ5answered…2 days2D

They should be free to switch nationality and drop the original one, as long as